=head1 NAME

Mojolicious::Plugin::StaticCompressor - Automatic JS/CSS minifier & compressor for Mojolicious


Into the your Mojolicious application:

  sub startup {
    my $self = shift;


(Also, you can read the examples using the Mojolicious::Lite, in a later section.)

Then, into the template in your application:

    <%= js '/foo.js', '/bar.js' %> <!-- minified and combined, automatically -->
    <%= css '/baz.css' %> <!-- minified, automatically -->

However, this module has just launched development yet. please give me your feedback.


This Mojolicious plugin is minifier and compressor for static JavaScript file (.js) and CSS file (.css).

=head1 INSTALLATION (from GitHub)

  $ git clone git://github.com/mugifly/p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-StaticCompressor.git
  $ cpanm ./p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-StaticCompressor

=head1 HELPERS

You can use these helpers on templates and others.

=head2 js $file_path [, ...]

Example of use on template file:

  <%= js '/js/foo.js' %>

This is just available as substitution for the 'javascript' helper (built-in helper of Mojolicious).

However, this helper will output a HTML-tag including the URL which is a compressed files. 

  <script src="/auto_compressed/124015dca008ef1f18be80d7af4a314afec6f6dc"></script>

When this script file has output (just received a request), it is minified automatically.

Then, minified file are cached in the memory.

=head3 Support for multiple files

In addition, You can also use this helper with multiple js-files:

  <%= js '/js/foo.js', '/js/bar.js' %>

In this case, this helper will output a single HTML-tag.

but, when these file has output, these are combined (and minified) automatically.

=head2 css $file_path [, ...]

This is just available as substitution for the 'stylesheet' helper (built-in helper of Mojolicious).

=head2 js_nominify $file_path [, ...]

If you don't want Minify, please use this.

This helper is available for purposes that only combine with multiple js-files.

=head2 css_nominify $file_path [, ...]

If you don't want Minify, please use this.

This helper is available for purposes that only combine with multiple css-files.


=head2 disable_on_devmode

You can disable a combine (and minify) when running your Mojolicious application as 'development' mode (such as a running on  the 'morbo'), by using this option:

  $self->plugin('StaticCompressor', disable_on_devmode => 1);

(default: 0)


=over 4

=item * Implement the disk cache. (Currently is memory cache only.)

=item * Improvement of the load latency in the first.

=item * Support for LESS and Sass.


Your feedback is highly appreciated!



Prepared a brief sample app for you, with using Mojolicious::Lite:


  $ morbo example.pl

Let's access to http://localhost:3000/ with your browser.


=over 4

=item * Mojolicious v3.8x or later (Operability Confirmed: v3.88)

=item * Other dependencies (cpan modules).


=head1 SEE ALSO






Copyright (C) 2013, Masanori Ohgita (http://ohgita.info/).

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Thanks, Perl Mongers & CPAN authors.