# Raku Data::Reshapers

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This Raku package has data reshaping functions for different data structures that are 
coercible to full arrays.

The supported data structures are:
  - Positional-of-hashes
  - Positional-of-arrays
The five data reshaping provided by the package over those data structures are:

- Cross tabulation, `cross-tabulate`
- Long format conversion, `to-long-format`
- Wide format conversion, `to-wide-format`
- Join across (aka `SQL JOIN`), `join-across`
- Transpose, `transpose`

The first four operations are fundamental in data wrangling and data analysis; 
see [AA1, Wk1, Wk2, AAv1-AAv2].

(Transposing of tabular data is, of course, also fundamental, but it also can be seen as a
basic functional programming operation.)


## Usage examples

### Cross tabulation

Making contingency tables -- or cross tabulation -- is a fundamental statistics and data analysis operation,
[Wk1, AA1]. 

Here is an example using the 
dataset (that is provided by this package through the function `get-titanic-dataset`):

use Data::Reshapers;

my @tbl = get-titanic-dataset();
my $res = cross-tabulate( @tbl, 'passengerSex', 'passengerClass');
say $res;

# {female => {1st => 144, 2nd => 106, 3rd => 216}, male => {1st => 179, 2nd => 171, 3rd => 493}}

say to-pretty-table($res);
# +--------+-----+-----+-----+
# |        | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
# +--------+-----+-----+-----+
# | female | 144 | 106 | 216 |
# | male   | 179 | 171 | 493 |
# +--------+-----+-----+-----+

### Long format

Conversion to long format allows column names to be treated as data.

(More precisely, when converting to long format specified column names of a tabular dataset become values
in a dedicated column, e.g. "Variable" in the long format.)

my @tbl1 = @tbl.roll(3);
.say for @tbl1;

.say for to-long-format( @tbl1 );

my @lfRes1 = to-long-format( @tbl1, 'id', [], variablesTo => "VAR", valuesTo => "VAL2" );
.say for @lfRes1;

### Wide format

Here we transform the long format result `@lfRes1` above into wide format -- 
the result has the same records as the `@tbl1`:

������say to-pretty-table( to-wide-format( @lfRes1, 'id', 'VAR', 'VAL2' ) );

# +-------------------+----------------+--------------+--------------+-----+
# | passengerSurvival | passengerClass | passengerAge | passengerSex |  id |
# +-------------------+----------------+--------------+--------------+-----+
# |        died       |      1st       |      20      |     male     | 308 |
# |        died       |      2nd       |      40      |    female    | 412 |
# |      survived     |      2nd       |      50      |    female    | 441 |
# |        died       |      3rd       |      20      |     male     | 741 |
# |        died       |      3rd       |      -1      |     male     | 932 |
# +-------------------+----------------+--------------+--------------+-----+

### Transpose

Using cross tabulation result above:

my $tres = transpose( $res );

say to-pretty-table($res, title => "Original");
# +--------------------------+
# |         Original         |
# +--------+------+----------+
# |        | died | survived |
# +--------+------+----------+
# | female | 127  |   339    |
# | male   | 682  |   161    |
# +--------+------+----------+

say to-pretty-table($tres, title => "Transposed");
# +--------------------------+
# |        Transposed        |
# +----------+--------+------+
# |          | female | male |
# +----------+--------+------+
# | died     |  127   | 682  |
# | survived |  339   | 161  |
# +----------+--------+------+



1. [X] Simpler more convenient interface.

   - ~~Currently, a user have to specify four different namespaces
     in order to be able to use all package functions.~~
2. [ ] More extensive long format tests.

3. [ ] More extensive wide format tests.

4. [ ] Implement verifications for
    - [X] Positional-of-hashes
    - [X] Positional-of-arrays
    - [X] Positional-of-key-to-array-pairs
    - [ ] Positional-of-hashes, each record of which has:
       - [ ] Same keys 
       - [ ] Same type of values of corresponding keys
    - [ ] Positional-of-arrays, each record of which has:
       - [ ] Same length
       - [ ] Same type of values of corresponding elements

5. [X] Implement "nice tabular visualization" using 

6. [X] Document examples using pretty tables.

7. [X] Implement transposing operation for:
    - [X] hash of hashes
    - [X] hash of arrays
    - [X] array of hashes
    - [X] array of arrays
    - [X] array of key-to-array pairs 

8. [X] Implement to-pretty-table for:
   - [X] hash of hashes
   - [X] hash of arrays
   - [X] array of hashes
   - [X] array of arrays
   - [X] array of key-to-array pairs

9. [ ] Implemented join-across:
   - [X] inner, left, right, outer
   - [X] single key-to-key pair
   - [ ] multiple key-to-key pairs
   - [ ] optional fill-in of missing values
   - [ ] handling collisions
10. [ ] Implement to long format conversion for:
    - [ ] hash of hashes
    - [ ] hash of arrays

11. [ ] Speed/performance profiling.
   - [ ] Come up with profiling tests
   - [ ] Comparison with R
   - [ ] Comparison with Python


## References

### Articles

[AA1] Anton Antonov,
["Contingency tables creation examples"](https://mathematicaforprediction.wordpress.com/2016/10/04/contingency-tables-creation-examples/), 
[MathematicaForPrediction at WordPress](https://mathematicaforprediction.wordpress.com).

[Wk1] Wikipedia entry, [Contingency table](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contingency_table).

[Wk2] Wikipedia entry, [Wide and narrow data](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wide_and_narrow_data).

### Functions, repositories

[AAf1] Anton Antonov,
[Wolfram Function Repository](https://resources.wolframcloud.com/FunctionRepository).

[AAf2] Anton Antonov,
[Wolfram Function Repository](https://resources.wolframcloud.com/FunctionRepository).

[AAf3] Anton Antonov,
[Wolfram Function Repository](https://resources.wolframcloud.com/FunctionRepository).

[AAf4] Anton Antonov,
[Wolfram Function Repository](https://resources.wolframcloud.com/FunctionRepository).

### Videos

[AAv1] Anton Antonov,
["Multi-language Data-Wrangling Conversational Agent"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQk5jwoMSxs),
[YouTube channel of Wolfram Research, Inc.](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJekgf6k62CQHdENWf2NgAQ).
(Wolfram Technology Conference 2020 presentation.)

[AAv2] Anton Antonov,
["Data Transformation Workflows with Anton Antonov, Session #1"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXrXMQdXOsM),
[YouTube channel of Wolfram Research, Inc.](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJekgf6k62CQHdENWf2NgAQ).

[AAv3] Anton Antonov,
["Data Transformation Workflows with Anton Antonov, Session #2"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWGgFsaEOsU),
[YouTube channel of Wolfram Research, Inc.](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJekgf6k62CQHdENWf2NgAQ).