=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME

ful - a useI<ful> "B<f>ind B<u>pper B<l>ib" pragma that ascends dirs to include
module directories in C<@INC>.


One line to rule them all.

    use ful;

Within C<a-script.pl> when your project looks like this:

    ��������� bin/
    ���   ��������� utils/
    ���       ��������� a-script.pl
    ��������� lib/
    ��������� vendor/
    ���   ��������� SomeOrg/
    ���       ��������� Some/
    ���           ��������� Module.pm

And that's it.

And if you need more than just the C<project-root/lib> dir, you can do this:

    use ful qw/vendor lib/;

Instead of:

    use lib::relative '../../lib';
    use lib::relative '../../vendor';
    # or
    use FindBin;
    use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
    use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../vendor";
    # or even
    BEGIN {
        use Path::Tiny;
        my $base = path(__FILE__)->parent;
        $base = $base->parent until -d "$base/lib" or $base->is_rootdir;
        unshift @INC, "$base/lib", "$base/vendor";

=head1 VERSION


=head1 SUPPORT

Support is by the author. Please file bug reports or ask questions at