README for perl package Moot (formerly known as moot-perl) ABSTRACT Moot - Perl interface to the libmoot part-of-speech tagging library REQUIREMENTS libmoot >= v2.10.0 Current sources for the libmoot package should be available from DESCRIPTION The Moot package provides Perl bindings for the libmoot HMM part-of-speech tagging library, including the moot/WASTE tokenizer. Citations If you use the moot/WASTE tokenizer in a scientific publication, please acknowledge its use by citing the following paper: Bryan Jurish and Kay-Michael W��rzner. "Word and Sentence Tokenization with Hidden Markov Models." Journal for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics, 28(2):61-83, 2013. URL If you use moot for class-based sequence labelling (e.g. part-of-speech tagging), please cite: Bryan Jurish. "A hybrid approach to part-of-speech tagging." Technical report, Project Kollokationen im W��rterbuch, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2003. URL AUTHOR Bryan Jurish <>