Ftree - family tree generator



    installator for Windows 7 32bit

      #If install it
      cpanm FamilyTreeInfo
      git clone
      cd Ftree-cpan/cgi-bin
      #and we can see a family tree, and
      #to his Office just need to edit the file
      #or the file with a different name, but then this name must indicate file
      #changing parameter
      file_name tree.xls
      #on your
      #and pictures of relatives should be 3 x 4
      #and they need to be put in the directory
      #where the name of the picture must be a person id + .jpg
      #all works!
      #for Unix you will need to fix option
      photo_dir c:/ftree/cgi-bin/pictures/
      #on your

OTHER Guts (you never need to read it)


      readme.txt                     This file
      config/ Settings file
      cgi/ftree.cgi                  The main perl script
      cgi/*.pm                       Other perl modules
      tree.txt, tree.xls, royal.ged  Example family tree data files
      license.txt                    The GNU GPL license details
      changes.txt                                      Change history
      pictures/*.[gif,png,jpg,tif]   The pictures of the relatives
      graphics/*.gif                 The system graphic files


    When I designed the Family Tree Generator, I wanted more than just an
    online version of a traditional tree. With this software it is possible
    to draw a tree of ancestors and descendants for any person, showing any
    number of generations (where the information exists). Most other
    web-based "trees" are little more than text listings of people.

    A simple datafile contains details of people and their relationships.
    All the HTML pages are generated on the fly. This means that the tree
    is easy to maintain.

    Note that the tree shows the "genetic" family tree. It contains no
    information about marriages and adaptation.

    For a demonstration of this software, visit or

    The program is written in Perl. It runs as a CGI program - its output
    is the HTML of the page that you see. The program reads in the data
    file, and analyzes the relationships to determine the ancestors,
    siblings and descendants of the person selected. HTML tables are
    generated to display these trees, linking in the portrait images where
    they exist.


    1. Set up your web server (apache or IIS) so that it can run Perl
    scripts (e.g. mod-perl).

    2. Uncompress and copy the demo package (make sure that you reserve the
    rights, i.e. files with extension pm, gif, jpg, png, tif, csv, txt, xls
    must be readable, files with extension cgi and pl must be executable).

    3. Modify tree.xls so that it contains the details of your family. Tip:
    Select the second row, click on menu Window and select Freeze Panels.
    This will freeze the first row and you can see the title of columns.
    See format description below.

    4. Update the config/ file (you can specify the
    administrator's email, homepage, default language etc.).

    5. Copy the pictures of your family members to the pictures directory.

    6. That's it. Call the ftree.cgi script with no parameters to get your
    index page.

    7. If you are unhappy with the style and colors of the output then
    point the css_filename entry in into your stly


    Download I use xampp XAMPP for Windows 5.6.12
    ( to install and
    configure Apache

      <IfModule alias_module>
      ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "C:/xampp/cgi-bin/ftree/cgi/"
      <Directory "C:/xampp/cgi-bin/ftree/cgi">
      AllowOverride All
      Options None
      Require all granted

    My shebang in ftree.cgi is #!"c:\Dwimperl\perl\bin\perl.exe" (by Gabor

      copy c:\xampp\cgi-bin\ftree\graphics\

    to correct show images

    I catch error couldn't create child process: 720002
    ------------------------ It was the first line in the .cgi file that
    needed to be adapted to Xamp's configuration:

      Instead of:


      One picture may belong to each person.
      No image put here and name=id.jpg


      The program can handle excel, csv (txt), gedcom, serialized files and can get data from database. Follow these rules to decide which one to use:
      1, Use gedcom if you already have your family tree data in a gedcom file and the fields that the program is able to import is sufficient.
      2, Use the excel format if you just started to build your family tree data.
      3, Convert your data file into serialized format if the data file contains many people (like some thousand) and you would like to reduce response time and memory need.
      Data format history:
      Originally the input file was a csv flat file with semicolon as the separator. It could store 6 fields for each person (name, father name, mother name, email, webpage, date of birth/death). As new fields were required (like gender, place of birth, cemetery, etc.) and the number of optional fields increased from 5 to 22, the csv format turned out to be hard to maintain. Although it is possible to be imported/exported into excel, it would be better to use excel spreadsheets directly. From version 2.2 this is possible. For backward compatibility it is still possible to use csv files. The new fields can be used in csv fields as well. From version 2.3 gedcom files can also be used.
      We encourage everybody to use the excel format. To convert from the csv format to the excel format, use script script/
      TIP 1.: Maintain your family tree data in excel using the Form option. Select all the columns, then press DATA->Form. It is convenient to add new people or to modify information of existing persons.
      TIP 2.: Freeze the first line so that header does not disappear when scrolling down.

The excel format:

      The excel format is quite straightforward based on the example file. Each row (except the header) represents a person. The fields are:
       * ID: the ID of the person. It can be anything (like 123 or Bart_Simpson), but it should only contain alphanumeric characters and underscore (no whitespace is allowed).
       * title: like: Dr., Prof.
       * prefix: like: sir
       * first name
       * middle name
       * last Name
       * suffix: like: VIII
       * nickname
       * father's ID
       * mother's ID
       * email
       * webpage
       * date of birth: the format is day/month/year, like: 24/3/1977
       * date of death: the format is day/month/year, like: 24/3/1977
       * gender: 0 for male, 1 female
       * is living?: 0 for live 1 for dead
       * place of birth: the format is: "country" "city". The city part may be omitted. Quotation marks are mandatory.
       * place of death: the format is: "country" "city". The city part may be omitted. Quotation marks are mandatory.
       * cemetery: the format is: "country" "city" "cemetery", like: "USA" "Washington D.C." "Arlington National Cemetery"
       * schools: use comma as separator, like: Harward, MIT
       * jobs: use comma as separator
       * work places: use comma as separator
       * places of living: places separated by comma, like: "USA" "Springfield", "USA" "Connecticut"
       * general: you would typically write something general about the person.
      Note, that the extension of an excel data file must be xls.
      Tip: Select the second row, click on menu Window and select Freeze Panels.
      This will freeze the first row and you can see the title of columns.

The csv format:

      Semicolon is the separator. The fields are:
      1. Full name.
       Middle names can be included in this field.
       If more than one person share the same name, a number can be appended (not shown in the displayed output). For example, "Bart Simpson2".
      2. Father (optional - leave blank if not known). No middle names.
      3. Mother (optional)
      4. email address (optional)
      5. web page (optional)
      6. Dates, birth-death (both optional).
      Examples: "17/10/49-24/11/83", "10/69-"
       Note that the year of birth is not displayed for people who are still alive.
      7. Gender (0 for male, 1 for female)
      8. title: like: Dr., Prof.
      9. prefix: like: sir
      10. suffix: like: VIII
      11. is living?: 0 for live 1 for dead
      12. place of birth: the format is: "country" "city". The city part may be omitted. Quotation marks are mandatory.
      13. place of death: the format is: "country" "city". The city part may be omitted. Quotation marks are mandatory.
      14. cemetery: the format is: "country" "city" "cemetery", like: "USA" "Washington D.C." "Arlington National Cemetery"
      15. schools: use comma as separator, like: Harward,MIT
      16. jobs: use comma as separator
      17. work places: use comma as separator
      18. places of living: places separated by comma, like: "USA" "Springfield", "USA" "Connecticut"
      19. general: you would typically write something general about the person.
      Note, that the extension of a csv data file must be either csv or txt. To define the encoding of the file use option encoding in the config file.

Convert from csv (txt) format to excel format:

      To switch from comma separated value file to excel spreadsheet, do the following:
      cd ftree2
      perl ./scripts/ ./tree.txt ./tree.xls
      This will generate (overwrite) a tree.xls file.
      The GEDCOM format:
      GEDCOM, an acronym for GEnealogical Data COMmunication, is a specification for exchanging genealogical data between different genealogy software. GEDCOM was developed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as an aid in their extensive genealogical research. A GEDCOM file is plain text (an obscure text encoding named ANSEL, though often in ASCII in the United States) containing genealogical information about individuals, and data linking these records together. Most genealogy software supports importing from and/or exporting to GEDCOM format.
      Beside the father, mother relationships, the program handles the following information of a person:
      1, gender
      2, date of birth
      3, date of death
      4, place of birth (only city and country are extracted)
      5, place of death (only city and country are extracted)
      6, cemetery (only cemetery, city and country are extracted)
      7, email address
      8, homepage
      It is possible to switch from GEDCOM to excel (or serialized) format. Use the scripts/ script. For example
      cd ftree2
      perl ./scripts/ ./tree.ged ./tree.xls

    The ser format: The drawback of excel, csv and GEDCOM format is that it
    has to be parsed and processed every time the program runs. It is
    possible to speed-up the program (and hence reduce response time) and
    reduce memory usage if you use the serialized format. The serialized
    format cannot be edited directly. Basically you maintain your family
    tree data in excel (or in csv or GEDCOM) then create a serialized file
    using scripts/ program. If the name of the family tree
    data is ftree.xls then, the following commands will generate the
    serialized file:

      cd ftree2
      perl ./scripts/ ./tree.xls ./tree.ser
      Don't forget to set the data_source to "../tree.ser" in the file.
      Note, that the extension of a serialized data file must be ser. Also keep in mind that different versions of perl may produce incompatible serialized versions. It is advised to run the script on the same mashine where the webserver runs.


    One picture may belong to each person. The name of the picture file
    reflects the person it belongs to. The picture file is obtained from
    the lowercased full name by substituting spaces with underscores and
    adding the file extension to it. From example from "Ferenc Bodon3" we
    get "ferenc_bodon3.jpg".


    This sofware was not designed so that it can handle very large family
    trees. It can easily cope with few thousands of members, but latency
    (time till page is generated) grows as the size of the family tree
    increases. The main bottleneck of performance is that (1.) mod_perl is
    not used, therefore perl interpreter is starts for every request (2.)
    family tree is not cached but data file is parsed and tree is built-up
    for every request (using serialized format helps a little). Since the
    purpose of this software is to provide a free and simple tool for those
    who would like to maintain their family tree themself, performance is
    not the primary concern.


    The protection provided by password request (set in config file) is
    quite primitive, i.e. it is easy to break it. Ther are historical
    reasons for being available. We suggest to use server side protection
    like .htaccess files in case of apache web servers.


    Dr. Ferenc Bodon and Simon Ward and Nikolay Mishin


    Nikolay Mishin


    Copyright 2015- Dr. Ferenc Bodon and Simon Ward and Nikolay Mishin


    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.


    I am in debt to the translators: Csaba Kiss (French) Gergely Kovacs
    (German), Przemek Swiderski (Polish), Rober Miles (Italian), Lajos
    Malozsak (Romanian), Vladimir Kangin (Russian)

    I also would like to thank the feedback/help of (in no particular
    order) Alex Roitman, Anthony Fletcher, Richard Bos, Sylvia McKenzie and
    Sean Symes.