NAME Test::Tech - adds skip_tests and test data structures capabilities to the "Test" module SYNOPSIS ####### # Procedural (subroutine) Interface # # (use for &Test::plan, &Test::ok, &Test::skip drop in) # use Test::Tech qw(plan ok skip skip_tests tech_config stringify demo); $new_value = tech_config( $key, $old_value); $success = plan(@args); $test_ok = ok($actual_results, $expected_results, [@options]); $test_ok = ok($actual_results, $expected_results, {@options}); $test_ok = ok($actual_results, $expected_results, $diagnostic, [@options]); $test_ok = ok($actual_results, $expected_results, $diagnostic, {@options}); $test_ok = ok($actual_results, $expected_results, $diagnostic, $test_name, [@options]); $test_ok = ok($actual_results, $expected_results, $diagnostic, $test_name, {@options}); $test_ok = skip($skip_test, $actual_results, $expected_results, [@options]); $test_ok = skip($skip_test, $actual_results, $expected_results, {@options}); $test_ok = skip($skip_test, $actual_results, $expected_results, $diagnostic, [@options]); $test_ok = skip($skip_test, $actual_results, $expected_results, $diagnostic, {@options}); $test_ok = skip($skip_test, $actual_results, $expected_results, $diagnostic, $test_name, [@options]); $test_ok = skip($skip_test, $actual_results, $expected_results, $diagnostic, $test_name, {@options}); $state = skip_tests( $on_off, $skip_diagnostic); $state = skip_tests( $on_off ); $state = skip_tests( ); $string = stringify( $var, @options); # imported from Data::Secs2 $string = $tech->stringify($var, [@options]); $string = $tech->stringify($var, {@options}); (@stats) = finish( ); $num_passed = finish( ); demo($quoted_expression, @expression) ##### # Object Interface # $tech = new Test::Tech; $test_ok = $tech->ok($actual_results, $expected_results, [@options]); $test_ok = $tech->ok($actual_results, $expected_results, {@options]}; $test_ok = $tech->ok($actual_results, $expected_results, $diagnostic, [@options]); $test_ok = $tech->ok($actual_results, $expected_results, $diagnostic, {@options]}; $test_ok = $tech->ok($actual_results, $expected_results, $diagnostic, $test_name, [@options]); $test_ok = $tech->ok($actual_results, $expected_results, $diagnostic, $test_name, {@options]}; $test_ok = $tech->skip($skip_test, $actual_results, $expected_results, [@options]); $test_ok = $tech->skip($skip_test, $actual_results, $expected_results, {@options}); $test_ok = $tech->skip($skip_test, $actual_results, $expected_results, $diagnostic, [@options]); $test_ok = $tech->skip($skip_test, $actual_results, $expected_results, $diagnostic, {@options}); $test_ok = $tech->skip($skip_test, $actual_results, $expected_results, $diagnostic, $test_name, [@options]); $test_ok = $tech->skip($skip_test, $actual_results, $expected_results, $diagnostic, $test_name, {@options}); $state = $tech->skip_tests( ); $state = $tech->skip_tests( $on_off ); $state = skip_tests( $on_off, $skip_diagnostic ); $string = $tech->stringify($var); # imported from Data::Secs2 $string = $tech->stringify($var, @options); $string = $tech->stringify($var, [@options]); $string = $tech->stringify($var, {@options}); $new_value = $tech->tech_config($key, $old_value); (@stats) = $tech->finish( ); $num_passed = $tech->finish( ); $tech->demo($quoted_expression, @expression) DESCRIPTION The "Test::Tech" module extends the capabilities of the "Test" module. The design is simple. The "Test::Tech" module loads the "Test" module without exporting any "Test" subroutines into the "Test::Tech" namespace. There is a "Test::Tech" cover subroutine with the same name for each "Test" module subroutine. Each "Test::Tech" cover subroutine will call the &Test::$subroutine before or after it adds any additional capabilities. The "Test::Tech" module procedural (subroutine) interface is a drop-in for the "Test" module. The "Test::Tech" has a hybrid interface. The subroutine/methods that use object data are the 'new', 'ok', 'skip', 'skip_tests', 'tech_config' and 'finish' subroutines/methods. When the module is loaded it creates a default object. If any of the above subroutines/methods are used procedurally, without a class or object, the subroutine/method will use the default method. The "Test::Tech" module extends the capabilities of the "Test" module as follows: * Compare almost any data structure by passing variables through the Data::Secs2::stringify() subroutine before making the comparision * Method to skip the rest of the tests, with a $dianostic input, upon a critical failure. * Adds addition $name, [@option], {@option} inputs to the ok and skip subroutines. The $name input is print as "ok $test_num - $name" or "not ok $test_num - $name". * Method to generate demos that appear as an interactive session using the methods under test plan subroutine $success = plan(@args); The *plan* subroutine is a cover method for &Test::plan. The *@args* are passed unchanged to &Test::plan. All arguments are options. Valid options are as follows: tests The number of tests. For example tests => 14, todo An array of test that will fail. For example todo => [3,4] onfail A subroutine that the *Test* module will execute on a failure. For example, onfail => sub { warn "CALL 911!" } ok subroutine $test_ok = ok($actual_results, $expected_results, $diagnostic, $test_name, [@options]); $test_ok = ok($actual_results, $expected_results, $diagnostic, $test_name, {@options}); The $diagnostic, $test_name, [@options], and {@options} inputs are optional. The $actual_results and $expected_results inputs may be references to any type of data structures. The @options is a hash input that will process the 'diagnostic' key the same as the $diagnostic input and the 'name' key the same as the $test_name input. The *ok* method is a cover function for the &Test::ok subroutine that extends the &Test::ok routine as follows: * Prints out the *$test_name* to provide an English identification of the test. The $test_name appears as either "ok $test_num - $name" or "not ok $test_num - $name". * The *ok* subroutine passes referenced inputs *$actual_results* and *$expectet_results* through Data::Secs2::stringify() subroutine. The *ok* method then uses &Test::ok to compare the text results from Data::Secs2::stringify() subroutine. * The *ok* subroutine method passes variables that are not a reference directly to &Test::ok unchanged. * Responses to a flag set by the skip_tests subroutine subroutine and skips the test completely. skip subroutine $test_ok = skip($actual_results, $expected_results, $diagnostic $test_name, [@options]); $test_ok = skip($actual_results, $expected_results, $diagnostic $test_name, {@options}); The $diagnostic, $test_name, [@options], and {@options} inputs are optional. The $actual_results and $expected_results inputs may be references to any type of data structures. The @options is a hash input that will process the 'diagnostic' key the same as the $diagnostic input and the 'name' key the same as the $test_name input. The *skip* subroutine is a cover function for the &Test::skip subroutine that extends the &Test::skip the same as the ok subroutine subroutine extends the *&Test::ok* subroutine. skip_tests method $state = skip_tests( $on_off ); $state = skip_tests( ); The *skip_tests* subroutine sets a flag that causes the *ok* and the *skip* methods to skip testing. stringify subroutine $string = stringify( $var ); The *stringify* subroutine will stringify *$var* using the "Data::Secs2::stringify subroutine" module only if *$var* is a reference; otherwise, it leaves it unchanged. tech_config subroutine $old_value = tech_config( $dot_index, $new_value ); The *tech_config* subroutine reads and writes the below configuration variables dot index contents mode -------------------- -------------- -------- Test.ntest $Test::ntest read only Test.TESTOUT $Test::TESTOUT read write Test.TestLevel $Test::TestLevel read write Test.ONFAIL $Test::ONFAIL read write Test.TESTERR $Test::TESTERR read write Skip_Tests # boolean read write The *tech_config* subroutine always returns the *$old_value* of *$dot_index* and only writes the contents if *$new_value* is defined. The 'SCALAR' and 'ARRAY' references are transparent. The *tech_config* subroutine, when it senses that the *$dot_index* is for a 'SCALAR' and 'ARRAY' reference, will read or write the contents instead of the reference. The The *tech_config* subroutine will read 'HASH" references but will never change them. The variables for the top level 'Dumper' *$dot_index* are established by "Data::Dumper" module; for the top level 'Test', the "Test" module. finish subroutine (@stats) = $tech->finish( ); $num_passed = $tech->finish( ); The "finish()" subroutine/method restores changes made to the "Test" module module made by the "tech_config" subroutine/method or directly. When the "new" subroutine/method creates a "Test::Tech" object. Perl will automatically run the "finish()" method when that object is destoried. Running the 'finish' method without a class or object, restores the 'Test' module to the values when the 'Test::Tech' module was loaded. When used in an array context the "finish()" subroutine/method returns the "@stats" array. The "@stats" array consists of the following: The "finish()" subroutine resets the "last_test" and to zero and will returns undef without performing any of the above. The "finish()" subroutine will not be active again until a new test run is start with "&Test::Tech::plan" and the first test performed by "&Test::Tech::ok" or "&Test::Tech::skip". In a scalar contents, the "finish()" subroutine/method outputs a 1 for sucess and 0 for failure. In an array context, the "finish()" subroutine/method outputs "@stats" array that consists of the following: 0 number of tests This is calculated as the maximum of the tests planned and the highest test number. From the maximum, substract the skipped tests. In other words, the sum of the missed, passed and failed test steps. 1 reference to the unplanned test steps 2 reference to the missed test steps 3 reference to the skipped test steps 4 reference to the passed test steps 5 reference to the failed test steps demo subroutine demo($quoted_expression, @expression) The demo subroutine/method provides a session like out. The '$quoted_express' is printed out as typed in from the keyboard. The '@expression' is executed and printed out as the results of '$quoted_expression'. REQUIREMENTS Coming soon. DEMONSTRATION ######### # perl Tech.d ### ~~~~~~ Demonstration overview ~~~~~ Perl code begins with the prompt => The selected results from executing the Perl Code follow on the next lines. For example, => 2 + 2 4 ~~~~~~ The demonstration follows ~~~~~ => use File::Spec; => use File::Package; => my $fp = 'File::Package'; => use Text::Scrub; => my $s = 'Text::Scrub'; => use File::SmartNL; => my $snl = 'File::SmartNL'; => my $uut = 'Test::Tech'; => $snl->fin('techA0.t') '#!perl # # use 5.001; use strict; use warnings; use warnings::register; use vars qw($VERSION $DATE); $VERSION = '0.12'; $DATE = '2004/04/13'; BEGIN { use FindBin; use File::Spec; use Cwd; use vars qw( $__restore_dir__ ); $__restore_dir__ = cwd(); my ($vol, $dirs) = File::Spec->splitpath($FindBin::Bin,'nofile'); chdir $vol if $vol; chdir $dirs if $dirs; use lib $FindBin::Bin; # Add the directory with "" version 1.15 to the front of @INC # Thus, 'use Test;' in Test::Tech, will find 1.15 first unshift @INC, File::Spec->catdir ( cwd(), 'V001015'); # Create the test plan by supplying the number of tests # and the todo tests require Test::Tech; Test::Tech->import( qw(plan ok skip skip_tests tech_config finish) ); plan(tests => 8, todo => [4, 8]); } END { # Restore working directory and @INC back to when enter script @INC = @lib::ORIG_INC; chdir $__restore_dir__; } my $x = 2; my $y = 3; # ok: 1 - Using Test 1.15 ok( $Test::VERSION, '1.15', '', 'Test version'); skip_tests( 1 ) unless ok( # ok: 2 - Do not skip rest $x + $y, # actual results 5, # expected results '', 'Pass test'); # ok: 3 # skip( 1, # condition to skip test ($x*$y*2), # actual results 6, # expected results '','Skipped tests'); # zyw feature Under development, i.e todo ok( # ok: 4 $x*$y*2, # actual results 6, # expected results '','Todo Test that Fails'); skip_tests(1) unless ok( # ok: 5 $x + $y, # actual results 6, # expected results '','Failed test that skips the rest'); ok( # ok: 6 $x + $y + $x, # actual results 9, # expected results '', 'A test to skip'); ok( # ok: 7 $x + $y + $x + $y, # actual results 10, # expected results '', 'A not skip to skip'); skip_tests(0); ok( # ok: 8 $x*$y*2, # actual results 12, # expected results '', 'Stop skipping tests. Todo Test that Passes'); ok( # ok: 9 $x * $y, # actual results 6, # expected results {name => 'Unplanned pass test'}); finish(); # pick up stats __END__ =head1 COPYRIGHT This test script is public domain. =cut ## end of test script file ## ' => ################## => # Run test script techA0.t using Test 1.15 => # => ### => my $actual_results = `perl techA0.t`; => $snl->fout('tech1.txt', $actual_results); => ################## => # Test::Tech Version $Test::Tech::VERSION => # => ### => $Test::Tech::VERSION '1.18' => ################## => # Run test script techA0.t using Test 1.15 => # => ### => $s->scrub_probe($s->scrub_file_line($actual_results)) '1..8 todo 4 8; ok 1 - Test version ok 2 - Pass test ok 3 - Skipped tests # skip not ok 4 - Todo Test that Fails # Test 4 got: '12' (xxxx.t at line 000 *TODO*) # Expected: '6' not ok 5 - Failed test that skips the rest # Test 5 got: '5' (xxxx.t at line 000) # Expected: '6' ok 6 - A test to skip # skip - Test not performed because of previous failure. ok 7 - A not skip to skip # skip - Test not performed because of previous failure. ok 8 - Stop skipping tests. Todo Test that Passes # (xxxx.t at line 000 TODO?!) ok 9 - Unplanned pass test # Extra : 9 # Skipped: 3 6 7 # Failed : 4 5 # Passed : 4/6 66% ' => $snl->fin('techC0.t') '#!perl # # use 5.001; use strict; use warnings; use warnings::register; use vars qw($VERSION $DATE); $VERSION = '0.13'; $DATE = '2004/04/13'; BEGIN { use FindBin; use File::Spec; use Cwd; use vars qw( $__restore_dir__ ); $__restore_dir__ = cwd(); my ($vol, $dirs) = File::Spec->splitpath($FindBin::Bin,'nofile'); chdir $vol if $vol; chdir $dirs if $dirs; use lib $FindBin::Bin; # Add the directory with "" version 1.24 to the front of @INC # Thus, load Test::Tech, will find 1.24 first unshift @INC, File::Spec->catdir ( cwd(), 'V001024'); # Create the test plan by supplying the number of tests # and the todo tests require Test::Tech; Test::Tech->import( qw(plan ok skip skip_tests tech_config finish) ); plan(tests => 2, todo => [1]); } END { # Restore working directory and @INC back to when enter script @INC = @lib::ORIG_INC; chdir $__restore_dir__; } # 1.24 error goes to the STDERR # while 1.15 goes to STDOUT # redirect STDERR to the STDOUT tech_config('Test.TESTERR', \*STDOUT); my $x = 2; my $y = 3; # xy feature Under development, i.e todo ok( # ok: 1 [$x+$y,$y-$x], # actual results [5,1], # expected results '', 'Todo test that passes'); ok( # ok: 2 [$x+$y,$x*$y], # actual results [6,5], # expected results '', 'Test that fails'); finish() # pick up stats __END__ =head1 COPYRIGHT This test script is public domain. =cut ## end of test script file ## ' => ################## => # Run test script techC0.t using Test 1.24 => # => ### => $actual_results = `perl techC0.t`; => $snl->fout('tech1.txt', $actual_results); => $s->scrub_probe($s->scrub_file_line($actual_results)) '1..2 todo 1; ok 1 - Todo test that passes # (xxxx.t at line 000 TODO?!) not ok 2 - Test that fails # Test 2 got: 'U1[1] 80 U1[2] 5 6 ' (xxxx.t at line 000) # Expected: 'U1[1] 80 U1[2] 6 5 ' # Failed : 2 # Passed : 1/2 50% ' => ################## => # Run test script techE0.t using Test 1.24 => # => ### => $actual_results = `perl techE0.t`; => $snl->fout('tech1.txt', $actual_results); => $s->scrub_probe($s->scrub_file_line($actual_results)) '1..8 todo 4 8; ok 1 - Test version ok 2 - Pass test ok 3 - Skipped tests # skip not ok 4 - Todo Test that Fails # Test 4 got: '12' (xxxx.t at line 000 *TODO*) # Expected: '6' (Should Fail) not ok 5 - Failed test that skips the rest # Test 5 got: '5' (xxxx.t at line 000) # Expected: '6' (Should Turn on Skip Test) ok 6 - A test to skip # skip - Skip test on not ok 7 Not Performed # missing # Test 7 got: (Missing) # Expected: (Missing) not ok 8 Not Performed # missing # Test 8 got: (Missing) # Expected: (Missing) # Missing: 7 8 # Skipped: 3 6 # Failed : 4 5 7 8 # Passed : 2/6 33% ' => ################## => # config Test.ONFAIL, read undef => # => ### => my $tech = new Test::Tech => $tech->tech_config('Test.ONFAIL') undef => ################## => # config Test.ONFAIL, read undef, write 0 => # => ### => $tech->tech_config('Test.ONFAIL',0) undef => ################## => # config Test.ONFAIL, read 0 => # => ### => $tech->tech_config('Test.ONFAIL') 0 => ################## => # $Test::ONFAIL, read 0 => # => ### => $Test::ONFAIL 0 => ################## => # restore Test.ONFAIL on finish => # => ### => $tech->finish( ); => $Test::planned = 1; # keep going => ################## => # Test.ONFAIL restored by finish() => # => ### => $tech->tech_config('Test.ONFAIL') 0 => unlink 'tech1.txt' => unlink 'tech1.txt' QUALITY ASSURANCE Test Report => perl Tech.t 1..11 # Running under perl version 5.006001 for MSWin32 # Win32::BuildNumber 635 # Current time local: Thu Apr 15 13:11:42 2004 # Current time GMT: Thu Apr 15 17:11:42 2004 # Using version 1.24 # Test::Tech : 1.18 # Data::Secs2 : 1.16 # Data::SecsPack: 0.02 # =cut ok 1 - UUT loaded ok 2 - Test::Tech Version 1.19 ok 3 - Run test script techA0.t using Test 1.15 ok 4 - Run test script techB0.t using Test 1.24 ok 5 - Run test script techC0.t using Test 1.24 ok 6 - Run test script techE0.t using Test 1.24 ok 7 - config Test.ONFAIL, read undef ok 8 - config Test.ONFAIL, read undef, write 0 ok 9 - config Test.ONFAIL, read 0 ok 10 - 0, read 0 ok 11 - Test.ONFAIL restored by finish() # Passed : 11/11 100% Test Script Notes Running the test script 'Tech.t' found in the "Test-Tech-$VERSION.tar.gz" distribution file verifies the requirements for this module. All testing software and documentation stems from the Software Test Description (STD) program module 't::Test::Tech::Tech', found in the distribution file "Test-Tech-$VERSION.tar.gz". The 't::Test::Tech::Tech' STD POD contains a tracebility matix between the requirements established above for this module, and the test steps identified by a 'ok' number from running the 'Tech.t' test script. The t::Test::Tech::Tech' STD program module '__DATA__' section contains the data to perform the following: * to generate the test script 'Tech.t' * generate the tailored STD POD in the 't::Test::Tech::Tech' module, * generate the 'Tech.d' demo script, * replace the POD demonstration section herein with the demo script 'Tech.d' output, and * run the test script using Test::Harness with or without the verbose option, To perform all the above, prepare and run the automation software as follows: * Install "Test_STDmaker-$VERSION.tar.gz" from one of the respositories only if it has not been installed: * http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ * * manually place the script in "Test_STDmaker-$VERSION.tar.gz' in the site operating system executable path only if it is not in the executable path * place the 't::Test::Tech::Tech' at the same level in the directory struture as the directory holding the 'Test::Tech' module * execute the following in any directory: tmake -test_verbose -replace -run -pm=t::Test::Tech::Tech NOTES FILES The installation of the "Test-Tech-$VERSION.tar.gz" distribution file installs the 'Docs::Site_SVD::Test_Tech' SVD program module. The __DATA__ data section of the 'Docs::Site_SVD::Test_Tech' contains all the necessary data to generate the POD section of 'Docs::Site_SVD::Test_Tech' and the "Test-Tech-$VERSION.tar.gz" distribution file. To make use of the 'Docs::Site_SVD::Test_Tech' SVD program module, perform the following: * install "ExtUtils-SVDmaker-$VERSION.tar.gz" from one of the respositories only if it has not been installed: * http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ * * manually place the script in "ExtUtils-SVDmaker-$VERSION.tar.gz' in the site operating system executable path only if it is not in the executable path * Make any appropriate changes to the __DATA__ section of the 'Docs::Site_SVD::Test_Tech' module. For example, any changes to 'File::Package' will impact the at least 'Changes' field. * Execute the following: vmake readme_html all -pm=Docs::Site_SVD::Test_Tech AUTHOR The holder of the copyright and maintainer is <> COPYRIGHT NOTICE Copyrighted (c) 2002 Software Diamonds All Rights Reserved BINDING REQUIREMENTS NOTICE Binding requirements are indexed with the pharse 'shall[dd]' where dd is an unique number for each header section. This conforms to standard federal government practices, US DOD 490A In accordance with the License, Software Diamonds is not liable for any requirement, binding or otherwise. LICENSE Software Diamonds permits the redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, provided that the following conditions are met: 1 Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2 Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. SOFTWARE DIAMONDS,, PROVIDES THIS SOFTWARE 'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL SOFTWARE DIAMONDS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Title Page Software Version Description for Test::Tech - Extends the Test program module Revision: V Version: 0.22 Date: 2004/04/15 Prepared for: General Public Prepared by: E<lt>support@SoftwareDiamonds.comE<gt> Copyright: copyright � 2003 Software Diamonds Classification: NONE 1.0 SCOPE This paragraph identifies and provides an overview of the released files. 1.1 Identification This release, identified in 3.2, is a collection of Perl modules that extend the capabilities of the Perl language. 1.2 System overview The system is the Perl programming language software. As established by the Perl referenced documents, program modules, such the "Test::Tech" module, extend the Perl language. The "Test::Tech" module extends the capabilities of the "Test" module. The design is simple. The "Test::Tech" module loads the "Test" module without exporting any "Test" subroutines into the "Test::Tech" namespace. There is a "Test::Tech" cover subroutine with the same name for each "Test" module subroutine. Each "Test::Tech" cover subroutine will call the &Test::$subroutine before or after it adds any additional capabilities. The "Test::Tech" module is a drop-in for the "Test" module. The "Test::Tech" module extends the capabilities of the "Test" module as follows: * If the compared variables are references, stingifies the referenced variable by passing the reference through *Data::Dumper* before making the comparison. Thus, Test::Tech can test almost any data structure. If the compare variables are not refernces, use the &Test::ok and &Test::skip directly. * Adds a method to skip the rest of the tests upon a critical failure * Adds a method to generate demos that appear as an interactive session using the methods under test 1.3 Document overview. This document releases Test::Tech version 0.22 providing description of the inventory, installation instructions and other information necessary to utilize and track this release. 3.0 VERSION DESCRIPTION All file specifications in this SVD use the Unix operating system file specification. 3.1 Inventory of materials released. This document releases the file Test-Tech-0.22.tar.gz found at the following repository(s): http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ Restrictions regarding duplication and license provisions are as follows: Copyright. copyright � 2003 Software Diamonds Copyright holder contact. 603 882-0846 E<lt>support@SoftwareDiamonds.comE<gt> License. Software Diamonds permits the redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, provided that the following conditions are met: 1 Redistributions of source code, modified or unmodified must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2 Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. SOFTWARE DIAMONDS,, PROVIDES THIS SOFTWARE 'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL SOFTWARE DIAMONDS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 3.2 Inventory of software contents The content of the released, compressed, archieve file, consists of the following files: file version date comment ------------------------------------------------------------ ------- ---------- ------------------------ lib/Docs/Site_SVD/ 0.22 2004/04/15 revised 0.21 MANIFEST 0.22 2004/04/15 generated, replaces 0.21 Makefile.PL 0.22 2004/04/15 generated, replaces 0.21 README 0.22 2004/04/15 generated, replaces 0.21 lib/Test/ 1.19 2004/04/15 revised 1.18 t/Test/Tech/Tech.d 0.06 2004/04/15 revised 0.05 t/Test/Tech/ 0.05 2004/04/15 revised 0.04 t/Test/Tech/Tech.t 0.19 2004/04/15 revised 0.18 t/Test/Tech/techA0.t 0.13 2004/04/15 revised 0.12 t/Test/Tech/techA2.txt 0.09 2004/04/15 revised 0.08 t/Test/Tech/techB0.t 0.09 2004/04/13 unchanged t/Test/Tech/techC0.t 0.13 2004/04/13 unchanged t/Test/Tech/techC2.txt 0.11 2004/04/15 revised 0.1 t/Test/Tech/techD0.d 0.06 2004/04/13 unchanged t/Test/Tech/techD2.txt 0.07 2003/09/15 unchanged t/Test/Tech/techD3.txt 0.07 2003/09/15 unchanged t/Test/Tech/techE0.t 0.08 2004/04/13 unchanged t/Test/Tech/techE2.txt 0.19 2004/04/15 revised 0.18 t/Test/Tech/File/ 1.16 2004/04/15 unchanged t/Test/Tech/File/ 1.13 2004/04/15 unchanged t/Test/Tech/Text/ 1.11 2004/04/15 unchanged t/Test/Tech/Data/ 1.17 2004/04/15 revised 1.16 t/Test/Tech/Data/ 0.02 2004/04/15 unchanged t/Test/Tech/V001024/ 1.25 2003/09/15 unchanged t/Test/Tech/V001015/ 1.16 2003/09/15 unchanged 3.3 Changes Changes are as follows: Test-Tester-0.01 Originated. Test-Tester-0.02 Minor changes to this SVD. Test-Tech-0.01 Due to a non-registered namespace conflict with CPAN, changed the namespace from Test::Tester to Test::Tech Test-Tech-0.02 Fixed prototype for &Test::Tech::skip_rest Test::Tech line 84 Test-Tech-0.03 The &Data::Dumper::Dumper subroutine stringifies the internal Perl variable. Different Perls keep the have different internal formats for numbers. Some keep them as binary numbers, while others as strings. The ones that keep them as strings may be well spec. In any case they have been let loose in the wild so the test scripts that use Data::Dumper must deal with them. Added a probe to determine how a Perl stores its internal numbers and added code to the test script to adjust for the difference in Perl ~~~~~ ###### # This is perl, v5.6.1 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread # (with 1 registered patch, see perl -V for more detail) # # Copyright 1987-2001, Larry Wall # # Binary build 631 provided by ActiveState Tool Corp. # Built 17:16:22 Jan 2 2002 # # # Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or the # GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5 source kit. # # Complete documentation for Perl, including FAQ lists, should be found on # this system using `man perl' or `perldoc perl'. If you have access to the # Internet, point your browser at, the Perl Home Page. # # ~~~~~~~ # # Wall, Christiansen and Orwant on Perl internal storage # # Page 351 of Programming Perl, Third Addition, Overloadable Operators # quote: # # Conversion operators: "", 0+, bool # These three keys let you provide behaviors for Perl's automatic conversions # to strings, numbers, and Boolean values, respectively. # # ~~~~~~~ # # Internal Storage of Perls that are in the wild # # string - Perl v5.6.1 MSWin32-x86-multi-thread, ActiveState build 631, binary # number - Perl version 5.008 for solaris # # Perls in the wild with internal storage of string may be mutants that need to # be hunted down killed. # ######## # Probe Perl for internal storage method # my $probe = 3; my $actual = Dumper([0+$probe]); my $internal_storage = 'undetermine'; if( $actual eq Dumper([5]) ) { $internal_storage = 'number'; } elsif ( $actual eq Dumper(['3']) ) { $internal_storage = 'string'; } Test::Tech 0.04 * Added functions with the same name as the "Test" functions. This make it easier to upgrade from "Test" to "Test::Tech" * Added tests not only for Test 1.15 but also Test 1.24 * Added tests for the new "Test" functions. Test-Tech-0.05 Replaced using Test::Util that has disappeared with its replacements: File::FileUtil, Test::STD::Scrub, Test::STD::STDutil Test-Tech-0.06 This version changes the previous version but eliminating all object methods. Since this module is built on the Test and the Data::Dumper modules, neither which are objectified, there is little advantage in providing methods where a large number of data is static for all objects. In other words, all new objects are mostly same. Test-Tech-0.07 t/Test/Tech/Tech.t t/Test/Tech/techCO.t Corrected typos in comments. More info in comments Tech::Tech Changed the test for TESTERR and Program_lines for setting in the tech_p hash from version number to if they are defined. File::Util Broke "File::FileUtil" apart into modules with more descriptive names. Switch to using the new modules "File::Package" and "File::SmartNL" instead of "file::FileUtil". Test-Tech-0.09 Left over usage of File::FileUtil in the test script files. Removed them. Switch from "Test::STD::Scrub" to "Text::Scrub" Test-Tech-0.11 In the test script, switch to using "Data::Hexdumper" module. Much better hex dumper. Test-Tech-0.12 Removed hex dump in test script. Change test for begining printout of data, modules used, tec to 1.20 < Test::VERSION Change the test so that test support program modules resides in distribution directory tlib directory instead of the lib directory. Because they are no longer in the lib directory, test support files will not be installed as a pre-condition for the test of this module. The test of this module will precede immediately. The test support files in the tlib directory will vanish after the installtion. Test-Tech-0.13 If there is no diagianotic message and there is a test name, then use the test name also for the diagnostic message. Diagnostic message appears in brackets after the expected value. Test-Tech-0.14 Broke out the 'stringify' subroutine into its own module: 'Data::Strify' Use Archive::TarGzip 0.02 that uses mode 777 for directories instead of 666. Started to get emails from Unix about untar not being able to change to a directory with mod of 666. Test-Tech-0.15 Changed from using 'Data::Strify' to 'Data::Secs2' for the stringify function. 'Data::Secs2' is useful for SEMI clients and also provides sorted hash keys required for comparing stringifcation of Perl's nested data. The 'Data::Secs2' obsoletes 'Data::Strify' which is history. Double checked that PREREQ_PM is 'Data::Secs2' which fixes Test-Tech-0.14 error in the PREREQ_PM which errorneous used by 'Data/' instead of 'Data::Strify'. This should clear complain by Mike Castle <> that the MakeFile.PL for Test-Tech-0.14 crashes with a divide by zero. Test-Tech-0.16 Strange failure from cpan-testers Cc: Subject: FAIL Test-Tech-0.15 sun4-solaris 2.8 To: Additional comments: Hello, Samson Monaco Tutankhamen! Thanks for uploading your works to CPAN. I noticed that the test suite seem to fail without these modules: Data::Secs2 As such, adding the prerequisite module(s) to 'PREREQ_PM' in your Makefile.PL should solve this problem. For example: WriteMakefile( AUTHOR => 'Samson Monaco Tutankhamen (', ... # other information PREREQ_PM => { 'Data::Secs2' => '0', # or a minimum workable version } ); The PREREQ_PM in the Test-Tech-0.15 MakeFile.PL is as follows: PREREQ_PM => {Data::Secs2 => 0.01}, Changed to PREREQ_PM => {'Data::Secs2' => '0.01'}, Test-Tech-0.17 The POD was citing &Data::Dumper::Dumper which was replaced by Data::Secs2::stringify. Changed the POD over to &Data::Secs2::stringify The finish() subroutine was in the POD as a subroutine/method but not part of @EXPORT_OK. Add it to @EXPORT_OK. Redirected all output from the 'Test::' module throught a handle Tie. The handle Tie added the test name on the same line as the 'ok' 'not ok' and collected stats. Added printout of the stats to the finish() subroutine. Added optional [@options] or {@options} input to the end of the ok subroutine and the skip subroutine. Test-Tech-0.18 The test script could not find one of the test library program modules. Revamp the test script and test library modules and added steps to the ExtUtils::SVDmaker to have the SVDmaker test target run tests with just bare @INC that references a vigin Perl installation libraries only. The lastest build of Test::STDmaker now assumes and expects the test library in the same directory as the test script. Coordiated with the lastest Test::STDmaker by moving the test library from tlib to t/Tie, the same directory as the test script and deleting the test library File::TestPath program module. Test-Tech-0.19 Subject: FAIL Test-Tech-0.18 i586-linux 2.4.22-4tr From: Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2004 15:09:35 -0300 (ADT) PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl5.8.0 "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/Test/Tech/Tech.t t/Test/Tech/Tech....Can't locate Summary of my perl5 (revision 5.0 version 8 subversion 0) configuration: Platform: osname=linux, osvers=2.4.22-4tr, archname=i586-linux This is capitalization problem. The program module name is 'FindBin' not 'FindBIN' which is part of Perl. Microsoft does not care about capitalization differences while linux does. This error is in the test script automatically generated by "Test::STDmaker" and was just introduced when moved test script libraries from "tlib" to the directory of the test script. Repaired "Test::STDmaker" and regenerated the distribution. Test-Tech-0.20 FAILURE REPORT: Subject: FAIL Test-Tech-0.19 i586-linux 2.4.22-4tr To: From: Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2004 05:07:51 -0300 (ADT) [snip] Can't locate Data/ in @INC [snip] As such, adding the prerequisite module(s) to 'PREREQ_PM' in your Makefile.PL should solve this problem. For example: WriteMakefile( AUTHOR => 'Samson Monaco Tutankhamen (', ... # other information PREREQ_PM => { 'Data::Secs2' => '0', # or a minimum workable version } ); [snip] CORRECTIVE ACTION: An exam of MakeFile.PL revealed the following: WriteMakefile( # [snip] PREREQ_PM => {'Data::Secs2' => '0.01'}, # [snip] ); Cannot see anything wrong with the PREREQ_PM statement. The only possibilities that come to mind are either CPAN not processing the prereq_pm properly, same syntax problem with "PREREQ_PM " or because the test script uses "Test::Tech" to test "Test::Tech", the prereq is processed too late. Added "Data::Secs2" to the test library so the test will run. Test-Tech-0.21 For "Test" module, version 1.20 or greater, changed so it sents failure messages when skip flag turned on for "&Test::Tech::ok" and "&Test::Tech::ok" out "$Test::TESTERR" instead of "$Test::TESTOUT". For "&Test::Tech::finish" automatically generate failure messages for all missing (not performed) test when the skip rest of tests flag is on. The "FindBIN" that runs fine on Win because Win file spec is case insensitive and Unix whats case sensitive "FindBin" was fixed with on test "Test::Test". However, overlooked all the test scripts that the top test script runs, grabs the output and compares to expected ouput stored in files. Corrected the "FindBin" for following test software: "TechA0.t TechB0.t TechC0.t TechD0.d TechE0.t" Test-Tech-0.22 The "Data::SecsPack" program module is now required to run the "Test::Tech" program module. Added a print out of the "Data::SecsPack" version to the "plan" subroutine as follows: # Data::Secs2 : $Data::SecsPack::VERSION 3.4 Adaptation data. This installation requires that the installation site has the Perl programming language installed. There are no other additional requirements or tailoring needed of configurations files, adaptation data or other software needed for this installation particular to any installation site. 3.5 Related documents. There are no related documents needed for the installation and test of this release. 3.6 Installation instructions. Instructions for installation, installation tests and installation support are as follows: Installation Instructions. To installed the release file, use the CPAN module pr PPM module in the Perl release or the INSTALL.PL script at the following web site: Follow the instructions for the the chosen installation software. If all else fails, the file may be manually installed. Enter one of the following repositories in a web browser: http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ Right click on 'Test-Tech-0.22.tar.gz' and download to a temporary installation directory. Enter the following where $make is 'nmake' for microsoft windows; otherwise 'make'. gunzip Test-Tech-0.22.tar.gz tar -xf Test-Tech-0.22.tar perl Makefile.PL $make test $make install On Microsoft operating system, nmake, tar, and gunzip must be in the exeuction path. If tar and gunzip are not install, download and install unxutils from Prerequistes. 'Data::Secs2' => '0.03', 'Data::SecsPack' => '0.01', 'Test' => '1.20', Security, privacy, or safety precautions. None. Installation Tests. Most Perl installation software will run the following test script(s) as part of the installation: t/Test/Tech/Tech.t Installation support. If there are installation problems or questions with the installation contact 603 882-0846 E<lt>support@SoftwareDiamonds.comE<gt> 3.7 Possible problems and known errors Known issues are as follows: Merge with the "Test" module The "Test::Tech" capabilites could be incorporated into the "Test" program module and "Test::Tech" eliminated. TestLevel and Program_Lines The "Test" module does not take the *$TestLevel* value into account where it chooses the module to load the *%Program_Line* hash. Since the the Test::Tech manpage module adds a module layer in between the the Test manpage module that the test script, the *$TestLevel* must be set to 1. Thus, the the Test manpage module loads the the Test::Tech manpage module into *%Program_Line* hash instead of the Module Under Test. 4.0 NOTES The following are useful acronyms: .d extension for a Perl demo script file .pm extension for a Perl Library Module .t extension for a Perl test script file 2.0 SEE ALSO Test::Tech Docs::US_DOD::SVD