File/Random version 0.02 ======================== SYNOPSIS use File::Random qw/random_file/; my $fname = random_file(); my $fname2 = random_file(-dir => $dir); DESCRIPTION This module simplifies the routine job of selecting a random file. (As you can find at CGI scripts). It's done, because it's boring (and errorprone), always to write something like my @files = (<*.*>); my $randf = $files[rand @files]; or opendir DIR, " ... " or die " ... "; my @files = grep {-f ...} (readdir DIR); closedir DIR; my $randf = $files[rand @files]; FUNCTIONS random_file(-dir => $dir) Returns a randomly selected file(name) from the specified directory If the directory is empty, undef will be returned. Is the -dir option missing, a random file from the current directory will be used. That means '.' is the default for the -dir option. EXPORT None by default. You can export the function random_file with "use File::Random qw/random_file/;" or with the more simple "use File::Random qw/:all/;". TODO I think, I'll need some more options. Instead of only one directory, it should be possible to take a random file from some directories. Even a recursive "search" should be included. More important will be the -check option, so you can define what regexp or subroutine should be valid, for files randomly choosen. So I want to make it possible to write: my $fname = random_file( -dir => '...', -recursive => 1, -check => qr/\.html/ ); or even: my $fname = random_file( -dir => [$dir1, $dir2, $dir3, ...], -r => 1, -check => sub {-M < 7} ); I also want to add a method "content_of_random_file" and "random_line". The next thing, I'll implement is the -check option. Just have a look some hours later. AUTHOR Janek Schleicher, <> SEE ALSO the Tie::Pick manpage the Tie::Select manpage the Data::Random manpage INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install If you don't have Test::More or Test::Exception installed, make test will produce errors. You can work with the module even without them. DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: Test::More Test::Exception Both modules are needed only for the tests. You can work with the module even without them. These modules are only needed for my test routines, not by the File::Random itself. (However, it's a good idea to install the modules anyway). COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE This module is free software. You can change and redistribute it under the same condition as Perl self. Copyright (C) 2002 Janek Schleicher, <>