Unicode-LineBreak - UAX #14 Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm

Unicode-LineBreak Package is Copyright (C) 2009-2012,
by Hatuka*nezumi - IKEDA Soji.

This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
under the same terms as Perl itself.


Perl 5.8.0 or later is required.

Sombok library package is required.  If Sombok had not been installed,
bundled source will be used.

Optionally, LibThai package is needed to support Thai word segmentation:

Additionally, pkg-config will be required for libthai and/or shared
sombok library.


To build and install Unicode-LineBreak package, do:

  $ perl Makefile.PL
  $ make
  $ make test
  # make install

If you wish to disable libthai feature explicitly, do:

  $ perl Makefile.PL --with-bundled-sombok --disable-libthai
  $ make
  $ make test
  # make install


Three main modules and some supporting program files are contained. For
more details read following POD documentations:

    Text::LineFold - Line Folding for Plain Text
    Unicode::GCString - String as Sequence of UAX #29 Grapheme Clusters
    Unicode::LineBreak - UAX #14 Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm

For japonophones, PODs in Japanese language are also included:

    Text::LineFold::JA_JP - ������������������������������������
    Unicode::GCString::JA_JP - UAX #29 ������������������������������������������������
    Unicode::LineBreak::JA_JP - UAX #14 Unicode ���������������������������

For Other Language

    pytextseg: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytextseg/


Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Hatuka*nezumi - IKEDA Soji <hatuka(at)nezumi.nu>.
