Pod::Pandoc - process Plain Old Documentation format with Pandoc

    The Plain Old Documentation format (Pod) is a markup language used to
    document Perl code (see perlpod for reference). Several Perl modules
    exist to process and convert Pod into other formats.

    Pod::Pandoc is an attempt to unify and extend Pod converting based on
    the Pandoc <> document converter. Pandoc supports more
    document formats in a more detailled and uniform way than any set of
    Perl modules will ever do. For this reason Pod::Pandoc provides methods
    to convert Pod to the Pandoc document model for further processing with

    *   pod2pandoc is a command line script to convert Pod to any format
        supported by Pandoc

    *   App::pod2pandoc provides functionality of pod2pandoc to be used in
        Perl code

    *   Pod::Simple::Pandoc can parse Pod to the abstract document model of

    *   Pod::Pandoc::Modules holds a set of Pod documents of Perl modules

    GitHub wiki and Sphinx documentation are automatically build on each
    commit to the "master" branch (see script "").

  GitHub wiki
    The GitHub wiki of this project
    <> is automatically populated
    with its module documentation. Wiki pages are created with pod2pandoc as
    following (see script "":

      pod2pandoc lib/ script/ wiki/ --ext md --index Home --wiki -t markdown_github

  Sphinx and Read The Docs
    The Sphinx documentation generator <> recommends
    documents in reStructureText format. It further requires a configuration
    file "" and some links need to be adjusted because Pandoc does
    not support wikilinks in rst output format (see script "":

      pod2pandoc lib/ script/ docs/ --index 0 --ext rst --wiki -t rst --standalone
      perl -pi -e 's/`([^`]+) <([^>]+)>`__/-e "$2.rst" ? ":doc:`$1 <$2>`" : "`$1 <$2>`__"/e' docs/*.rst
      make -C docs html

    The result is published automatically at <>.

    Installation of this module does not require Pandoc but it is required
    to make actual use of it. See <> for

    This module is basde on the wrapper module Pandoc to execute pandoc from
    Perl and on the module Pandoc::Elements for pandoc document processing.

    This module makes obsolete several specialized "Pod::Simple::..."
    modules such as Pod::Simple::HTML, Pod::Simple::XHTML,
    Pod::Simple::LaTeX, Pod::Simple::RTF Pod::Simple::Text,
    Pod::Simple::Wiki, Pod::WordML, Pod::Perldoc::ToToc etc. It also covers
    batch conversion such as Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch, Pod::ProjectDocs,
    Pod::POM::Web, and Pod::HtmlTree.

    Jakob Vo�� <>

    Copyright 2017- Jakob Vo��

    GNU General Public License, Version 2