File id

    NAME - Shorten text to minimum syllables by using hash table
        lookup and vowel deletion


            use;         # import only function
            use Squeeze qw( :ALL ); # import all functions and variables
            use English;            # to use readable variable names

            while (<>)
                print "Original: $ARG\n";
                print "Squeezed: ", SqueezeText lc $ARG;


        Squeeze English text to most compact format possible so that it is
        barely readable. Be sure to convert all text to lowercase before
        using the SqueezeText() for maximum compression, because
        optimizations have been designed mostly for uncapitalized letters.

        Warning: Each line is processed multiple times, so prepare for slow
        conversion time'

        You can use this module e.g. to preprocess text before it is sent to
        electronic media that has some maximum text size limit. For example pagers
        have an arbitrary text size limit, typically around 200 characters, which
        you want to fill as much as possible. Alternatively you may have GSM
        cellular phone which is capable of receiving Short Messages (SMS), whose
        message size limit is 160 characters. For demonstration of this module's
        SqueezeText() function, this paragraph's conversion result is presented
        below. See yourself if it's readable (Yes, it takes some time to get used
        to). The compression ratio is typically 30-40%

            u _n use thi mod e.g. to prprce txt bfre i_s snt to
            elrnic mda has som max txt siz lim. f_xmple pag
            hv  abitry txt siz lim, tpcly 200 chr, W/ u wnt
            to fll as mch as psbleAlternatvly u may hv GSM cllar P8
            w_s cpble of rcivng Short msg (SMS), WS/ msg siz
            lim is 160 chr. 4 demonstrton of thi mods SquezText
            fnc ,  dsc txt of thi prgra has ben cnvd_ blow
            See uself if i_s redble (Yes, it tak som T to get usdto
            compr rat is tpcly 30-40

        And if $SQZ_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL is set to non-zero

