# NAME Symbol::Get - Read Perl���s symbol table programmatically # SYNOPSIS package Foo; our $name = 'haha'; our @list = ( 1, 2, 3 ); our %hash = ( foo => 1, bar => 2 ); use constant my_const => 'haha'; use constant my_const_list => qw( a b c ); sub doit { ... } my $name_sr = Symbol::Get::get('$Foo::name'); # \$name my $list_ar = Symbol::Get::get('@Foo::list'); # \@list my $hash_hr = Symbol::Get::get('%Foo::hash'); $ \%hash #Defaults to __PACKAGE__ if none is given: my $doit_cr = Symbol::Get::get('&doit'); #Constants: my $const_val = Symbol::Get::copy_constant('Foo::my_const'); my @const_list = Symbol::Get::copy_constant('Foo::my_const_list'); #The below return the same results since get_names() defaults #to the current package if none is given. my @names = Symbol::Get::get_names('Foo'); # keys %Foo:: my @names = Symbol::Get::get_names(); # DESCRIPTION Occasionally I have need to reference a variable programmatically. This module facilitates that by providing an easy, syntactic-sugar-y, read-only interface to the symbol table. The SYNOPSIS above should pretty well cover usage. # ABOUT PERL CONSTANTS Previous versions of this module endorsed constructions like: my $const_sr = Symbol::Get::get('Foo::my_const'); my $const_ar = Symbol::Get::get('Foo::my_const_list'); ��� to read constants from the symbol table. This isn���t reliable across Perl versions, though, so don���t do it; instead, use `copy_constant()`. # SEE ALSO - [Symbol::Values](https://metacpan.org/pod/Symbol%3A%3AValues) # LICENSE This module is licensed under the MIT License.