NAME Math::SymbolicX::Calculator - A representation of a Symbolic Calculator SYNOPSIS # You probably want to use on of the interfaces instead such as # Math::SymbolicX::Calculator::Interface::Shell use Math::SymbolicX::Calculator; my $calc = Math::SymbolicX::Calculator->new(); my $cmd = $calc->new_command(...); # ... $calc->execute($cmd); DESCRIPTION This class represents the state of a symbolic calculator. It is mainly a glorified state hash of variables and their contents. It can execute commands which are represented by Math::SymbolicX::Calculator::Command objects and which operate on the symbol table on some way. Any slot of the symbol table may either contain a Math::Symbolic tree or a Math::Symbolic::Custom::Transformation object. METHODS new Returns a new Calculator object. new_command This method is a short-cut to Math::SymbolicX::Calculator::Command's "new" method and creates a new command object which can be executed using the Calculator object. execute Executes the command given as first argument. The command should be a Math::SymbolicX::Calculator::Command object. Returns any return values of the command's execution. (This may be a list!) stash Accesses the symbol table hash with the symbol name given as first argument. Valid symbol names match the regex "/[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*/". (This is read only.) get_transformation First argument must be a symbol name. Accesses the Calculator symbol table to fetch a transformation from it that is saved as the symbol. If the smybol table contains a transformation in the specified slot, that transformation is returned. If it contains a formula, it manufactures a transformation from that formula which amounts to replacing the specified symbol with the formula. If an error occurrs, an error message will be returned instead of a "Math::Symbolic::Custom::Transformation" object. SEE ALSO Math::SymbolicX::Calculator::Command, Math::SymbolicX::Calculator::Interface::Shell Math::Symbolic, Math::Symbolic::Custom::Transformation AUTHOR Steffen M��ller, <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2006 by Steffen M��ller This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.6 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.