Hey/heyPass version 1.08 ======================== Hey::heyPass - Interface with heyPass Centralized Authentication System INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install SYNOPSIS # To send a user to login: use Hey::heyPass; $heyPass = Hey::heyPass->new($yourSiteId, $yourSiteKey); $login = $heyPass->beginSession({ successUrl => "http://$ENV{HTTP_HOST}/loginSuccess.cgi?sessionId=%s", failureUrl => "http://$ENV{HTTP_HOST}/loginFailure.cgi?sessionId=%s", cancelUrl => "http://$ENV{HTTP_HOST}/loginCancel.cgi?sessionId=%s" }); print "Location: $login->{loginUrl}\n\n"; # To logout the user: use Hey::heyPass; $heyPass = Hey::heyPass->new($yourSiteId, $yourSiteKey); $heyPass->endSession($sessionId); # To retrieve the session data of the user: use Hey::heyPass; $heyPass = Hey::heyPass->new($yourSiteId, $yourSiteKey); $session = $heyPass->getSession($sessionId); use Data::Dumper; print Dumper($session); DESCRIPTION Documentation: https://heypass.hey.nu/interface/guestdocs/ If you want to have a heyPass siteId/siteKey for your application, please check to see if there is an automated way to do this (not yet at time of writing). If there still isn't, contact me (Dusty Wilson <cpan-heypass@dusty.hey.nu>) and I will get you started. DEPENDENCIES LWP::UserAgent XML::Simple Crypt::SSLeay THANKS A big thank you goes out to all of our members at hey.nu Network who have helped us test heyPass throughly. A special thank you goes to ssba for his testing and early adoption of heyPass in his projects. And of course, thank you to the authors and contributors of LWP, XML::Simple, Crypt::SSLeay, and all dependent projects for making this module so easy to make. If it weren't for them, I would have had to actually write real code to have done this. Thanks! SEE ALSO Documentation: https://heypass.hey.nu/interface/guestdocs/ heyPass Site: https://heypass.hey.nu/ (doubtfully useful in its current state) AUTHOR Dusty Wilson, <cpan@dusty.hey.nu> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2005 by Dusty Wilson, hey.nu Network Community Services This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.