Test::Unit::Lite - Unit testing without external dependencies

    Bundling the Test::Unit::Lite as a part of package distribution:

      perl -MTest::Unit::Lite -e bundle

    Running all test units:

      perl -MTest::Unit::Lite -e all_tests

    Using as a replacement for Test::Unit:

      package FooBarTest;
      use Test::Unit::Lite;   # unnecessary if module isn't directly used
      use base 'Test::Unit::TestCase';

      sub new {
          my $self = shift()->SUPER::new(@_);
          # your state for fixture here
          return $self;

      sub set_up {
          # provide fixture
      sub tear_down {
          # clean up after test
      sub test_foo {
          my $self = shift;
          my $obj = ClassUnderTest->new(...);
          $self->assert_equals('expected result', $obj->foo);
          $self->assert(qr/pattern/, $obj->foobar);
      sub test_bar {
          # test the bar feature

    This framework provides lighter version of Test::Unit framework. It
    implements some of the Test::Unit classes and methods needed to run test
    units. The Test::Unit::Lite tries to be compatible with public API of
    Test::Unit. It doesn't implement all classes and methods at 100% and
    only those necessary to run tests are available.

    The Test::Unit::Lite can be distributed as a part of package
    distribution, so the package can be distributed without dependency on
    modules outside standard Perl distribution. The Test::Unit::Lite is
    provided as a single file.

  Bundling the Test::Unit::Lite as a part of package distribution

    The Test::Unit::Lite framework can be bundled to the package
    distribution. Then the Test::Unit::Lite module is copied to the inc
    directory of the source directory for the package distribution.

    Piotr Roszatycki <>

    Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009 by Piotr Roszatycki <>.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.
