MooseX::Params::Validate - an extension of Params::Validate using
    Moose's types


    version 0.21


      package Foo;
      use Moose;
      use MooseX::Params::Validate;
      sub foo {
          my ( $self, %params ) = validated_hash(
              bar => { isa => 'Str', default => 'Moose' },
          return "Hooray for $params{bar}!";
      sub bar {
          my $self = shift;
          my ( $foo, $baz, $gorch ) = validated_list(
              foo   => { isa => 'Foo' },
              baz   => { isa => 'ArrayRef | HashRef', optional => 1 },
              gorch => { isa => 'ArrayRef[Int]', optional => 1 }
          [ $foo, $baz, $gorch ];


    This module fills a gap in Moose by adding method parameter validation
    to Moose. This is just one of many developing options, it should not be
    considered the "official" one by any means though.

    You might also want to explore MooseX::Method::Signatures and


    It is not possible to introspect the method parameter specs; they are
    created as needed when the method is called and cached for subsequent


    validated_hash( \@_, %parameter_spec )

      This behaves similarly to the standard Params::Validate validate
      function and returns the captured values in a HASH. The one exception
      is where if it spots an instance in the @_, then it will handle it
      appropriately (unlike Params::Validate which forces you to shift you
      $self first).

      The values in @_ can either be a set of name-value pairs or a single
      hash reference.

      The %parameter_spec accepts the following options:


	The isa option can be either; class name, Moose type constraint
	name or an anon Moose type constraint.


	The does option can be either; role name or an anon Moose type


	This is the default value to be used if the value is not supplied.


	As with Params::Validate, all options are considered required
	unless otherwise specified. This option is passed directly to


	If this is true and the parameter has a type constraint which has
	coercions, then the coercion will be called for this parameter. If
	the type does have coercions, then this parameter is ignored.


	Another parameter that this one depends on. See the
	Params::Validate documentation for more details.

      This function is also available under its old name, validate.

    validated_list( \@_, %parameter_spec )

      The %parameter_spec accepts the same options as above, but returns
      the parameters as positional values instead of a HASH. This is best
      explained by example:

        sub foo {
            my ( $self, $foo, $bar ) = validated_list(
                foo => { isa => 'Foo' },
                bar => { isa => 'Bar' },

      We capture the order in which you defined the parameters and then
      return them as a list in the same order. If a param is marked
      optional and not included, then it will be set to undef.

      The values in @_ can either be a set of name-value pairs or a single
      hash reference.

      Like validated_hash, if it spots an object instance as the first
      parameter of @_, it will handle it appropriately, returning it as the
      first argument.

      This function is also available under its old name, validatep.

    pos_validated_list( \@_, $spec, $spec, ... )

      This function validates a list of positional parameters. Each $spec
      should validate one of the parameters in the list:

        sub foo {
            my $self = shift;
            my ( $foo, $bar ) = pos_validated_list(
                { isa => 'Foo' },
                { isa => 'Bar' },

      Unlike the other functions, this function cannot find $self in the
      argument list. Make sure to shift it off yourself before doing

      The values in @_ must be a list of values. You cannot pass the values
      as an array reference, because this cannot be distinguished from
      passing one value which is itself an array reference.

      If a parameter is marked as optional and is not present, it will
      simply not be returned.

      If you want to pass in any of the cache control parameters described
      below, simply pass them after the list of parameter validation specs:

        sub foo {
            my $self = shift;
            my ( $foo, $bar ) = pos_validated_list(
                { isa => 'Foo' },
                { isa => 'Bar' },
                MX_PARAMS_VALIDATE_NO_CACHE => 1,


    If a type constraint check for a parameter fails, then the error is
    thrown as a
    object. When stringified, this object will use the error message
    generated by the type constraint that failed.

    Other errors are simply percolated up from Params::Validate as-is, and
    are not turned into exception objects. This may change in the future
    (or more likely, Params::Validate may start throwing objects of its


    By default, any parameters not mentioned in the parameter spec cause
    this module to throw an error. However, you can have this module simply
    ignore them by setting MX_PARAMS_VALIDATE_ALLOW_EXTRA to a true value
    when calling a validation subroutine.

    When calling validated_hash or pos_validated_list the extra parameters
    are simply returned in the hash or list as appropriate. However, when
    you call validated_list the extra parameters will not be returned at
    all. You can get them by looking at the original value of @_.


    By default, this module exports the validated_hash, validated_list, and

    If you would prefer to import the now deprecated functions validate and
    validatep instead, you can use the :deprecated tag to import them.


    When a validation subroutine is called the first time, the parameter
    spec is prepared and cached to avoid unnecessary regeneration. It uses
    the fully qualified name of the subroutine (package + subname) as the
    cache key. In 99.999% of the use cases for this module, that will be
    the right thing to do.

    However, I have (ab)used this module occasionally to handle dynamic
    sets of parameters. In this special use case you can do a couple things
    to better control the caching behavior.

      * Passing in the MX_PARAMS_VALIDATE_NO_CACHE flag in the parameter
      spec this will prevent the parameter spec from being cached.

        sub foo {
            my ( $self, %params ) = validated_hash(
                foo                         => { isa => 'Foo' },
                MX_PARAMS_VALIDATE_NO_CACHE => 1,

      * Passing in MX_PARAMS_VALIDATE_CACHE_KEY with a value to be used as
      the cache key will bypass the normal cache key generation.

        sub foo {
            my ( $self, %params ) = validated_hash(
                foo                          => { isa => 'Foo' },
                MX_PARAMS_VALIDATE_CACHE_KEY => 'foo-42',


    Dave Rolsky <>


    Please submit bugs to the CPAN RT system at
    or via email at


      * Stevan Little <>

      * Dave Rolsky <>


      * Dagfinn Ilmari Manns��ker <>

      * Hans Staugaard <>

      * Karen Etheridge <>


    This software is copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 by Stevan Little

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.