# NAME Geo::Gpx - Create and parse GPX files. # SYNOPSIS # Version 0.10 compatibility use Geo::Gpx; my $gpx = Geo::Gpx->new( @waypoints ); my $xml = $gpx->xml; # New API, generate GPX my $gpx = Geo::Gpx->new(); $gpx->waypoints( \@wpt ); my $xml = $gpx->xml( '1.0' ); # Parse GPX my $gpx = Geo::Gpx->new( xml => $xml ); my $waypoints = $gpx->waypoints(); my $tracks = $gpx->tracks(); # Parse GPX from open file my $gpx = Geo::Gpx->new( input => $fh ); my $waypoints = $gpx->waypoints(); my $tracks = $gpx->tracks(); # DESCRIPTION The original goal of this module was to produce GPX/XML files which were parseable by both GPX Spinner and EasyGPS. As of version 0.13 it has been extended to support general parsing and generation of GPX data. GPX 1.0 and 1.1 are supported. # INTERFACE ## `new( { args } )` The original purpose of `Geo::Gpx` was to allow an array of [Geo::Cache](https://metacpan.org/pod/Geo%3A%3ACache) objects to be converted into a GPX file. This behaviour is maintained by this release: use Geo::Gpx; my $gpx = Geo::Gpx->new( @waypoints ); my $xml = $gpx->xml; New applications can use C <Geo::Gpx> to parse a GPX file : my $gpx = Geo::Gpx->new( xml => $gpx_document ); or from an open filehandle : my $gpx = Geo::Gpx->new( input => $fh ); or can create an empty container to which waypoints, routes and tracks can then be added: my $gpx = Geo::Gpx->new(); $gpx->waypoints( \@wpt ); The following additional options can be specified: - ` use_datetime ` If true time values in parsed GPX will be [DateTime](https://metacpan.org/pod/DateTime) objects rather than epoch times. ## `add_waypoint( waypoint ... )` Add one or more waypoints. Each waypoint must be a reference to a hash. Each waypoint must include the keys `lat` and `lon` and may include others: my $wpt = { lat => 54.786989, lon => -2.344214, ele => 512, time => 1164488503, magvar => 0, geoidheight => 0, name => 'My house & home', cmt => 'Where I live', desc => '<<Chez moi>>', src => 'Testing', link => { href => 'http://hexten.net/', text => 'Hexten', type => 'Blah' }, sym => 'pin', type => 'unknown', fix => 'dgps', sat => 3, hdop => 10, vdop => 10, pdop => 10, ageofdgpsdata => 45, dgpsid => 247 }; $gpx->add_waypoint( $wpt ); Time values may either be an epoch offset or a [DateTime](https://metacpan.org/pod/DateTime). If you wish to specify the timezone use a [DateTime](https://metacpan.org/pod/DateTime). ## `iterate_waypoints()` Get an iterator that visits all the waypoints in a `Geo::Gpx`. ## `iterate_routepoints()` Get an iterator that visits all the routepoints in a `Geo::Gpx`. ## `iterate_trackpoints()` Get an iterator that visits all the trackpoints in a `Geo::Gpx`. ## `iterate_points()` Get an iterator that visits all the points in a `Geo::Gpx`. For example my $iter = $gpx->iterate_points(); while ( my $pt = $iter->() ) { print "Point: ", join( ', ', $pt->{lat}, $pt->{lon} ), "\n"; } ## `bounds( [ $iterator ] )` Compute the bounding box of all the points in a `Geo::Gpx` returning the result as a hash reference. For example: my $gpx = Geo::Gpx->new( xml => $some_xml ); my $bounds = $gpx->bounds(); returns a structure like this: $bounds = { minlat => 57.120939, minlon => -2.9839832, maxlat => 57.781729, maxlon => -1.230902 }; `$iterator` defaults to `$self->iterate_points`. ## `xml( [ $version ] )` Generate GPX XML. my $gpx10 = $gpx->xml( '1.0' ); my $gpx11 = $gpx->xml( '1.1' ); If the version is omitted it defaults to the value of the `version` attibute. Parsing a GPX document sets the version. If the `version` attribute is unset defaults to 1.0. `Geo::Gpx` version 0.10 used [Geo::Cache](https://metacpan.org/pod/Geo%3A%3ACache) to render each of the points. [Geo::Cache](https://metacpan.org/pod/Geo%3A%3ACache) generates a number of hardwired values to suit the original application of that module which aren't appropriate for general purpose GPX manipulation. Legacy mode is triggered by passing a list of [Geo::Cache](https://metacpan.org/pod/Geo%3A%3ACache) points to the constructor; this should probably be avoided for new applications. ## `TO_JSON` For compatability with [JSON](https://metacpan.org/pod/JSON) modules. Converts this object to a hash with keys that correspond to the above methods. Generated ala: my %json = map { $_ => $self->$_ } qw(name desc author keywords copyright time link waypoints tracks routes version ); $json{bounds} = $self->bounds( $iter ); With one difference: the keys will only be set if they are defined. ## `gpx` Synonym for `xml()`. Provided for compatibility with version 0.10. ## `loc` Provided for compatibility with version 0.10. ## `gpsdrive` Provided for compatibility with version 0.10. ## `name( [ $newname ] )` Accessor for the <name> element of a GPX. To get the name: my $name = $gpx->name(); and to set it: $gpx->name( 'My big adventure' ); ## `desc( [ $newdesc ] )` Accessor for the <desc> element of a GPX. To get the the description: my $desc = $gpx->desc(); and to set it: $gpx->desc('Got lost, wandered around for ages, got cold, got hungry.'); ## `author( [ $newauthor ] )` Accessor for the author structure of a GPX. The author information is stored in a hash that reflects the structure of a GPX 1.1 document: my $author = $gpx->author(); $author = { link => { text => 'Hexten', href => 'http://hexten.net/' }, email => { domain => 'hexten.net', id => 'andy' }, name => 'Andy Armstrong' }, When setting the author data a similar structure must be supplied: $gpx->author({ name => 'Me!' }); The bizarre encoding of email addresses as id and domain is a feature of GPX. ## `time( [ $newtime ] )` Accessor for the <time> element of a GPX. The time is converted to a Unix epoch time when a GPX document is parsed unless the `use_datetime` option is specified in which case times will be represented as [DateTime](https://metacpan.org/pod/DateTime) objects. When setting the time you may supply either an epoch time or a [DateTime](https://metacpan.org/pod/DateTime) object. ## `keywords( [ $newkeywords ] )` Access for the <keywords> element of a GPX. Keywords are stored as an array reference: $gpx->keywords(['bleak', 'cold', 'scary']); my $k = $gpx->keywords(); print join(', ', @{$k}), "\n"; prints bleak, cold, scary ## `copyright( [ $newcopyright ] )` Access for the <copyright> element of a GPX. $gpx->copyright('(c) You Know Who'); print $gpx->copyright(), "\n"; prints You Know Who ## `link` Accessor for the <link> element of a GPX. Links are stored in a hash like this: $link = { 'text' => 'Hexten', 'href' => 'http://hexten.net/' }; For example: $gpx->link({ href => 'http://google.com/', text => 'Google' }); ## `waypoints( [ $newwaypoints ] )` Accessor for the waypoints array of a GPX. Each waypoint is a hash (which may also be a [Geo::Cache](https://metacpan.org/pod/Geo%3A%3ACache) instance in legacy mode): my $wpt = { # All standard GPX fields lat => 54.786989, lon => -2.344214, ele => 512, time => 1164488503, magvar => 0, geoidheight => 0, name => 'My house & home', cmt => 'Where I live', desc => '<<Chez moi>>', src => 'Testing', link => { href => 'http://hexten.net/', text => 'Hexten', type => 'Blah' }, sym => 'pin', type => 'unknown', fix => 'dgps', sat => 3, hdop => 10, vdop => 10, pdop => 10, ageofdgpsdata => 45, dgpsid => 247 }; All fields apart from `lat` and `lon` are optional. See the GPX specification for an explanation of the fields. The waypoints array is an anonymous array of such points: $gpx->waypoints([ { lat => 57.0, lon => -2 }, { lat => 57.2, lon => -2.1 } ]); ## `routes( [ $newroutes ] )` Accessor for the routes array. The routes array is an array of hashes like this: my $routes = [ { 'name' => 'Route 1' 'points' => [ { 'lat' => '54.3286193447719', 'name' => 'WPT1', 'lon' => '-2.38972155527137' }, { 'lat' => '54.6634365629388', 'name' => 'WPT2', 'lon' => '-2.55373552512617' }, { 'lat' => '54.7289259665049', 'name' => 'WPT3', 'lon' => '-3.05196861273443' } ], }, { 'name' => 'Route 2' 'points' => [ { 'lat' => '54.4165154835049', 'name' => 'WPT4', 'lon' => '-2.56153453279676' }, { 'lat' => '54.6670126167344', 'name' => 'WPT5', 'lon' => '-2.69526089464403' } ], } ]; $gpx->routes($routes); Each of the points in a route may have any of the atttibutes that are legal for a waypoint. ## `tracks( [ $newtracks ] )` Accessor for the tracks array. The tracks array is an array of hashes like this: my $tracks = [ { 'name' => 'Track 1', 'segments' => [ { 'points' => [ { 'lat' => '54.5182217145253', 'lon' => '-2.62191579018834' }, { 'lat' => '54.1507759448355', 'lon' => '-3.05774931478646' }, { 'lat' => '54.6016296784874', 'lon' => '-3.40418920968631' } ] }, { 'points' => [ { 'lat' => '54.6862790450185', 'lon' => '-3.68760108982739' } ] } ] }, { 'name' => 'Track 2', 'segments' => [ { 'points' => [ { 'lat' => '54.9927807628549', 'lon' => '-4.04712811256436' }, { 'lat' => '55.1148395198045', 'lon' => '-4.33623533555793' }, { 'lat' => '54.6214174046189', 'lon' => '-4.26293674042878' }, { 'lat' => '55.0540816059084', 'lon' => '-4.42261020671926' }, { 'lat' => '55.4451622411372', 'lon' => '-4.32873765338' } ] } ] } ]; ## `version( [ $newversion ] )` Accessor for the schema version of a GPX document. Versions 1.0 and 1.1 are supported. print $gpx->version(); prints 1.0 # DIAGNOSTICS - `Invalid arguments` Invalid arguments passed to `new()`. - `Undefined accessor method: %s` The various accessor methods are implemented as an AUTOLOAD handler. This error is thrown if an attempt is made to call an accessor other than `name`, `desc`, `author`, `time`, `keywords`, `copyright`, `link`, `waypoints`, `tracks`, `routes` or `version`. # DEPENDENCIES [DateTime::Format::ISO8601](https://metacpan.org/pod/DateTime%3A%3AFormat%3A%3AISO8601), [DateTime](https://metacpan.org/pod/DateTime), [HTML::Entities](https://metacpan.org/pod/HTML%3A%3AEntities), [Scalar::Util](https://metacpan.org/pod/Scalar%3A%3AUtil), [Time::Local](https://metacpan.org/pod/Time%3A%3ALocal), [XML::Descent](https://metacpan.org/pod/XML%3A%3ADescent) # SEE ALSO [JSON](https://metacpan.org/pod/JSON) # BUGS AND LIMITATIONS No bugs have been reported. Please report any bugs or feature requests to `bug-geo-gpx@rt.cpan.org`, or through the web interface at [http://rt.cpan.org](http://rt.cpan.org). # AUTHOR Originally by Rich Bowen `<rbowen@rcbowen.com>` and Andy Armstrong `<andy@hexten.net>`. This version by Patrick Joly `<patjol@cpan.org>`. # VERSION $VERSION = '1.00' # LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2007-2009, Andy Armstrong `<andy@hexten.net>`. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See [perlartistic](https://metacpan.org/pod/perlartistic). # DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY BECAUSE THIS SOFTWARE IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE SOFTWARE, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE SOFTWARE "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE SOFTWARE AS PERMITTED BY THE ABOVE LICENCE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.