This is Math::Fraction v.51b

Purpose: To Manipulate Exact Fractions

by Kevin Atkinson,

Copyright (c) 1997 Kevin Atkinson.  All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Version .51b  (18 Dec 1997)
Beta Release

Originally Developed with Perl v 5.003_37 for Win32.
Has been testing on Perl Ver 5.003 on a solaris machine and Perl 5.004
on Windows 95
Built on a Linux 2 machine with perl v5.003

Please send me feedback at

This program is meant to replace the old bigrat perl library.  It can do
everything it can do and a lot more.

Some of its features include:
  - Being able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide, among other things
    just like you would normal numbers that's to the overload module.
  - Being able to convert a decimal, including repeating ones, into a
    fraction.  For example, 1.142857142857 would become 8/7.
  - Being able to control how the fraction is displayed.  For example
    8/7 verses 1 1/7
  - Being able to use arbitrary size numbers in the numerator and the
  - Being able to covert between SMALL (using normal floats/integers) and
    BIG (using arbitrary size floats/integers) as needed so you do not have
    to worry about it. (New as of ver .4a)
  - Being able to have multiple default sets so that a function can modify
    the defaults with out effecting other functions (New as of ver .4a)

This is my first real attempt at writing a Perl Module and at
Object-Oriented Programming. (Although I know this is not a true-true
Object-Oriented Module as I cheated a little). I mainly wrote it to
teach my self how to program Object-Oriently in Perl and for the challenge.

If you know of any faster or simpler way of doing any this please let me

This module is a pure Perl module with no C code or complicated install

To install the module type:
perl Makefile.PL
make text
 (please report any failures to me at
make install


If you don't wish to formally install it just type:
to install it in this dir  or
  perl <Install Dir>
to install it in another location.

To test the module out use 'perl -e "use Math::FractionDemo; frac_calc"'.
Type frac_demo to see a small demonstration of its features.