# NAME App::TimeTracker - time tracking for impatient and lazy command line lovers # VERSION version 3.009 # SYNOPSIS Backend for the `tracker` command. See [tracker](https://metacpan.org/pod/tracker) and/or `perldoc tracker` for details. # INSTALLATION [App::TimeTracker](https://metacpan.org/pod/App%3A%3ATimeTracker) is a [Perl](http://perl.org) application, and thus requires a recent Perl (>= 5.10). It also reuses a lot of code from [CPAN](http://cpan.org). ## From CPAN The easiest way to install the current stable version of [App::TimeTracker](https://metacpan.org/pod/App%3A%3ATimeTracker) is via [CPAN](http://cpan.org). There are several different CPAN clients available: ### cpanminus ~$ cpanm App::TimeTracker --> Working on App::TimeTracker Fetching http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/D/DO/DOMM/App-TimeTracker-2.009.tar.gz ... OK Configuring App-TimeTracker-2.009 ... OK Building and testing App-TimeTracker-2.009 ... OK Successfully installed App-TimeTracker-2.009 1 distribution installed If you don't have `cpanminus` installed yet, [install it right now](http://search.cpan.org/dist/App-cpanminus/lib/App/cpanminus.pm#INSTALLATION): ~$ curl -L http://cpanmin.us | perl - --sudo App::cpanminus ### CPAN.pm CPAN.pm is available on ancient Perls, and feels a bit ancient, too. cpan App::TimeTracker ## From a tarball To install [App::TimeTracker](https://metacpan.org/pod/App%3A%3ATimeTracker) from a tarball, do the usual CPAN module install dance: ~/perl/App-TimeTracker$ perl Build.PL ~/perl/App-TimeTracker$ ./Build ~/perl/App-TimeTracker$ ./Build test ~/perl/App-TimeTracker$ ./Build install # might require sudo ## From a git checkout Clone the repository if you have not already done so, and enter the `App-TimeTracker` directory: ~$ git clone git@github.com:domm/App-TimeTracker.git ~$ cd App-TimeTracker `App-TimeTracker` uses [Dist::Zilla](https://metacpan.org/pod/Dist%3A%3AZilla) to build, test and install the code, hence this must be installed first, e.g. with `cpanm`: ~/path/to/App-Tracker$ cpanm Dist::Zilla Now install the distribution's dependencies, test and install in the usual manner for `Dist::Zilla` projects: ~/path/to/App-Tracker$ dzil listdeps --missing | cpanm ~/path/to/App-Tracker$ dzil test ~/path/to/App-Tracker$ dzil install # PLUGINS Custom commands or adaptations to your workflow can be implemented via an "interesting" set of [Moose](https://metacpan.org/pod/Moose)-powered plugins. You can configure different sets of plugins for different jobs or projects. **Tip:** Use `tracker plugins` to list all installed plugins. Read more about each plugin in `App::TimeTracker::Command::PLUGIN-NAME`. ## Note about (missing) Plugins Up to version 2.028 a lot of plugins where included in the main distribution `App-TimeTracker`. To make installation easier and faster, all non-core command plugins have been moved into distinct, standalone distributions. The following plugins are affected: - App::TimeTracker::Git (which also includes SyncViaGit) - App::TimeTracker::RT - App::TimeTracker::TellRemote (which was called Post2IRC earlier) - App::TimeTracker::Overtime has been removed, while the idea is nice, the API and implementation are not good enough. - App::TimeTracker::TextNotify has been removed. # SOURCE CODE ## git We use `git` for version control and maintain a public repository on [github](http://github.com). You can find the latest version of [App::TimeTracker](https://metacpan.org/pod/App%3A%3ATimeTracker) here: [https://github.com/domm/App-TimeTracker](https://github.com/domm/App-TimeTracker) If you want to work on [App::TimeTracker](https://metacpan.org/pod/App%3A%3ATimeTracker), add a feature, add a plugin or fix a bug, please feel free to [fork](http://help.github.com/fork-a-repo/) the repo and send us [pull requests](http://help.github.com/send-pull-requests/) to merge your changes. To report a bug, please **do not** use the `issues` feature from github; use RT instead. ## CPAN [App::TimeTracker](https://metacpan.org/pod/App%3A%3ATimeTracker) is distributed via [CPAN](http://cpan.org/), the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network. Here are a few different views of CPAN, offering slightly different features: - [https://metacpan.org/release/App-TimeTracker/](https://metacpan.org/release/App-TimeTracker/) - [http://search.cpan.org/dist/App-TimeTracker/](http://search.cpan.org/dist/App-TimeTracker/) # Viewing and reporting Bugs We use [rt.cpan.org](http://rt.cpan.org) (thank you [BestPractical](http://rt.bestpractical.com)) for bug reporting. Please do not use the `issues` feature of github! We pay no attention to those... Please use this URL to view and report bugs: [https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=App-TimeTracker](https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=App-TimeTracker) # CONTRIBUTORS Maros Kollar, Klaus Ita, Yanick Champoux, Lukas Rampa, David Schmidt, Michael Kr��ll, Thomas Sibley, Nelo Onyiah, Jozef Kutej, Roland Lammel, Ruslan Zakirov, Kartik Thakore, Tokuhiro Matsuno, Paul Cochrane, David Provost, Mohammad S Anwar, H��kon H��gland, Thomas Mantl # AUTHOR Thomas Klausner <domm@plix.at> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2011 - 2021 by Thomas Klausner. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.