# $File: maple,v 1.8 2017/03/17 21:35:28 christos Exp $
# maple:  file(1) magic for maple files
# "H. Nanosecond" <aldomel@ix.netcom.com>
# Maple V release 4, a multi-purpose math program

# maple library .lib
0	string	\000MVR4\nI	MapleVr4 library

# .ind
# no magic for these :-(
# they are compiled indexes for maple files

# .hdb
0	string	\000\004\000\000	Maple help database

# .mhp
# this has the form <PACKAGE=name>
0	string	\<PACKAGE=	Maple help file
0	string	\<HELP\ NAME=	Maple help file
0	string	\n\<HELP\ NAME=	Maple help file with extra carriage return at start (yuck)
#0	string	#\ Newton	Maple help file, old style
0	string	#\ daub	Maple help file, old style
#0	string	#===========	Maple help file, old style

# .mws
0	string	\000\000\001\044\000\221	Maple worksheet
#this is anomalous
0	string	WriteNow\000\002\000\001\000\000\000\000\100\000\000\000\000\000	Maple worksheet, but weird
# this has the form {VERSION 2 3 "IBM INTEL NT" "2.3" }\n
# that is {VERSION major_version miunor_version computer_type version_string}
0	string	{VERSION\ 	Maple worksheet
>9	string	>\0	version %.1s.
>>11	string	>\0	%.1s

# .mps
0	string	\0\0\001$	Maple something
# from byte 4 it is either 'nul E' or 'soh R'
# I think 'nul E' means a file that was saved as  a different name
# a sort of revision marking
# 'soh R' means new
>4	string	\000\105	An old revision
>4	string	\001\122	The latest save

# .mpl
# some of these are the same as .mps above
#0000000 000 000 001 044 000 105 same as .mps
#0000000 000 000 001 044 001 122 same as .mps

0	string	#\n##\ <SHAREFILE=	Maple something
0	string	\n#\n##\ <SHAREFILE=	Maple something
0	string	##\ <SHAREFILE=	Maple something
0	string	#\r##\ <SHAREFILE=	Maple something
0	string	\r#\r##\ <SHAREFILE=	Maple something
0	string	#\ \r##\ <DESCRIBE>	Maple something anomalous.