Test::Script::Run - test scripts with run

        use Test::Script::Run;
        # customized names of bin dirs, default is qw/bin sbin script ./;
        @Test::Script::Run::BIN_DIRS = qw/bin/;
        run_ok( 'app_name', [ app's args ], 'you_app runs ok' );
        my ( $return, $stdout, $stderr ) = run_script( 'app_name', [ app's args ] );
            'app_name', [app's args],
            [ 'out line 1', 'out line 2' ],
            [ 'err line 1', 'err line 2' ],
            'app_name', [ app's args ],
            [ 'out line 2', 'out line 1' ],
            [ 'err line 2', 'err line 1' ],

    This module exports some subs to help test and run scripts in your
    dist's script directory( bin, sbin, script, etc ), if the script path is
    not absolute.

    Nearly all the essential code is stolen from Prophet::Test, we think
    subs like those should live below "Test::" namespace, that's why we
    packed them and created this module.

  run_script($script, $args, $stdout, $stderr)
    Runs the script $script as a perl script, setting the @INC to the same
    as our caller.

    $script is the name of the script to be run (such as 'prophet'). $args
    is a reference to an array of arguments to pass to the script. $stdout
    and $stderr are both optional; if passed in, they will be passed to
    IPC::Run3's run3 subroutine as its $stdout and $stderr args. Otherwise,
    this subroutine will create scalar references to pass to run3 instead
    (which are treated as strings for STDOUT/STDERR to be written to).

    Returns run3's return value and, if no $stdout and $stderr were passed
    in, the STDOUT and STDERR of the script that was run.

  run_ok($script, $args, $msg)
    Runs the script, checking that it didn't error out.

    $script is the name of the script to be run (e.g. 'prophet'). $args is
    an optional reference to an array of arguments to pass to the script
    when it is run. $msg is an optional message to print with the test. If
    $args is not specified, you can still pass in a $msg.

    Returns nothing of interest.

  run_not_ok($script, $args, $msg)
    opposite of run_ok

  get_perl_cmd($script, @ARGS)
    Returns a list suitable for passing to "system", "exec", etc. If you
    pass $script then we will search upwards for it in @BIN_DIRS

  is_script_output($scriptname \@args, \@stdout_match, \@stderr_match, $msg)
    Runs $scriptname, checking to see that its output matches.

    $args is an array reference of args to pass to the script. $stdout_match
    and $stderr_match are references to arrays of expected lines. $msg is a
    string message to display with the test. $stderr_match and $msg are
    optional. (As is $stdout_match if for some reason you expect your script
    to have no output at all. But that would be silly, wouldn't it?)

    Allows regex matches as well as string equality (lines in $stdout_match
    and $stderr_match may be Regexp objects).

  run_output_matches($script, $args, $exp_stdout, $exp_stderr, $msg)
    A wrapper around is_script_output that also checks to make sure the test
    runs without throwing an exception.

  run_output_matches_unordered($script, $args, $exp_stdout, $exp_stderr, $msg)
    This subroutine has exactly the same functionality as
    run_output_matches, but doesn't impose a line ordering when comparing
    the expected and received outputs.

    return last script's stdout

    return last script's stderr

    return last script's exit code

    Test::More, Test::Exception, IPC::Run3, File::Basename, File::Spec

    No bugs have been reported.

    sunnavy <>

    Copyright 2009-2013 Best Practical Solutions.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.