Mail::Procmailrc version 1.09 ============================= Mail::Procmailrc is a pure Perl module that can read and write procmail(1) compatible rc files. The intent behind its creation was to provide an abstracted interface for web clients wishing to edit procmailrc files, but it could be used in any number of useful ways (e.g., a procmail rc pretty printer--how useful is that!?). Mail::Procmailrc does not process mail in any form; it only reads and writes procmail(1) rc files. SAMPLE USAGE use Mail::Procmailrc; $pmrc = new Mail::Procmailrc("$HOME/.procmail/rc.spam"); ## find the recipe we're looking for my $conditions; for my $recipe ( @{$pmrc->recipes} ) { next unless $recipe->info->[0] =~ /^\s*\#\# this recipe is for spam/io; $conditions = $recipe->conditions; last; } ## add another condition to this recipe push @$conditions, '* 1^0 this is not SPAM'; ## write back out to disk $pmrc->flush; EXAMPLES The POD for this module contains extensive examples. Also included with this distribution is a sample CGI script that makes use of Mail::Procmailrc to create/edit a procmail rc file. See the 'eg' directory in this distribution for example programs. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (c) 2002 Scott Wiersdorf. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Perl Artistic License. AUTHOR Scott Wiersdorf, <>