NAME PYX - A perl module for PYX handling. SYNOPSIS use PYX qw(attribute char comment end_tag instruction start_tag); my @data = attribute(@attr); my @data = char($char); my @data = comment($comment); my @data = end_tag($tag); my @data = instruction($target, $code); my @data = start_tag($tag, @attr); SUBROUTINES "attribute(@attr)" Encode attribute as PYX. Returns array of encoded lines. "char($char)" Encode characters between elements as PYX. Returns array of encoded lines. "comment($comment)" Encode comment as PYX. Returns array of encoded lines. "end_tag($tag)" Encode end of element as PYX. Returns array of encoded lines. "instruction($target, $code)" Encode instruction as PYX. Returns array of encoded lines. "start_tag($tag, @attr)" Encode begin of element as PYX. Returns array of encoded lines. EXAMPLE # Pragmas. use strict; use warnings; # Modules. use PYX qw(attribute char comment end_tag instruction start_tag); # Example output. my @data = ( instruction('xml', 'foo'), start_tag('tag'), attribute('key', 'val'), comment('comment'), char('data'), end_tag('tag'), ); # Print out. map { print $_."\n" } @data; # Output: # ?xml foo # (tag # Akey val # _comment # -data # )tag DEPENDENCIES Exporter, PYX::Utils, Readonly. SEE ALSO App::SGML2PYX, PYX::Checker, PYX::Filter, PYX::GraphViz, PYX::Optimalization, PYX::Parser, PYX::Sort, PYX::Stack, PYX::Utils, PYX::Write::Raw, PYX::Write::Tags, PYX::Write::Tags::Code, PYX::XMLNorm. AUTHOR Michal ��pa��ek LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.01