

HTML::Breadcrumbs is a module used to create HTML 'breadcrumb trails'
i.e. an ordered set of html links locating the current page within
a hierarchy.

HTML::Breadcrumbs splits the given path up into a list of elements, 
derives labels to use for each of these elements, and then renders 
this list as N-1 links using the derived label, with the final 
element being just a label.

Both procedural and object-oriented interfaces are provided. The OO 
interface is useful if you want to separate object creation and
initialisation from rendering or display, or for subclassing.

Both interfaces allow you to munge the path in various ways, to set 
labels either explicitly via a hashref or via a callback subroutine,
and to control the formatting of elements via sprintf patterns or a 
callback subroutine.

Example usage:

  use HTML::Breadcrumbs qw(breadcrumbs);
  print breadcrumbs(path => '/foo/bar/bog.html');
  # prints: Home > Foo > Bar > Bog    (the first three as links)

  # More complex version - explicit element labels + other stuff
  print breadcrumbs(
    path => '/foo/bar/biff/bog.html', 
    labels => {
      'bog.html' => 'Various Magical Stuff',
      '/foo' => 'Foo Foo',
      bar => 'Bar Bar',
      '/' => 'Start', 
    sep => ' :: ',
    format => '<a target="_blank" href="%s">%s</a>',
  # prints: Start :: Foo Foo :: Bar Bar :: Biff :: Various Magical Stuff
  # the first four elements are links in the given format


The standard:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


File::Basename, Carp.


Copyright (C) 2003 Gavin Carr

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.