NAME App::wdq - command line access to Wikidata Query Service DESCRIPTION The command line script wdq, included in CPAN module App::wdq, provides a tool to access Wikidata Query Service <>. It supports formulation and execution of SPARQL SELECT queries <> to extract selected information from Wikidata or other Wikibase instances. INSTALLATION Perl should already installed at most operating systems. Otherwise [get Perl first]( FROM CPAN Install sources from CPAN including all dependencies: cpanm App::wdq First [install cpanm]( if missing. If installation of "App::wdq" fails try cpanm option "--notest" or install dependencies as packages as described below. PREBUILD PACKAGES Install dependencies as prebuild packages for your operating system: # Debian based systems e.g. Ubuntu sudo apt-get install libhttp-tiny-perl librdf-query-perl # Windows/ActiveState ppm install HTTP-Tiny ppm install RDF-Query Then install `wdq` from CPAN as described above or copy the script to some place in your $PATH: wget chmod +x wdq The latter method will not install this documentation. USAGE Get a documented list of all command line options: wdq --help query mode (default) Pass a (possibly abbreviated) SPARQL query via STDIN or option "--query". wdq < queryfile lookup mode Pass a line-separated list of Wikidata identifiers or Wikimedia project URLs via STDIN or command line arguments: wdq Q1 wdq lookup Q1 echo Q1 | wdq lookup EXAMPLES # get all parts of the solar system wdq -q '?c wdt:P361 wd:Q544' # get all references used at an item wdq -q 'wd:Q1 ?prop [ prov:wasDerivedFrom ?ref ]' # get doctoral advisor graph (academic genealogy) as CSV wdq -q '?student wdt:P184 ?advisor' --ids --format csv # print expanded SPARQL query wdq -n -q '?c wdt:P361 wd:Q544' # execute query and return first 10 tab-separated values wdq -f tsv --limit 10 < query # print result as Markdown Table (requires Catmandu::Exporter::Table) wdq --export Table < query # look up label and description wdq Q42 P9 # look up German Wikipedia article and get label description in French wdq -g fr COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright Jakob Voss, 2015- GPL 2.0