#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; die "Please do not run this script without reading the documentation" if not @ARGV; my $strength = $ARGV[0] + 1; while (not fork) { exit unless --$strength; print 0; twist: while (fork) { exit unless --$strength; print 1; } } goto 'twist' if --$strength; =head1 NAME forkbomb.pl =head1 SYNOPSIS ./forkbomb.pl <strength> =head1 WARNING This Perl script can damage your system if you choose to execute it. It comes with no warantee, either expressed or implied. =head1 DESCRIPTION A fork bomb is described as a program or shell script which (either intentionally or accidently) creates new processes repeatedly using the fork() system call. New processes are created so fast that within no time the process table gets filled up and the system comes to a grinding halt. This particular fork bomb outputs binary data while flooding the machine. This data is patterned partly by the algorithm represented in the code, and partly by the operating system it executes within. A computer operating system is in a constant state of change, and so the script will produce different results every time. The output is an artistic impression of your system under strain. forkbomb.pl takes a single integer argument, which indicates the 'strength' of the bomb. If you choose to run the script, you are encouraged to restrict the damage that the script can cause by passing a very low number of about 3. You may then increase this value until your computer locks up. If you just want to kill your computer, specify a negative value, and the forkbomb will execute without any constraints. =head1 PROCESS FLOW The script contains a loop within a loop. If the outer loop fails execution jumps back into the test condition of the inner loop, forming something like a mobius strip. The test condition causes the process to spawn an almost exact copy of itself. The only practical difference is that one of the two processes exits that loop. The strength of the forkbomb translates to the life expectency of each process. Each new process will have a shorter life expectency than the original, which may cause the bomb to fizzle out before it exhausts all available resources. =head1 TIPS Under UNIX systems, you may wish to pipe the output into 'cat', or some pager, so the output from all the processes is collated and displayed before you are returned to the prompt. =head1 DISTRIBUTION Distribution is via CPAN, the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network, ran by volunteers. This is a collaborative network facilitating the distribution and criticism of works produced within the Perl community. Once a file is uploaded into CPAN, it is mirrored across well over a hundred archive servers. The file will then be burnt on to many thousands of compact disks. Updates to this script may be found here: http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/F/FO/FOOCHRE/ =head1 FEEDBACK The author welcomes criticism, patches and (most of all) sample output from your system. =head1 INDEBTED TO Fehler, state51 and stub. Thanks! =head1 AUTHOR Alex McLean <alex@slab.org> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2001 alex@slab.org . All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html =cut