use Data::Crumber; # imports `crumbr`
       # some data to work with
       my $data = { what => 'ever', hey => 'you' };
       # crumbr provides an anonyous sub back. This has defaults
       my $csub = crumbr();
       # use it to encode the data
       my $encoded = $crumbr->($data);
       # {"here"}{"hey"}:"you"
       # {"here"}{"what"}:"ever"
       # URI profile simplifies things but loses something
       $encoded = crumbr(profile => 'URI')->($data);
       # here/hey "you"
       # here/what "ever"
       # JSON profile produces valid JSON "slices"
       $encoded = crumbr(profile => 'JSON')->($data);
       # {"here":{"hey":"you"}}
       # {"here":{"what":"ever"}}
       # Object Oriented Interface
       my $crobj = Data::Crumbr->new();
       $encoded = $crobj->encode($data); # same as default


    Data::Crumbr lets you render data structures in a way that can then be
    easily searched and parsed in "slices". The basic idea is that data
    shaped in this way will then be easily filtered in the shell for
    extracting interesting parts.

    The input data structure is traversed is if it is a tree (so no
    circular structures please!), and a record is generated for each leaf
    in the tree. Depending on the backend and the configurations, the full
    path from the root to the parent of the leaf is represented as a
    sequence of keys (which can be hash keys or array indexes) followed by
    the value. This should make your life easier e.g. in the shell, so that
    you can specify the full path to the data structure part you're
    interested into with common Unix tools like grep and/or sed.


    Suppose you have the following data structure in Perl:

       my $data = {
          one => '1',
          two => 2,
          three => 3.1,
          four => '4.0',
          true => \1,
          false => \0,
          array => [
             qw< what ever >,
             { inner => 'part', empty => [] }
          hash => {
             'with ���' => {},
             ar => [ 1..3 ],
             something => "funny \x{263A} ���",

    If you encode this e.g. in JSON, it will be easy to parse with the
    right program, but not from the shell, even if you pretty print it:

          "hash" : {
             "something" : "funny ��� ���",
             "with ���" : {},
             "ar" : [
          "one" : "1",
          "array" : [
                "inner" : "part",
                "empty" : []
          "four" : "4.0",
          "true" : true,
          "two" : 2,
          "three" : 3.1,
          "false" : false

    How do you get the second item in the array ari inside the hash hash?
    Would you do better with YAML instead?

         - what
         - ever
         - empty: []
           inner: part
       false: !!perl/ref
         =: 0
       four: 4.0
           - 1
           - 2
           - 3
         something: funny ��� ���
         with ���: {}
       one: 1
       three: 3.1
       true: !!perl/ref
         =: 1
       two: 2

    Not really. Data::Crumbr lets you represent the data in a more verbose
    but easily consumable way for the shell. Hence, this:

       use Data::Crumbr;
       print crumbr()->($data), "\n";

    will give you this:

       {"hash"}{"something"}:"funny \u263A \u263B"
       {"hash"}{"with \u265C"}:{}

    Now it should pretty easy for a shell program to get at the data, e.g.
    with this sed substitution:

       sed -ne 's/^{"hash"}{"ar"}\[2\]://p'


    If you don't like the default encoding, you can get a different one by
    using a profile. This is a set of configurations for
    Data::Crumbr::Default, which is a pretty generic class for representing
    a wide class of possible record-oriented encodings.

    A Data::Crumbr::Default encoder is defined in terms of the following


      sequence to put when an array is opened


      sequence to put when an array is closed


      sequence to put before an array's index


      sequence to put after an array's index


      a reference to a function that encodes an array's index


      sequence to put when a hash is opened


      sequence to put when a hash is closed


      sequence to put before a hash's key


      sequence to put after a hash's key


      a reference to a function that encodes a hash's key


      a reference to a function that encodes a leaf value


      sequence to separate the keys breadcrumb


      sequence to separate the keys from the value

    By default, Data::Crumbr ships with the following profiles:


      i.e. the profile you get by default, and what you saw in action in
      the example above. It has the following settings:

	* no openers and closers:

           array_open  => ''
           array_close => ''
           hash_open   => ''
           hash_close  => ''

	* array keys are printed verbatim, surrounded by square brackets:

           array_key_prefix  => '['
           array_key_suffix  => ']'
           array_key_encoder => Data::Crumbr::Util::id_encoder

	* hash keys encoded as JSON strings, surrounded by curly brackets:

           hash_key_prefix   => '['
           hash_key_suffix   => ']'
           hash_key_encoder  => Data::Crumbr::Util::json_leaf_encoder

	* no separator between keys (because they already stand out very
	clearly, but a colon to separate the sequence of keys from the

           keys_separator  => ''
           value_separator => ':'

	* leaf values encoded as JSON scalars:

           value_encoder => Data::Crumbr::Util::json_leaf_encoder

      This is quite verbose, but lets you specify very precisely what you
      are looking for because the hash keys stand out clearly with respect
      to array identifiers, i.e. there's no chance that you will mistake an
      array index for a hash key (because they are embedded in different
      bracket types).


      this profile always provides you compact JSON-compliant string
      representations that contain only one single leaf value.

      It has the following characteristics:

	* openers and closers are what you would expect for JSON objects
	and arrays:

           array_open  => '['
           array_close => ']'
           hash_open   => '{'
           hash_close  => '}'

	* there is only one non-empty suffix, i.e. the hash key suffix, so
	that we can separate the hash key from the value with : according
	to JSON:

           array_key_prefix => ''
           array_key_suffix => ''
           hash_key_prefix  => ''
           hash_key_suffix  => ':'

	* array keys are not printed:

           array_key_encoder => sub { }

	* hash keys are JSON encoded:

           hash_key_encoder  => Data::Crumbr::Util::json_encoder()

	* no separators are needed:

           keys_separator  => ''
           value_separator => ''

	* leaf values encoded as JSON scalars:

           value_encoder => Data::Crumbr::Util::json_leaf_encoder


      this is the simplest of the profiles, and sacrifices the possibility
      to distinguish between hash and array keys to the altar of

      It has the following characteristics:

	* no openers, closers, prefixes or suffixes:

           array_open  => ''
           array_close => ''
           array_key_prefix => ''
           array_key_suffix => ''
           hash_open   => ''
           hash_close  => ''
           hash_key_prefix => ''
           hash_key_suffix => ''

	* array keys are printed verbatim

	* hash keys are URI encoded

           hash_key_encoder  => Data::Crumbr::Util::uri_encoder

	* keys are separated by a slash character / and values are
	separated by a single space  :

           keys_separator  => '/'
           value_separator => ' '

	* leaf values encoded as JSON scalars:

           value_encoder => Data::Crumbr::Util::json_leaf_encoder


    There are two ways to use Data::Crumber: a function crumbr, that is
    exported by default, and the object-oriented interface.


         $subref = crumbr(%args); # OR
         $subref = crumbr(\%args);

      get a crumbr generator based on provided %args.

      Returns a reference to a sub, which can then be called upon a data
      structure in order to get the crumbed version.

      The input arguments can be:


	details about the encoder, see "Profiles" for the available
	key-value pairs. In addition, you can also set the following:


	  the output channel to use for sending encoded data. This can be:

	    * filename

	    this will be opened in raw mode and used to send the output

	    * filehandle

	    used directly

	    * array reference

	    each output line will be pushed as a new element in the array

	    * object reference

	    which is assumed to support the print() method, that will be
	    called with each generated line

	    * sub reference

	    which will be called with each generated line


	the name of a profile to use as a base - see "Profiles". Settings
	in the profile are always overridden by corresponding ones in the
	provided encoder, if any.



      generate the encoding for the provided $data_structure. Output is
      generated depending on how it is specified, see "crumbr" above.


         my $dc = Data::Crumber->new(encoder => \%args);

      create a new instance of Data::Crumbr. Data provided for the encoder
      parameter (i.e. %args) are those discussed in "Profiles".

      The new instance can then be used to encode data using the /encode