$Id: README,v 1.69 2001/04/20 19:04:34 Exp $

What Configurator is

The configurator Component enables you to package applications and
configuration files in a one shot installation.

Distribution Details

This distribution comes with :
  * the component Configurator.pm in BabelObjects/Component/Data
  * one sample in the sample directory

The lib/ directory includes a few useful utilities
These utilities aren't installed either.

There are no tests for the moment.

Basic Installation

This component may be installed through the CPAN shell in the usual CPAN shell
manner.  It typically is:

  perl -MCPAN -e 'install BabelObjects::Component::Data::Configurator'

It involves a little more work if you have an older CPAN shell:

  perl -MCPAN -e shell
  install BabelObjects::Component::Data::Configurator

Getting The Latest Version

This component  can also be installed manually. Tarballs are available from 
several sources:

The most recent stable release can be found at your favorite CPAN
mirror.  If you don't have a favorite CPAN mirror, there's always:


The most recent development snapshot is available from :


The BabelObjects project includes a CVS repository browser, so you can
look around to see what's new.  It also has facilities for people to
submit bug reports, patches, and support requests.

On BabelObjects, you will find this same project in Java and Php (so
you understand now the name Babel Objects :-). If you are brave, come
and develop the framework in a new language.

Building The Latest Version

Downloading and unpacking the distribution are left as an exercise for
the reader.  See the previous section for tarball locations.

System requirements and compatibility issues are covered in the main
BabelObjects manpage.  You can preview them before building BabelObjects.

  perldoc ./BabelObjects.pm

Please read the Changes file if you already have programs which use
this component.  Sometimes there are changes that break compatibility
with older versions, and the Changes file can tell you about them before you
install it.

  less ./Changes

If everything looks good, build the component

  perl Makefile.PL

Then test the distribution.  This is an important step since it also
ferrets out the modules BabelObjects needs.  It reports on the 
BabelObjects components which won't work because of missing dependencies,
and it recommends things to install.  Please read the dependency report
carefully.  Tests are not available for the moment.

  make test

Now you're ready to install the component, but first you may want to look at
its samples.  Some of the samples may not work; the important thing is
that the tests pass.  

Finally you can install it:

  make install

Test Results

To do...

Test  Coverage

To do...

Thanks for reading!

-- Jean-Christophe Kermagoret / jck@BabelObjects.Org / www.BabelObjects.Org