use Mail::FilterXML;
my $filter = new MailFilter(rules => "/home/matt/mail_rules.xml");
This module builds upon Mail::Audit by Simon Cozens. Mail::Audit
is a module for constructing filters, Mail::FilterXML is a
filter of sorts. FilterXML is just made up of some logic for
processing an email message, and is controlled by the contents
of a rules file, so if I wanted to block a particular sender, I
could just add an element to my rules file, like:
The content attribute can contain perl regexps, such as
*\.microsoft\.*$, etceteras.
I will be adding new "types" of rules, and the ability to reject
or altogether ignore messages, as possible in Mail::Audit. Any
feedback or patches are welcome.
Matthew MacKenzie
Eli Ben-Shosan