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=head1 NAME

Term::ReadLine::Perl5 - A Perl5 implementation GNU Readline


  use Term::ReadLine::Perl5;
  $term = Term::ReadLine::Perl5->new('ProgramName');
  while ( defined ($_ = $term->readline('prompt>')) ) {


=head2 Overview

This is a implementation of the GNU Readline/History Library written
in Perl5.

GNU Readline reads lines from an interactive terminal with I<emacs> or
I<vi> editing capabilities. It provides as mechanism for saving
history of previous input.

This package typically used in command-line interfaces and REPLs (Read,
Eval, Print, Loop).

See L<Term::ReadLine::Perl5> for details on the API.

=head2 Demo program

Another package, L<Term::ReadLine::Perl5::Demo> is available to let
you run I<Term::ReadLine::Perl5> to experiment with its capabilities
and show how to use the API.

=head1 INSTALL

To install this module type:

    perl Build.PL
    # for interactive testing:
    make test
    # for non-interactive testing
    AUTOMATED_TESTING=1 make test
    make install # might need sudo make install


The first implementation was in Perl4 (mostly) by Jeffrey
Friedl. He referenced FSF the code Roland Schemers F<line_edit.pl>.

Ilya Zakharevich turned this into a Perl5 module called
L<Term::ReadLine::Perl>. Some of the changes he made include using
L<Term::ReadKey> if present, and made this work under I<xterm>. The
file F<Term/ReadLine/Perl5/CHANGES> up to but not including version
1.04 contains a list of his changes.

Starting with version 1.04 Rocky Bernstein forked the code, adding GNU
readline history. He put it into a public git repository (github) and
also started modernizing it and doing the things CPAN prefers,
including adding POD documentation and non-interactive tests, removing
(some) type globs, and respecting CPAN module namespaces.

=head1 BUGS

Bugs are accepted via the L<github issues

=head1 LICENSE

Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Rocky Bernstein.
Copyright (c) 1995 Ilya Zakharevich.

This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, including but not
limited to the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose.

The program is free software. You may distribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation (either version 2 or any later version) and
the Perl Artistic License as published by O���Reilly Media, Inc. Please
open the files named gpl-2.0.txt and Artistic for a copy of these
