# NAME DBIx::Schema::Annotate - Add table schema as comment to your ORM file. This module is inspired by annotate\_models. # SYNOPSIS use DBIx::Schema::Annotate; my $dbh = DBI->connect('....') or die $DBI::errstr; my $annotate = DBIx::Schema::Annotate->new( dbh => $dbh ); $annotate->write_files( dir => '...', exception_rule => { # todo } ); # Amon2 + Teng $ carton exec -- perl -Ilib -MMyApp -MDBIx::Schema::Annotate -e 'my $c = MyApp->bootstrap; DBIx::Schema::Annotate->new( dbh => $c->db->{dbh})->write_files(dir => q!lib/MyApp/DB/Row/!)' # DESCRIPTION Schema is added to pm file of specified path follower of the same name as table. This is supporting MySQL and SQLite. # METHODS ## new( dbh => $dbh ) Constructor. ## write\_files( dir => 'path/to/...' ) Schema is added to pm file of 'path/to/...' follower of the same name as table. # LICENSE Copyright (C) tokubass. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR tokubass <tokubass@cpan.org>