NAME Device::Chip::SCD4x - chip driver for SCD40 and SCD41 SYNOPSIS use Device::Chip::SCD4x; use Future::AsyncAwait; my $chip = Device::Chip::SCD4x->new; await $chip->mount( Device::Chip::Adapter::...->new ); await $chip->start_periodic_measurement; while(1) { await Future::IO->sleep(1); my ( $co2, $temp, $humid ) = await $chip->maybe_read_measurement or next; printf "CO2 concentration=%dppm ", $co2; printf "Temperature=%.2fC ", $temp; printf "Humidity=%.2f%%\n", $hum; } DESCRIPTION This Device::Chip subclass provides specific communication to a Sensirion SCD40 or SCD41 attached to a computer via an I�C adapter. The reader is presumed to be familiar with the general operation of this chip; the documentation here will not attempt to explain or define chip-specific concepts or features, only the use of this module to access them. MOUNT PARAMETERS addr The I�C address of the device. Can be specified in decimal, octal or hex with leading 0 or 0x prefixes. METHODS The following methods documented in an await expression return Future instances. read_config $config = await $chip->read_config; Returns a HASH reference containing the compensation values from chip config. temperature_offset # in degrees C sensor_altitude # in metres ambient_pressure # in hPa start_periodic_measurement await $chip->start_periodic_measurement; Starts periodic measurement mode. read_measurement ( $co2concentration, $temperature, $humidity ) = await $chip->read_measurement(); Returns the latest sensor reading values. Returns a 3-element list, containing the CO��� concentration in PPM, temperature in degrees C, and humidity in %RH. maybe_read_measurement ( $co2concentration, $temperature, $humidity ) = await $chip->maybe_read_measurement(); If the sensor has a new measurement ready, returns it. Otherwise, returns the last successful measurement reading. After initial startup, this will return an empty list before the first reading is available. get_serial_number $bytes = await $chip->get_serial_number; Returns a 6-byte encoding of the chip's internal serial number. AUTHOR Paul Evans <>