Bio::SeqAlignment::Examples::EnhancingEdlib - Parallelizing Edlib with
    MCE, OpenMP using Inline and FFI::Platypus

    version 0.02

    A collection of examples that demonstrate how to enhance the sequence
    alignment library Edlib by adding process level parallelism (through
    MCE) and thread level parallelism (through OpenMP). These examples
    hopefully demonstrate the general present day relevance of Perl for
    constructing bioinformatic applications related to sequence mapping.

    This distribution provides examples of sequence mapping applications
    build on top of the Edlib library. The examples demonstrate how to use
    the MCE and OpenMP parallelism libraries to speed up the sequence
    alignment process through process and thread level parallelism. The
    examples are meant to be illustrative of the capabilities of Perl to
    create parallel components for sequencing applications. These examples
    educational, and are not meant to be used in production code. However,
    they can be used as a starting point for creating such applications,
    which is the point we are trying to make in the presentation given at
    the Perl and Raku conference 2024.

    All scripts were used to generate data for the talk given to the Science
    Track of the Perl & Raku conference 2024

    This is a directory that holds the sequence data used in the examples.
    It contains two files : Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cds.sample.strip.fasta :
    1000 sequences Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.sample.end.strip.fasta : 648
    sequences from the human transcriptome.

    This is a directory that holds various scripts in Perl and R that are
    used to generate and analyze performance data for the MCE and openMP
    enhanced versions of edlib.
    Perl script that illustrates the use of the Linear dataflow and the
    Generic Mapper dicussed in Bio::SeqAlignment::Components::SeqMapping
    <> for
    the creation of an MCE and OpenMP enhanced version of Edlib. Running the
    script generates the results file timings_openMP.txt . Before running in
    your own machine, please make sure that the number of workers and the
    number of threads are set between 1 and the maximum number of
    hyperthreads for your system.
    Perl script that illustrates the use of the Linear dataflow and the
    Generic Mapper dicussed in Bio::SeqAlignment::Components::SeqMapping
    <> for
    the creation of an MCE enhanced version of Edlib. Running the script
    generates the results file timings.txt . Before running in your own
    machine, please make sure that the number of workers is set between 1
    and the maximum number of hyperthreads for your system. Feel free to
    experiment with different chunk sizes (the script only checks chunk
    sizes between 1 and 20 query sequences).

    R script that generates the figures for the benchmarking between the MCE
    and MCE/OpenMP enhanced versions of Edlib.

    Execution timings of the MCE version of the enhanced Edlib library. This
    is a tab separated file with three columns: Workers : number of MCE
    workers Time : execution time in seconds Chunk_Size : MCE chunk size

    Execution timings of the MCE/openMP version of the enhanced Edlib
    library. This is a tab separated file with three columns: Workers :
    number of MCE workers Time : execution time in seconds Num_Threads :
    Number of OpenMP threads

    Plot of the timings.txt file

    Plot of the execution times of the MCE enhanced version of Edlib (for
    chunk size of one) for an increasing number of MCE workers v.s. the
    MCE/OpenMP enhancement for an increasing number of threads for single

    Plot of the execution times of the MCE/OpenMP enhanced version of Edlib
    for various combinations of workers and threads. The figure is a two
    dimensional histogram (rendered as a contour plot) with the 5% best
    performing combinations marked with a '+' sign.

    Plot of the resources (copies of data in memory x execution time) used
    by the MCE enhanced version of Edlib (for chunk size of one) for an
    increasing number of MCE workers v.s. the MCE/OpenMP enhancement for an
    increasing number of threads for single worker.

    Plot of the resources (copies of data in memory x execution time) used
    by the MCE/OpenMP enhanced version of Edlib for various combinations of
    workers and threads. The figure is a two dimensional histogram (rendered
    as a contour plot) with the 5% best performing combinations marked with
    a '+' sign.

    Main effects of the number of workers and threads on the execution time
    of the MCE/OpenMP enhanced version of Edlib. The figure is generated by
    fitting a Generalized Additive Model (GAM) analysis of the data in the
    timings_MCE_with_OMP.txt file and plotting the main effects of the
    number of workers and threads.

    Interaction effects of the number of workers and threads on the
    execution time of the MCE/OpenMP enhanced version of Edlib. The figure
    is generated by fitting a Generalized Additive Model (GAM) analysis of
    the data in the timings_MCE_with_OMP.txt file and plotting the
    generalized interaction term between the number of workers and threads.

    *   edlib <>

        This distribution provides edlib static and shared libraries so that
        they can be used by other Perl distributions that are on CPAN.

    *   Bio::SeqAlignment <>

        A collection of tools and libraries for aligning biological
        sequences from within Perl.

    *   Bio::SeqAlignment::Components::SeqMapping

        Components (modules for dataflow in sequencing applications and
        generic mappers) to create sequence mapping applications in Perl.

    *   Bio::SeqAlignment::Components::Libraries::edlib

        Edlib sequence mapping library binding for Perl. Two versions are
        provided, one that is FFI based and one that is Inline based.

    *   MCE <>

        MCE (Many-Core Engine) is a high performance parallel processing
        library for Perl. It is designed to take advantage of the many cores
        available on modern processors and provides a simple interface for
        creating parallel components in Perl.

    *   OpenMP <>

        The OpenMP ARB (Architecture Review Boards) mission is to
        standardize directive-based multi-language high-level parallelism
        that is performant, productive and portable. Jointly defined by a
        group of major computer hardware and software vendors and major
        parallel computing user facilities, the OpenMP API is a portable,
        scalable model that gives shared-memory parallel programmers a
        simple and flexible interface for developing parallel applications
        on platforms ranging from embedded systems and accelerator devices
        to multicore systems and shared-memory systems.

    *   PDL <>

        The Perl Data Language (PDL) gives standard Perl the ability to
        compactly store and speedily manipulate the large N-dimensional data
        arrays which are the bread and butter of scientific computing. PDL
        turns Perl into a free, array-oriented, numerical language that can
        be a very solid alternative to switching to Python or R for
        numerical computations during complex data analysis tasks and

    Christos Argyropoulos <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2024 by Christos Argyropoulos.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.