POE::Devel::ProcAlike - Exposing the guts of POE via FUSE

            use strict; use warnings;
            use POE::Devel::ProcAlike;
            use POE;

            # let it do the work!

            # create our own "fake" session
                    'inline_states' => {
                            '_start'        => sub {
                                    $_[KERNEL]->alias_set( 'foo' );
                                    $_[KERNEL]->yield( 'timer' );
                            'timer'         => sub {
                                    $_[KERNEL]->delay_set( 'timer' => 60 );
                    'heap'          => {
                            'fakedata'      => 1,
                            'oomph'         => 'haha',

            # run the kernel!

    Using this module will let you expose the guts of a running POE program
    to the filesystem via FUSE. This also includes a lot of debugging
    information about the running perl process :)

    Really, all you have to do is load the module and call it's spawn()

            use POE::Devel::ProcAlike;
            POE::Devel::ProcAlike->spawn( ... );

    This method will return failure on errors or return success. Normally
    you don't need to pass any arguments to it, but if you want to do zany
    things, you can! Note: the spawn() method will construct a singleton.

    This constructor accepts either a hashref or a hash, valid options are:

    This is a hashref of options to pass to the underlying FUSE component,
    POE::Component::Fuse's spawn() method. Useful to change the default
    mountpoint, for example. Setting the mountpoint is a MUST if you have
    multiple scripts running and want to use this.

    The default fuseopts is to enable: umount, mkdir, rmdir, and mountpoint
    of "/tmp/poefuse_$$". You cannot override those options: alias,
    vfilesys, and session.

    The default is: undef

    This is a Filesys::Virtual::Async subclass object you can provide to
    expose your own data in the filesystem. It will be mounted under /misc
    in the directory.

    The default is: undef

    There is only a few commands you can use, because this module does
    nothing except export the data to the filesystem.

    This module uses a static alias: "poe-devel-procalike" so you can always
    interact with it anytime it is loaded.

    Tells this module to shut down the underlying FUSE session and terminate

            $_[KERNEL]->post( 'poe-devel-procalike', 'shutdown' );

    ( ONLY for PoCo module authors! )

    Registers your Filesys::Virtual::Async subclass with ProcAlike so you
    can expose your data in the filesystem.

    Note: You MUST call() this event so ProcAlike will get the proper
    caller() info to determine mountpath. Furthermore, ProcAlike only allows
    one registration per module!

            $_[KERNEL]->call( 'poe-devel-procalike', 'register', $myfsv );

    ( ONLY for PoCo module authors! )

    Removes your registered object from the filesystem.

    Note: You MUST call() this event so ProcAlike will get the proper
    caller() info to determine mountpath.

            $_[KERNEL]->call( 'poe-devel-procalike', 'unregister' );

  Notes for PoCo module authors
    You can expose your own data in any format you want! The way to do this
    is to create your own Filesys::Virtual::Async object and give it to
    ProcAlike. Here's how I would do the logic:

            my $ses = $_[KERNEL]->alias_resolve( 'poe-devel-procalike' );
            if ( $ses ) {
                    require My::FsV; # a subclass of Filesys::Virtual::Async
                    my $fsv = My::FsV->new( ... );
                    if ( ! $_[KERNEL]->call( $ses, 'register', $fsv ) ) {
                            warn "unable to register!";

    Keep in mind that the alias is static, and you should be executing this
    code in the "preferred" package. What I mean by this is that ProcAlike
    will take the info from caller() and determine the mountpoint from it.
    Here's an example:

            POE::Component::SimpleHTTP does a register, it will be mounted in:

            My::Module::SubClass does a register, it will be mounted in:

    Furthermore, ProcAlike only allows each package to register once, so you
    have to figure out how to create a singleton and use that if your PoCo
    has been spawned N times. The reasoning behind this is to have a
    "uniform" filesystem that would be valid across multiple invocations. If
    we allowed module authors to register any name, then we would end up
    with possible collisions and wacky schemes like "$pkg$ses->ID" as the

    Also, here's a tip: you don't have to implement the entire
    Filesys::Virtual::Async API because FUSE doesn't use them all! The ones
    you would have to do is: rmtree, scandir, move, copy, load, readdir,
    rmdir, mkdir, rename, mknod, unlink, chmod, truncate, chown, utime,
    stat, write, open. To save even more time, you can subclass the
    Filesys::Virtual::Async::inMemory module and set readonly to true. Then
    you would have to subclass only those methods: readdir, stat, open.

    *   tunable parameters

        Various people in #poe@magnet suggested having a system where we
        could do "sysctl-like" stuff with this filesystem. I'm not entirely
        sure what we can "tune" in regards to POE but if you have any ideas
        please feel free to drop them my way and we'll see what we can do :)

    *   pipe support

        Again, people suggested the idea of "telnetting" into the filesystem
        via a pipe. The interface could be something like PoCo-DebugShell,
        and we could expand it to accept zany commands :)

    *   module memory usage

        I talked with some people, and this problem is much more complex
        than you would think it is. If somebody could let me know of a
        snippet that measures this, I would love to include it in the perl

    *   POE::API::Peek crashes

        There are some functions that causes segfaults for me! They are:
        session_memory_size, signals_watched_by_session, and
        kernel_memory_size. If the situation improves, I would love to
        reinstate them in ProcAlike and expose the data, so please let me
        know if it does.

    *   more stats

        More stats are always welcome! If you have any ideas, please drop me
        a line.





    You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

        perldoc POE::Devel::ProcAlike

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    Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-poe-devel-procalike
    at", or through the web interface at
    <>. I
    will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress
    on your bug as I make changes.

    Apocalypse <>

    Props goes to xantus who got me motivated to write this :)

    Copyright 2009 by Apocalypse

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.