Clarity::XOG::Merge - Merge several Clarity XML Open Gateway (XOG) files

    Merge several Clarity XOG ("XML Open Gateway") files into one

        xogtool merge -i subdir_with_inputfiles -o MERGEDRESULT.xml

    *Clarity*(R) is a project and resource management software
    from *Computer Associates International, Inc.*(R), see

    It provides data import of so called "XOG" ("XML Open Gateway")
    files, sometimes historically called "nikureport". Such files are
    generated for instance by TaskJuggler, see

    Sometimes, e.g., when different departments of one company use
    their own project management software, respectively, such XOG
    files need to be merged into one before being imported into the
    central Clarity database.

    This module "Clarity::XOG::Merge" and its frontend "xogtool"
    provide that merging.

    It is implemented carefully to handle very large files without
    suffering from memory issues (by using "XML::Twig", temp files and
    running in several passes). So the only restrictions should be the
    supported max-file-size of your filesystem. (However, please note
    that importing a large merged XOG file into Clarity can have its
    own memory issues, due to their import probably being XML-DOM

    It is also explicitely polished to work under Windows using
    Strawberry Perl and being packaged into a single standalone
    "xogtool.exe" using PAR (tested with Strawberry Perl 5.8 on
    Windows XP). A corresponding "mkexe.bat" file to call the PAR
    packager is provided.

    Steffen Schwigon, `<ss5 at>'

    Copyright 2010-2011 Steffen Schwigon, all rights reserved.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.