NAME methods - Provide method syntax and autoclean namespaces SYNOPSIS use methods; # with signature method foo($bar, %opts) { $self->bar(reverse $bar) if $opts{rev}; } # attributes method foo : lvalue { $self->{foo} } # change invocant name method foo ($class: $bar) { $class->bar($bar) } DESCRIPTION This module uses Method::Signatures::Simple to provide named and anonymous methods with parameters, except with a shorter module name. It also imports namespace::autoclean so the imported "method" helper function (as well as any imported helper functions) won't become methods in the importing module. SEE ALSO invoker, signatures AUTHORS ������ <> CC0 1.0 Universal To the extent possible under law, ������ has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to methods. This work is published from Taiwan. <>