PGetText - pure perl i18n routines

PGetText provides the same functionality as GNU gettext does, but it is written in pure perl and doesn't require any system locale stuff.

All your need is one of DBM-compatible modules (GDBM_File, DB_File, SDBM_File etc)

The package includes two scripts - MsgFormat which compiles GNU gettext compatible .po messages files into messages database and XText - very basic string extractor.

Perl script localization using PGetText consists of 3 simple steps:

1. Make .po file

Take all messages:

 XText < myscript > myscript.po

Then edit myscript.po as you like and write translations into msgstr fields

2. Compile messages database

 MsgFormat /usr/local/myscript/locale ru-koi8 < myscript.po

This will put messages database  ru-koi8 into /usr/local/myscript/locale directory.

3. Make appropriate changes in your script.

place following before any gettext() calls   

	use Locale::PGetText;


And than put gettext() where you need it

example: instead of 
	print "Hello world";

	print gettext("Hello world");

Copyright (C) 1999 Mike Shoyher

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