.\"	$NetBSD: prep,v 1.3 2018/06/26 10:49:54 martin Exp $
.Ss2 Available Boot Media
The BeBox firmware (BootROM) allows for system booting using:
.(bullet -compact
Local floppy disk, hard disk or CD-ROM with the following file systems:
.(bullet -compact
Be file system
Old Be file system
doesn't support creating/reading/writing either of the file systems.
However, nbpowerpc-mkbootimage can create an image using the Old
Be file system for writing to a floppy.
.Ss2 Preparing the Bootable Media
This section describes how to create a
boot loader onto a floppy.
Go to one of the
mirror sites and download a floppy image from the
.Pa bebox/installation/floppy/
directory named boot.fs or boot_vga.fs or boot_com.fs.
boot.fs can boot with a frame buffer.  If you see the 'Be' logo on your screen
then use this.  If not, use boot_vga.fs.
.No # Ic "dd if=boot.fs of=/dev/rfd0a bs=18k"
If you have an x86 PC which runs
.Tn Windows
and use it to write the floppy image(s) to floppy disk,
you can use the
.Ic Rawrite32
Windows program which can be found at
.Lk https://www.NetBSD.org/~martin/rawrite32 .
Also you can create boot.fs in the following way:
.No # Ic "nbpowerpc-mkbootimage -I -m bebox -b mdec/boot/boot boot.fs"
.Ss2 Loading the kernel from hard disk or floppy disk
boot supports loading a kernel from hard disk or floppy disk
connected directly onboard.
.(bullet -compact
Loading a kernel from the 'a' partition on master IDE disk:
.Ic /dev/disk/ide/0/master/0_0:/netbsd
Loading a kernel from a floppy disk:
.Ic /dev/disk/floppy:/netbsd
Loading a kernel from the 'd' partition on target 1 lun 2 SCSI disk:
.Ic /dev/disk/scsi/0/1/2_3:/netbsd
This support is very experimental.