Test2::Tools::DOM - Tools to test HTML/XML-based DOM representations
use Test2::V0;
use Test2::Tools::DOM;
my $html = <<'HTML';
A test document
Some text
is $html, dom {
children bag {
item dom { tag 'body' };
item dom { tag 'head' };
at 'link[rel=icon]' => dom {
attr href => 'favicon.ico'
find '.paragraph' => array {
item dom { text 'Some text' };
Test2::Tools::DOM exports a set of testing functions designed to make it
easier to write declarative tests for XML-based DOM representations. This
will most commonly be HTML documents, but it can include other similar types
of documents (eg. SVG images, other XML documents, etc).
Unless otherwise stated, the functions described in this section are exported
by default by this distribution.
Most of the heavy lifting behind the scenes is done by [Mojo::DOM58](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3ADOM58), and
most of the functions described below are thin wrappers around the methods
in that class with the same names.
Likewise, several of them support
[CSS selectors](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo::DOM58#SELECTORS)
for filtering the elements they will return.
Please refer to [that distribution's documentation](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3ADOM58) for
additional details.
## dom
dom { ... }
Starts a new DOM testing context. It takes a single block, inside which the
rest of the functions described in this section can be used.
It can be used as the check in any [Test2](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test2) testing method.
The input can either be a [Mojo::DOM58](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3ADOM58) object, or a string with the text
representation of the DOM, which will be passed to the [Mojo::DOM58](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3ADOM58)
For convenience, if the input is at the root node of the DOM tree, it will be
advanced to its first child element, if one exists.
## all\_text
all_text CHECK
Takes a check only. Extracts the text content from all descendants of this
element (by calling
['all\_text' on the Mojo::DOM58 object](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3ADOM58#all_text)), and this is
passed to the provided check.
is '
Hello, World!
', dom {
all_text 'Hello, World!'; # OK: includes text in descendants
text 'Hello, '; # OK: use text for the text of this element only
## at
Takes a selector and a check. The selector is used to find the first matching
descendant (by calling ['at' on the Mojo::DOM58 object](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3ADOM58#at)), and
this is passed to the provided check.
[Test2 existence checks](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test2::Tools::Compare/QUICK-CHECKS)
can be used to check whether a given selector matches or not.
is '
', dom {
attr id => 'a'; # OK, we start at #a
at '#b' => dom {
attr id => 'b'; # OK, we've moved to #b
at '#c' => DNE; # OK, this element does not exist
# A missing element matches U, F, and DNE
# A present element matches D, T, and E
## attr
attr CHECK
Takes either a single check, or the name of an attribute and a check.
When called without a name, all attributes are fetched and passed to the
check as a hashref (by calling
['attr' on the Mojo::DOM58 object](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3ADOM58#attr)), and this is passed to the
provided check.
When called with a name, only the attribute with that name will be read
and passed to the check.
is '', dom {
# Get a hashref with all attributes
# Hashref is then checked using standard Perl logic
attr hash {
field type => 'checkbox';
field name => 'answer';
field value => 42;
field checked => E; # OK: the attribute exists
field checked => U; # OK: the attribute has no value
field checked => F; # OK: undefined is false in Perl-land
When fetching a single value, the
[Test2 boolean and existence checks](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test2::Tools::Compare/QUICK-CHECKS)
will be interpreted using XML-logic rather than Perl-logic: an attribute
without a value in the DOM will be undefined but true.
is '', dom {
attr type => 'checkbox';
attr name => 'answer';
attr value => 42;
# When fetching individual attributes, checks use XML-logic
attr checked => E; # OK: the attribute exists
attr checked => U; # OK: the attribute has no value, so it's undefined
attr checked => T; # OK: the attribute is present, so it's true
## call
call_list ...
call_hash ...
_Supported from version 0.004003_.
Within the test context created by the ["dom"](#dom) keyword the 'call' family of
keywords provided by [Test2::Tools::Compare](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test2%3A%3ATools%3A%3ACompare) can be used to make calls on the
underlying [Mojo::DOM58](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3ADOM58) object as if the test were using the
[object builder](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test2%3A%3ATools%3A%3ACompare#OBJECT-BUILDER).
Please refer to the documentation in that distribution for more details on
how to use this keyword.
Since this is a core function from [Test2::Suite](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test2%3A%3ASuite), it will not be exported by
this distribution.
## children
children CHECK
Takes either a single check, or a selector and a check.
When called without a selector, all direct children of the current element
will be passed to the check as a possibly empty arrayref (by calling
['children' on the Mojo::DOM58 object](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3ADOM58#children)).
When called with a selector, only children that match will be passed to the
is '
', dom {
children [
# First child is
dom { tag 'p' },
# Second child is
dom {
tag 'ol';
children li => [
dom { text 'A' },
dom { text 'B' },
## content
content CHECK
Takes a check only. Extracts the raw content from this element and all its
descendants (by calling
['content' on the Mojo::DOM58 object](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3ADOM58#content)), and this is passed
to the provided check.
is '
Hello, World!
', dom {
content 'Hello, World!';
at em => dom { content 'World!' };
## find
Takes a selector and a check. The selector will be used to find all the
matching descendants of this elements, which will be passed to the check as a
possibly empty arrayref (by calling
['find' on the Mojo::DOM58 object](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3ADOM58#find)).
is '
', dom {
# Find all matching direct and indirect children
find p => [
dom { text 'A' },
dom { text 'B' },
dom { text 'C' },
## tag
Takes a check only. Extracts the tag of the current element (by calling
['tag' on the Mojo::DOM58 object](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3ADOM58#tag)), and this is passed to
the provided check.
is '', dom { tag 'p' };
## text
text CHECK
Takes a check only. Extracts the text content from this element only (by
calling ['text' on the Mojo::DOM58 object](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3ADOM58#text)), and this is
passed to the provided check.
is '
Hello, World!
', dom {
text 'Hello, '; # OK: 'World!' is not in this element
all_text 'Hello, World!'; # OK: use all_text for descendants' text
## val
_Available from version 0.004_.
Takes a check only. Extracts the value from this element (by calling
['val' on the Mojo::DOM58 object](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3ADOM58#val)), and this is
passed to the provided check.
is '', dom {
val 42;
attr value => 42; # The same, but longer
- [Test2::Tools::HTTP](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test2%3A%3ATools%3A%3AHTTP)
A perfect companion to this distribution: Test2::Tools::HTTP supports the
requests, Test2::Tools::DOM can be used to check the responses.
- [Test2::MojoX](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test2%3A%3AMojoX)
If you are used to using Test::Mojo and are looking for a way to use it with
the Test2 suite, then this distribution might be the right one for your needs.
Copyright 2022 Jos�� Joaqu��n Atria
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the Artistic License 2.0.