--- abstract: 'Debug::ShowStuff - A collection of handy debugging routines for displaying the values of variables with a minimum of coding.' author: - "Miko O'Sullivan <miko@idocs.com>" generated_by: home grown license: perl name: Debug::ShowStuff provides: Debug::ShowStuff: file: lib/Debug/ShowStuff.pm version: 1.16 Debug::ShowStuff::ShowVar: file: lib/Debug/ShowStuff/ShowVar.pm version: 0.11 requires: Class::ISA: 0 Devel::StackTrace: 0 Scalar::Util: 0 String::Util: 0 Term::ReadKey: 0 Text::TabularDisplay: 0 Tie::IxHash: 0 perl: 5.003 version: 1.16