Test::CI - Get details about the current CI environment


      use Test::More;
      use Test::CI qw(is_ci);
      plan skip_all => 'only in CI' if !is_ci;


    This module provides details about the current CI environment. This is
    a perl port of


    Note that all functions are not exported by default. You can export
    functions by, for example, use Test::CI qw(is_ci);.


    Returns a string containing name of the CI server the code is running
    on. If CI server is not detected, it returns undef.


    Returns 1 or 0. Will be 1 if the code is running on a CI server,
    otherwise 0. Some CI servers not listed here might still trigger the
    is_ci to be set to 1 if they use certain vendor neutral environment
    variables. In those cases name will be undef and no VENDOR-CONSTANT
    will be set to 1.


    Returns 1, 0, or undef.

    If PR detection is supported for the current CI server

      Will be 1 if a PR is being tested, otherwise 0.

    If PR detection is not supported for the current CI server

      The value will be undef.


    Returns 1 or 0. Will be 1 if the code is determined to run on the given
    CI server, otherwise 0.

    Examples of vendor constants are TRAVIS or APPVEYOR. For a complete
    list, see the support table below.


      Name                  Constant        is_pr
      --------------------- --------------- -------------
      AWS CodeBuild         CODEBUILD       Not supported
      AppVeyor              APPVEYOR        Supported
      Azure Pipelines       AZURE_PIPELINES Supported
      Bamboo by Atlassian   BAMBOO          Not supported
      Bitbucket Pipelines   BITBUCKET       Supported
      Bitrise               BITRISE         Supported
      Buddy                 BUDDY           Supported
      Buildkite             BUILDKITE       Supported
      CircleCI              CIRCLE          Supported
      Cirrus CI             CIRRUS          Supported
      Codeship              CODESHIP        Not supported
      Drone                 DRONE           Supported
      dsari                 DSARI           Not supported
      GitHub Actions        GITHUB_ACTIONS  Supported
      GitLab CI             GITLAB          Not supported
      GoCD                  GOCD            Not supported
      Hudson                HUDSON          Not supported
      Jenkins CI            JENKINS         Supported
      Magnum CI             MAGNUM          Not supported
      Netlify CI            NETLIFY         Supported
      Nevercode             NEVERCODE       Supported
      Sail CI               SAIL            Supported
      Semaphore             SEMAPHORE       Supported
      Shippable             SHIPPABLE       Supported
      Solano CI             SOLANO          Supported
      Strider CD            STRIDER         Not supported
      TaskCluster           TASKCLUSTER     Not supported
      TeamCity by JetBrains TEAMCITY        Not supported
      Travis CI             TRAVIS          Supported


    Shoichi Kaji <>


    Copyright 2019 Shoichi Kaji <>

    The MIT License (MIT)

    Note that the actual CI information comes from, whose license is MIT.