NAME test-dwg-libredwg-json - Script to test DWG file by LibreDWG conversions via JSON. SYNOPSIS test-dwg-libredwg-json [-d test_dir] [-h] [-i] [-v level] [--version] dwg_file DESCRIPTION This tool is used to test libredwg JSON conversions on DWG file. The process is to convert DWG file to LibreDWG JSON representation, back to DWG and again to JSON. After this create diff between two JSON representations to output. ARGUMENTS * "-d test_dir" Test directory. If doesn't exist, create dir in system tmp. * "-h" Print help. * "-i" Ignore errors. Default value is error reporting. * "-v level" Verbosity level. Default value is 0, max is 9. * "--version" Print version of script. * "dwg_file" AutoCAD DWG file to test. ENV VARIABLES * "DWGREAD" Env variable to rewrite default 'dwgread' command. e.g. "wine dwgread.exe" * "DWGWRITE" Env variable to rewrite default 'dwgwrite' command. e.g. "wine dwgwrite.exe" EXAMPLE1 test-dwg-libredwg-json __FILE__.dwg EXAMPLE2 DWGREAD="wine dwgread.exe" DWGWRITE="wine dwgwrite.exe" test-dwg-libredwg-json __FILE__.dwg SEE ALSO test-dwg-libredwg-dwgread Script to test DWG files by LibreDWG dwgread command. REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Josef ��pa��ek <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT �� 2023-2024 Michal Josef ��pa��ek BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.05