# hafas-m - Commandline Public Transit Departure Monitor hafas-m is a commandline client and Perl module for HAFAS public transit departure interfaces. It provides native support for the following services. * Deutsche Bahn (DB) * Nahverkehrsverbund Schleswig-Holstein (NAHSH) * Nahverkehrsservice Sachsen-Anhalt (NASA) * Nordhessischer VerkehrsVerbund (NVV) * ��sterreichische Bundesbahnen (��BB) * Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (VBB) * Verkehrsverbund Bremen/Niedersachsen (VBN) See the [Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS homepage](https://finalrewind.org/projects/Travel-Status-DE-DeutscheBahn) and [hafas-m manual](https://man.finalrewind.org/1/hafas-m) for details. ## Installation You have four installation options: * Nightly `.deb` builds for Debian-based distributions * Installing the latest release from CPAN * Installation from source * Using a Docker image Except for Docker, __hafas-m__ is available in your PATH after installation. You can run `hafas-m --version` to verify this. Documentation is available via `man hafas-m`. ### Nightly Builds for Debian [lib.finalrewind.org/deb](https://lib.finalrewind.org/deb) provides Debian packages of both development and release versions. Note that these are not part of the official Debian repository and are not covered by its quality assurance process. To install the latest release, run: ``` wget https://lib.finalrewind.org/deb/libtravel-status-de-deutschebahn-perl_latest_all.deb sudo dpkg -i libtravel-status-de-deutschebahn-perl_latest_all.deb sudo apt --fix-broken install rm libtravel-status-de-deutschebahn-perl_latest_all.deb ``` For a (possibly broken) development snapshot of the Git master branch, run: ``` wget https://lib.finalrewind.org/deb/libtravel-status-de-deutschebahn-perl_dev_all.deb sudo dpkg -i libtravel-status-de-deutschebahn-perl_dev_all.deb sudo apt --fix-broken install rm libtravel-status-de-deutschebahn-perl_dev_all.deb ``` Note that dpkg, unlike apt, does not automatically install missing dependencies. If a dependency is not satisfied yet, `dpkg -i` will complain about unmet dependencies and bail out. `apt --fix-broken install` installs these dependencies and also silently finishes the Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn installation. Uninstallation works as usual: ``` sudo apt remove libtravel-status-de-deutschebahn-perl ``` ### Installation from CPAN Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn releases are published on the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) and can be installed using standard Perl module tools such as `cpanminus`. Before proceeding, ensure that you have standard build tools (i.e. make, pkg-config and a C compiler) installed. You will also need the following libraries with development headers: * libssl * zlib Now, use a tool of your choice to install the module. Minimum working example: ``` cpanm Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn ``` If you run this as root, it will install script and module to `/usr/local` by default. ### Installation from Source In this variant, you must ensure availability of dependencies by yourself. You may use carton or cpanminus with the provided `Build.PL`, Module::Build's installdeps command, or rely on the Perl modules packaged by your distribution. On Debian 10+, all dependencies are available from the package repository. To check whether dependencies are satisfied, run: ``` perl Build.PL ``` If it complains about "... is not installed" or "ERRORS/WARNINGS FOUND IN PREREQUISITES", it is missing dependencies. Once all dependencies are satisfied, use Module::Build to build, test and install the module. Testing is optional -- you may skip the "Build test" step if you like. If you downloaded a release tarball, proceed as follows: ``` ./Build ./Build test sudo ./Build install ``` If you are using the Git repository, use the following commands: ``` ./Build ./Build manifest ./Build test sudo ./Build install ``` If you do not have superuser rights or do not want to perform a system-wide installation, you may leave out `Build install` and use **hafas-m** from the current working directory. With carton: ``` carton exec hafas-m --version ``` Otherwise (also works with carton): ``` perl -Ilocal/lib/perl5 -Ilib bin/hafas-m --version ``` ### Running hafas-m via Docker A hafas-m image is available on Docker Hub. It is intended for testing purposes: due to the latencies involved in spawning a container for each hafas-m invocation, it is less convenient for day-to-day usage. Installation: ``` docker pull derfnull/hafas-m:latest ``` Use it by prefixing hafas-m commands with `docker run --rm derfnull/hafas-m:latest`, like so: ``` docker run --rm derfnull/hafas-m:latest --version ``` Documentation is not available in this image. Please refer to the [online hafas-m manual](https://man.finalrewind.org/1/hafas-m/) instead.