Tk::JBrowseEntry - Full-featured "Combo-box" (Text-entry combined with
    drop-down listbox) derived from Tk::BrowseEntry with many additional
    features and options.

            use Tk;
            use Tk::JBrowseEntry;

            my $mw = MainWindow->new;
            my $var;

            my $widget = $mw->JBrowseEntry(
                    -label => 'Normal:',
                    -variable => \$var,
                    -state => 'normal',
                    -choices => [qw(pigs cows foxes goats)],
                    -width  => 12
                    -side   => 'top',
                    -pady => '10',
                    -anchor => 'w');


    Tk::JBrowseEntry is a derived widget from Tk::BrowseEntry, but adds
    numerous features and options. Among them are hash lists (one set of
    values is displayed for the user, but another is used as data), ability
    to disable either the text entry widget or the listbox, ability to allow
    user to delete items from the list, additional keyboard bindings,
    ability to have the drop-down list "fixed" (always displayed, ability to
    use Tk::HListbox, ie. to include thumbnail icons in the list),
    customized key bindings and behaviour, and much more!

    JBrowseEntry widgets allow one to specify a full combo-box, a "readonly"
    box (text field allows user to type the 1st letter of an item to search
    for, but user may only ultimately select one of the items in the list);
    a "textonly" version (drop-down list and list pattern-matching
    disabled); a "text" version (drop-down list disabled), but the up, down,
    and right arrows will still do text-completion by matching against the
    choices in the list; or a completely disabled widget.

    This widget is similar to other combo-boxes, ie. JComboBox, but has
    better keyboard bindings and allows for quick lookup/search within the
    listbox. pressing <RETURN> in entry field displays the drop-down box
    with the first entry most closly matching whatever's in the entry field
    highlighted. Pressing <RETURN> or <SPACE> in the listbox selects the
    highlighted entry and copies it to the text field and removes the
    listbox. <ESC> removes the listbox from view. <UP> and <DOWN> arrows
    work the listbox as well as pressing a key, which will move the
    highlight to the next item starting with that letter/number, etc. <UP>
    and <DOWN> arrows pressed within the entry field circle through the
    various list options as well (unless "-state" is set to 'textonly'). Set
    "-state" to "text" to disable the drop-down list, but allow <UP> and
    <DOWN> to cycle among the choices. Setting "-state" to 'textonly'
    completely hides the choices list from the user - he must type in his
    choice just like a normal entry widget.

    One may also specify whether or not the button which activates the
    drop-down list via the mouse can take focus or not (-btntakesfocus) or
    whether the widget itself can take focus or is skipped in the focusing
    order. The developer can also specify alternate bitmap images for the
    button (-arrowimage and / or -farrowimage). The developer can also
    specify the maximum length of the drop-down list such that if more than
    that number of items is added, a vertical scrollbar is automatically
    added (-height). A fixed width in characters (-width) can be specified,
    or the widget can be allowed to resize itself to the width of the
    longest string in the list. The listbox and text entry field are
    automatically kept to the same width.

    One can optionally specify a label (-label), similar to the "LabEntry"
    widget. By default, the label appears packed to the left of the widget.
    The positioning can be specified via the "-labelPack" option. For
    example, to position the label above the widget, use "-labelPack =>
    [-side => 'top']".

     It is easiest to illustrate this widget's capabilities via examples:
     use Tk;
     use Tk::JBrowseEntry;
     $MainWin = MainWindow->new;
     $dbname1 = 'cows';
     $dbname2 = 'foxes';
     $dbname3 = 'goats';
     $dbname5 = 'default';
     $jb1 = $MainWin->JBrowseEntry(
            -label => 'Normal:',
            -variable => \$dbname1,
            -state => 'normal',
            -choices => [qw(pigs cows foxes goats)],
            -width  => 12);
            -side   => 'top', -pady => '10', -anchor => 'w');
     $jb2 = $MainWin->JBrowseEntry(
            -label => 'TextOnly:',
            -variable => \$dbname2,
            -state => 'text',
            -choices => [qw(pigs cows foxes goats)],
            -width  => 12);
            -side   => 'top', -pady => '10', -anchor => 'w');
     $jb3 = $MainWin->JBrowseEntry(
            -label => 'ReadOnly:',
            -variable => \$dbname3,
            -choices => [qw(pigs cows foxes goats)],
            -state => 'readonly',
            -width  => 12);
            -side   => 'top', -pady => '10', -anchor => 'w');
     $jb4 = $MainWin->JBrowseEntry(
            -label => 'Disabled:',
            -variable => \$dbname3,
            -state => 'disabled',
            -choices => [qw(pigs cows foxes goats)],
            -width  => 12);
            -side   => 'top', -pady => '10', -anchor => 'w');
     $jb5 = $MainWin->JBrowseEntry(
            -label => 'Scrolled List:',
            -width => 12,
            -default => $dbname5,
            -height => 4,
            -variable => \$dbname5,
            -browsecmd => sub {print "-browsecmd!\n";},
            -listcmd => sub {print "-listcmd!\n";},
            -state => 'normal',
            -choices => [qw(pigs cows foxes goats horses sheep dogs cats ardvarks default)]);
            -side   => 'top', -pady => '10', -anchor => 'w');
     $jb6 = $MainWin->JBrowseEntry(
            -label => 'Button Focus:',
            -btntakesfocus => 1,
            -arrowimage => $MainWin->Getimage('balArrow'),   #SPECIFY A DIFFERENT BUTTON IMAGE.
            -farrowimage => $MainWin->Getimage('cbxarrow'),  #OPTIONAL 2ND IMAGE FOR BUTTON WHEN FOCUSED. 
            -width => 12,
            -height => 4,
            -variable => \$dbname6,
            -browsecmd => sub {print "-browsecmd!\n";},
            -listcmd => sub {print "-listcmd!\n";},
            -state => 'normal',
            -choices => [qw(pigs cows foxes goats horses sheep dogs cats ardvarks default)]);
            -side   => 'top', -pady => '10', -anchor => 'w');
     $jb7 = $MainWin->JBrowseEntry(
            -label => 'Skip Focus:',
            -takefocus => 0,
            -width => 12,
            -height => 4,
            -variable => \$dbname7,
            -browsecmd => sub {print "-browsecmd!\n";},
            -listcmd => sub {print "-listcmd!\n";},
            -state => 'normal',
            -choices => [qw(pigs cows foxes goats horses sheep dogs cats ardvarks default)]);
            -side   => 'top', -pady => '10', -anchor => 'w');
     $jb7->choices([qw(First Second Fifth Sixth)]);   #REPLACE LIST CHOICES!
     $jb7->insert(2, 'Third', 'Fourth');              #ADD MORE AFTER 1ST 2.
     $jb7->insert('end', [qw(Seventh Oops Eighth)]);  #ADD STILL MORE AT END.
     $jb7->delete(7);                                 #REMOVE ONE.
     $b = $MainWin->Button(-text => 'Quit', -command => sub {exit(); });
     $b->pack(-side => 'top');

    Tk::BrowseEntry Tk::HListbox Tk::Listbox Tk::JComboBox Tk::Entry

    -state => *'normal' | 'readonly' | 'text' | 'textonly' | 'disabled'*
        Default: 'normal'

        JBrowseEntry supports 5 different states:

            *normal*: Default operation -- Both text entry field and
            drop-down list button function normally.

            *readonly*: Drop-down list functions normally. When text entry
            field has focus, user may type in a letter, and the drop-down
            list immediately drops down and the first/ next matching item
            becomes highlighted. The user must ultimately select from the
            list of valid entries and may not enter anything else.

            *text*: Text entry functions normally, but drop-down list button
            is disabled. User must type in an entry or use the up and down
            arrows to choose from among the list items.

            *textonly*: Similar to "text": Text entry functions normally,
            but drop-down list button is disabled. User must type in an
            entry. The list choices are completely hidden from the user.

            *disabled*: Widget is completely disabled and greyed out. It
            will not activate or take focus.

        Allows one to specify alternate binding schema for certain keys.
        Each binding pair may be separated by a comma, semicolon, colon,
        space, or virtical bar. Case is insensitive. Currently valid values

        "Return=Go" - causes [Return] key to roll up the drop-down list and
        invoke the *-browsecmd* callback, if any.

        "Return=NonEmptyGo" - same as "Return=Go" if the text field is
        non-empty, otherwises pops up the drop-down list.

        "Return=SingleGo" - same as "Return=Go" if there are no choices in
        the drop-down list (instead of popping up the drop-down list).

        "Return=Next" - causes pressing the [Return] key to advance the
        focus to the next widget in the main window.

        "Right=NoSearch" - Do not complete the text in the text field with
        the next matching value found in the choices list when the
        [Right-arrow] key is pressed in the entry field, rather leave it

        "Down=Popup" - causes the [Down-arrow] key pressed in the entry
        field to pop up the selection listbox. Useful particularly if the
        [arrow-button] isn't displayed, ie. (*-nobutton* => 1) and/or the
        [Return] key is bound with an *-altbinding*, etc. to do something
        other than pop up the drop-down list.

        "List=Bouncy" - causes the drop-down list to behave more like a
        popup menu and immediately roll back up (after matching text with
        nearest entry) if the mouse button is pressed and released on the
        drop-down list button. (Normally, the drop-down list state is simply
        toggled when mouse is pressed and released on the button.)

        "Nolistbox=actions" - causes certain *actions* to NOT invoke the
        *-browsecmd* callback when activated within the listbox widget, ie.
        "" means don't invoke *-browsecmd* callback
        if <spacebar> pressed in the listbox. Valid values are
        button1,mod,*button1", etc. Multiple values can be separated by
        commas. "mod" means any modifier (Shift|Control|Alt), "*button1"
        means button1 regardless of modifier.

        "Tab=KeepList" - Normally, if the [Tab] key is pressed while the
        drop-down list is displayed and focused, the drop-down list is
        removed from view (rolled up) and the focus simply returns to the
        text entry field.

        Specifying "Tab=KeepList" (on Unixish systems) makes
        Tk::JBrowseEntry keep the drop-down list displayed while returning
        the focus back to the text field when either tabbing off of the
        listbox or selecting an entry via the *spacebar* key. To roll the
        listbox back up (unless *-fixedlist* is specified), simply press the
        Enter or Tab key, or click on the entry-field.

        "Tab=Popup" - Normally, if the [Tab] key is pressed while the
        text-entry field is displayed and focused, the focus advances to the
        next widget.

        Specifying "Tab=Popup" will cause the listbox to be popped up and
        receive the focus. Either way, the listbox is undisplayed anyway
        when the JBrowseEntry widget itself goes out of focus, or either the
        [Enter] or [Esc] key is pressed. If the drop-down list is a "fixed"
        list (*-fixedlist* is specified), then the list always remains in
        view and only the focus changes and this setting is ignored. This
        setting is also ignored on M$-Windows platforms, which is beyond our

        "Down=None", "Up=None", "Right=None", "Esc=None", "Return=None",
        "Space=None" - causes pressing that respective key to NOT perform
        it's default binding action. User can still add their own bindings
        within their calling program though.

        Allows one to specify an alternate image for the the button which
        activates the drop-down list when the button has the keyboard focus.
        The default is: $MainWin->Getimage('cbxarrow') on Linux and a custom
        bitmap on M$-Windows. Also see the "-farrowimage" option below, as
        well as the "-arrowimage" option under Standard BrowseEntry options
        for more details. On Linux, this is used regardless of the focus
        status of the button, which is indicated by the border, unless a
        "-farrowimage" image is specified. On M$-Windows, a separate custom
        bitmap is provided for the focused version, since Windows does not
        change the border color when the button takes focus.

        Adds several additional triggering events which invoke the
        -browsecmd callback:,, and
        key.<character-typed>, if set to 1. Default is 0. This likely is
        rarely needed in practice, but allows the calling program to know
        whenever a key is typed into the entry field or if the field is
        tabbed away from. The one case the author uses this option on is the
        "drive-letter" field in the M$-Windows version of his
        Tk::JFileDialog widget.

        Specifies a callback function to call when a selection is made in
        the popped up listbox. This function is called after the entry
        variable has been assigned the value, (so the programmer can
        validate and override the user's entry if desired).

        The function is passed the widget reference itself (self), the
        content of the entry field (not necessarily equal to the -variable
        reference value), and the triggering "event" as described below.

        Specific cases (events) where it is invoked:
        listbox.return,, or
        listbox.[-mod.{Shift|Control|Alt}]button1. If -browse is set to 1,
        then additional triggering events are:,, and

        The drop-down list button is normally activated with the mouse and
        is skipped in the focusing circuit. If this option is set, then the
        button will take keyboard focus. Pressing <Return>, <Spacebar>, or
        <Downarrow> will cause the list to be dropped down, repeating causes
        the list to be removed again. Normally, the text entry widget
        receives the keyboard focus. This option can be used in combination
        with "-takefocus" so that either the text entry widget, the button,
        or both or neither receive keyboard focus. If both options are set,
        the entry field first receives focus, then pressing <Tab> causes the
        button to be focused.

        Specify alternate background for the drop-down list button.

        Specify alternate foreground for the drop-down list button.

        Archaic carryover from Tk::BrowseEntry -- Appears to force the
        background of the text-entry widget to *"lightgray"* if set to *"1"*
        and state is *readonly* or *disabled*, and no -background color has
        been set; and a slightly darker shade of gray (*"gray95 "*)
        otherwise. We also set the foreground color to *gray30* for
        *readonly* or *disabled* states and *black* otherwise to ensure that
        the text remains readable regardless of what foreground color is
        otherwise set. I've also added special value of *"2"* (or *"dark"*)
        to set a darker version of the readonly and disabled colors. To only
        make one or the other use the "darker" shades, one can instead
        specify *"readonlydark"* or *"disableddark"*. NOTE: Once the widget
        has been set to a "readonly" state, the *"-textreadonlybackground"*
        color remains fixed thru future calls to setPalette! This seems to
        be a limitation of Tk and setPalette. Also note that in general,
        changing the widget's *-foreground* and / or *-background* options
        later via "$widget->configure() may not completely change all the
        colors of every part of every subwidget, and setPalette may not
        completely correct everything until the widget's *-state* is
        changed, therefore, it's a good idea to also call
        $w->state($w->state()); after dynamically changing foreground or
        background colors for the widget.

        (string) - If set, it becomes the default value, ie. if the user
        presses the Esc (escape) key inside the text box (pressing Esc a
        second time blanks out the field unless *-state == 'readonly'*).
        It's recommended to set this to either the *-variable* variable (the
        variable itself, not it's reference) or to a string representing one
        of the values in the dropdown listbox, to avoid possibly confusing

        NOTE: The initial value set in the text field will be whatever's in
        the *-variable*, NOT the *-default* value unless *-variable* is not
        defined! If neither option is defined, the initial value will be
        empty string ('').

        If set, allows user to delete individual items in the drop-down list
        by pressing the <Delete> key to delete the current (active) item. No
        effect if the state is "text" or "textonly".

        (ADDED v4.9): Specifies a callback function to call when the user
        deletes an entry (if -deleteitemsok is set to true) in the popped up
        listbox. It is passed the widget and either the index of the entry
        being deleted OR -1. This function is called BOTH before AND after
        the entry is deleted. The entry parameter is -1 on the second call,
        and the first call if $_[1] (the index to be deleted) >= 0, the
        function should return false/undef to permit the delete or true to
        SUPPRESS the delete (in which case, the callback will NOT be called
        a second time)! No effect if the state is "text" or "textonly".

        Allows one to specify a second, alternate bitmap for the image on
        the button which activates the drop-down list when the button has
        the keyboard focus. The default is to use the "-arrowimage" image,
        EXCEPT in M$-Windows, in which case, the default remains the default
        "focused" bitmap, since Windows does not use a focus border, but
        rather, the image itself must change to indicate focus status. See
        the "-arrowimage" option under Standard BrowseEntry options for more
        details. The default image for Linux is:
        $MainWin->Getimage('cbxarrow') and a custom bitmap for M$-Windows.

        Normally the drop-down list pops up and down when requested, rolling
        up (hiding) when not. Setting this option to a true value will cause
        the drop-down list to be a fixed listbox widget packed below the
        rest of the widget. Specifying -fixedlist => *"top"* will instead
        display the listbox *above* the rest of the widget.

        Default: 0 (false) - drop-down list is not fixed (pre-v5.10

        NOTE: A list can be set to both "fixed" (*-fixedlist =* ...>) and
        "bouncy" (*-altbinding =* 'list=bouncy'>) at the same time. This
        will ensure that the focus always jumps right back to the text field
        whenever the user selects an entry from the list. Otherwise, "fixed"
        lists alternate focus between the list and the entry field when the
        user clicks on the list to select a value, as if the list is
        alternating between "popped down" and "popped up" - this is not
        considered a bug, but a feature.

        Only used if -listboxtype is set to HListbox, otherwise ignored.
        Specifies whether an indicator image may be included with HListbox

        Default: 0 (false - no indicator image).

        Only used if -listboxtype is set to HListbox, otherwise ignored.
        Specifies the type of data permitted for HListbox entries. Valid
        values are: *"text"*, *"image"*, and *"imagetext"*.

        Default: *"text"*.

        Specify a label to be displayed next to the widget. The default is
        *undef* - do not display (or pack) a label next to the widget. If
        you do not wish to specify a label initially, but plan to set a
        label later, you should set -label to ''. By default the label is
        displayed to the left of the widget (as part of it). This can be
        changed using the -labelPack option.

        Specify alternate background for the label.

        Specify alternate foreground for the label.

        Specify alternate font for the label.

        NOTE: To change the font for the text entry field, use -font. See
        also -listfont below for changing the font of the items in the

        Specify alternate packing options for the label. The default is:
        "[-side => 'left', -anchor => 'e']" ("[-side => 'left', -anchor =>
        'n'|'s', -pady => 1, -ipady => 2] if -fixedlist is set ('s' if
        'top', 'n' otherwise)). The argument is an arrayref. Note: if no
        label is specified, none is packed or displayed, therefore, if you
        do not wish to specify a label initially, but plan to set a label
        later, you should set -label to ''.

        Default: "flat"

        Allow relief of the label portion of the widget to be specified.

        Specifies tye type of listbox widget to use for the drop-down list.
        Valid values are *"Listbox"* and *"HListbox"*. If *"HListbox"* is
        specified, you must have Tk::HListbox (v2.1+) installed or the
        application will fail with an error.

        Default: *"Listbox"* (Tk::Listbox).

        Specifies a callback function to call when the button next to the
        entry is pressed to popup the choices in the listbox. This is called
        before popping up the listbox, so can be used to populate the
        entries in the listbox. It passes the widget itself, and now also
        passes in the current value string in the text-entry field (when the
        list was popped up).

        Default: none (no callback function)

        Specify an alternate font for the text in the listbox.

        NOTE: Use -font to change the text of the text entry field. For best
        results, *-font* and *-listfont* should usually specify fonts of
        similar size.

        Specifies relief for the drop-down list (default is "sunken").

        Specifies the width of the popup listbox.

        Default: The same width (including any scrollbar) as the text entry
        field's width.

        Whether or not to display the button that toggles the drop-down
        list. Set to 1 (true) to hide.

        Default: 0 (false - display the button).

        Prevents drop-down list button from being displayed if set to 1

        Normally, when the widget has the focus and is set by listbox
        selection, the text will then be "selected" (highlighted and in the
        cut-buffer), and will not "appear" to be selected in the drop-down
        listbox, if visible. Some consider this annoying. Setting this
        option will cause the text to not be selected, but will still appear
        selected in the drop-down listbox (if visible). The user can still
        select the text themself, but either way, the selected item is in
        the cut buffer.

        If set to "1", pressing the "<Tab>" key will cause the string in the
        entry field to be "auto-completed" to the next matching item in the
        list. If there is no match, the typed text is not changed. If it
        already matches a list item, then the listbox is removed from view
        and keyboard focus transfers to the next widget. If set to "2" and
        there is no match in the list, then entry is reset to the default
        value or empty string. If set to "0", focus is simply advanced to
        the next widget in the main window. In either case, if the text
        field is changed, focus remains on the text field, otherwise focus
        advances to next widget, so, after completing, pressing [Tab] again
        advances to next widget. (NEW in v5.30): If set to 3, then
        tab-completion will only occur when tabbing off of a focused and
        visible listbox.

        Specify alternate background for the entry field (when editable).

        Specify alternate foreground for the entry field (when editable).

        Specify alternate background for the entry field (when *-state* is

        Specify alternate foreground for the entry field (when *-state* is

        Default: -disabledforeground or a dark grey.

        Specify alternate background for the entry field (when *-state* is

        Specify alternate foreground for the entry field (when *-state* is

        Default: a light gray.

        Specifies the style in which to draw the active element. This must
        be one of dotbox (show a focus ring around the active element), none
        (no special indication of active element) or underline (underline
        the active element). The default is underline. Ignored (not
        supported) if -listboxtype is set to *HListbox*, in which case,
        *"dotbox"* is always used.

        Specifies the background color for the widget and it's subwidgets.
        NOTE: In general, changing the widget's *-foreground* and / or
        *-background* options later via "$widget->configure() may not
        completely change all the colors of every part of every subwidget,
        and setPalette may not completely correct everything until the
        widget's *-state* is changed, therefore, it's a good idea to also
        call $w->state($w->state()); after dynamically changing foreground
        or background colors for the widget.

        Specifies the list of initial choices to pop up. This is a reference
        to an array or hash of strings specifying the choices. If a
        *hashref* is specified, the keys represent the actual data values
        and the values represent the corresponding values the user sees
        displayed in the listbox. NOTE: If a *hashref* is specified, the
        -variable should be initialized to one of the hash VALUES rather
        than it's corresponding key. The individual items in the referenced
        array are normally simple text strings unless -listboxtype is set to
        *"HListbox"*, in which case, each can be either a simple text string
        or a hashref to a hash of attributes and values representing a valid
        Tk::HListbox entry, for example: {-image => $thumbnailimage, -text
        => 'text string'}.

        Specifies the foreground color for the widget and it's subwidgets.

        Specify the maximum number of items (rows) to be displayed in the
        listbox before a vertical scrollbar is automatically added. Default
        is infinity (listbox will not be given a scrollbar regardless of the
        number of items added).

        NOTE: This can overflow below the user's screen, so it is
        recommended to set this to a sane value to cause a scrollbar to be
        added automatically if needed, if there are going to be potentially
        say a dozen or more items.

        Specifies the maximum width the entry and listbox widgets can expand
        to in characters. Default is *0* (zero), meaning expand to the width
        to accomodate the widest string in the list. (Ignored if -width > 0
        (a fixed width) is specified).

        Depreciated - use -variable now.

        Specifies a scalar reference to the variable in which the entered
        value is to be stored/retrieved (tied).

        The number of characters (average if proportional font used) wide to
        make the entry field. The drop-down list will be set the same width
        as the entry widget plus the width of the button. If not specified,
        the default is to calculate the width to the width of the longest
        item in the choices list and if items are later added or removed the
        width will be recalculated.

        activate() invokes the activate() option on the listbox to make the
        item with the index specified by the first argument "active". Unless
        a second argument is passed containing a false value, the value of
        the "-variable" variable is also set to this now active value.

        Sets the drop-down list listbox to the list of values referenced by
        *listref*, if specified. Returns the current list of choices in the
        listbox if no arguments provided. If a *hashref* is specified, the
        keys represent the actual data values and the values represent the
        corresponding values the user sees displayed in the listbox. NOTE:
        If a *hashref* is specified, the -variable should be initialized to
        one of the hash VALUES rather than it's corresponding key. The
        individual items in the referenced array are normally simple text
        strings unless -listboxtype is set to *"HListbox"*, in which case,
        each can be either a simple text string or a hashref to a hash of
        attributes and values representing a valid Tk::HListbox entry, for
        example: {-image => $thumbnailimage, -text => 'text string'}.

        Returns the currently-selected element in the listbox, if any,
        otherwise, undef.

    $widget->delete(first [, last])
        Deletes one or more elements of the listbox. First and last are
        indices specifying the first and last elements in the range to
        delete. If last isn't specified it defaults to first, i.e. a single
        element is deleted.

        Deletes one or more elements of the listbox. "hashkey" specifies the
        element to be deleted by the value visible to the user.

        Returns the value (displayed in the listbox) that corresponds to the
        choice key specified by "hashkey". If the key is not one of the
        valid choices or the choices are a list instead of a hash, then the
        hashkey itself is returned. If the choices are a list rather than a
        hash, then the value is returned as is. Returns undef on error.

        Returns the actual option key value that corresponds to the choice
        value displayed in the listbox. (undef if there is none). (Opposite
        of reference(). Use this function on the -variable reference
        variable to get the actual data (hash key), since the reference
        variable will contain the VALUE displayed to the user! If the
        choices are a list rather than a hash, then the value is returned as
        is. Returns undef on error.

        Returns a reference to the current hash of choices (keyed by the
        option visable tothe user) if the choice list is a hash (reversed
        from the hash passed to choices()), otherwise, undef is returned.

        Returns a reference to the current hash of choices (keyed by actual
        option value) if the choice list is a hash (same as the hash passed
        to choices()), otherwise, undef is returned.

    $widget->get([first [, last]])
        get() with no arguments returns the current value of the "-variable"
        variable. If any arguments are passed, they are passed directly to
        the listbox->get() function, ie. "0", "end" to return all *text*
        values of the listbox. For choice hashes, the value returned is what
        is displayed to the user. If Tk::HListbox is used, only the *text*
        part of the entries are returned. The arguments are indices.

        Return the location of *index* in the *text-entry* field. Values
        known to be valid are: "insert" and "end", which return the
        character position of the insertion cursor and the location of the
        "end" of the current input string (ie. it's length). The cursor is
        set by the $widget->icursor function. If no argument (*index*) is
        given, the index of the insertion cursor (*"insert"*) is returned.

        Returns the index number in the list (zero-based) that can be used
        by get() of the value specified by "value", or undef if "value" is
        not in the list of choices. If the choice list is a hash, then
        "value" should be the value displayed (stored in the -variable
        reference variable), not the hash key. This function is the reverse
        of the get() function.

        Returns the value (displayed in the listbox) that corresponds to the
        choice key specified by "hashkey". If the key is not one of the
        valid choices or the choices are a list instead of a hash, then
        undef is returned.

        Sets the location of the text-entry field's text cursor to *index*.
        Valid values are numeric (zero for beginning) and "end" for placing
        the cursor at the end of the text. The index can be retrieved by
        using the $widget->get_icursor(index) function.

        Invokes and returns the result of the listbox->index() function.

    $widget->insert(index, [item | list | listref | hashref])
        Inserts one or more elements in the list just before the element
        given by index. If *index* is specified as "end" then the new
        elements are added to the end of the list. List can be a reference
        to a list (*listref*). If a hash reference is specified, then the
        values are displayed to the user in the drop-down list, but the
        values returned by the "-variable" variable or the get() function
        are the corresponding hash key(s). The individual items in the
        referenced array are normally simple text strings unless
        -listboxtype is set to *"HListbox"*, in which case, each can be
        either a simple text string or a hashref to a hash of attributes and
        values representing a valid Tk::HListbox entry, for example: {-image
        => $thumbnailimage, -text => 'text string'}.

    $widget->selectionRange(index1, index2)
        Select (highlight) the text in the text-entry field between *index1*
        and *index2*. Valid values are numeric (zero for beginning),
        "insert" and "end".

        Invokes and returns the result of the listbox size() function (the
        number of items in the list).

    $widget->state([normal | readonly | text | textonly | disabled])
        Get or set the state of the widget.

        Roll up (undisplay) the drop-down list. If *nofocusrestore* is
        specified and is true, no attempt will be made to refocus the
        previous widget focused when the drop-down list was popped up. This
        is useful when the developer intends to immediately focus somewhere

        Activates drop-down list as if user pressed the button (unless state
        is "text" or "textonly" or "disabled". Returns 1 if drop-down list
        activated, zero otherwise. If the drop-down list is already visible,
        then removes it (pops it back down) and returns zero.Available in
        versions 5.0 and later. The current keyboard focus is saved for
        restoration when the drop-down list is rolled up unless
        *nofocussave* is specified and is true, in which case, focus will
        remain with the JBrowseEntry widget whose button was "pressed".

    Jim Turner, "<>".

    Copyright (c) 2001-2018 Jim Turner "<>". All
    rights reserved.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

    This is a derived work from Tk::Listbox and Tk::HList.

    This code may be distributed under the same conditions as Perl itself.

    This is a derived work from Tk::BrowseEntry. Tk::BrowseEntry is
    copyrighted by Rajappa Iyer

    Copyright 2001-2019 Jim Turner.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0). You may obtain a copy
    of the full license at:


    Any use, modification, and distribution of the Standard or Modified
    Versions is governed by this Artistic License. By using, modifying or
    distributing the Package, you accept this license. Do not use, modify,
    or distribute the Package, if you do not accept this license.

    If your Modified Version has been derived from a Modified Version made
    by someone other than you, you are nevertheless required to ensure that
    your Modified Version complies with the requirements of this license.

    This license does not grant you the right to use any trademark, service
    mark, tradename, or logo of the Copyright Holder.

    This license includes the non-exclusive, worldwide, free-of-charge
    patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import and
    otherwise transfer the Package with respect to any patent claims
    licensable by the Copyright Holder that are necessarily infringed by the
    Package. If you institute patent litigation (including a cross-claim or
    counterclaim) against any party alleging that the Package constitutes
    direct or contributory patent infringement, then this Artistic License
    to you shall terminate on the date that such litigation is filed.