.\" $OpenLDAP$
.\" This contribution is derived from OpenLDAP Software.
.\" All of the modifications to OpenLDAP Software represented in this
.\" contribution were developed by Peter Marschall <peter@adpm.de>.
.\" I have not assigned rights and/or interest in this work to any party.
.\" Copyright 2009 Peter Marschall
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP Public License.
.\" A copy of this license is available in file LICENSE in the
.\" top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
.\" http://www.OpenLDAP.org/license.html.


ldapexop \- issue LDAP extended operations

.BR \-V [ V ]]
.BI \-d \ debuglevel\fR]
.BR \-n ]
.BR \-v ]
.BI \-f \ file\fR]
.BR \-x ]
.BI \-D \ binddn\fR]
.BR \-W ]
.BI \-w \ passwd\fR]
.BI \-y \ passwdfile\fR]
.BI \-H \ URI\fR]
.BI \-h \ ldaphost\fR]
.BI \-p \ ldapport\fR]
.BR \-e \ [ ! ] \fIext\fP [ =\fIextparam\fP ]]
.BI \-o \ opt \fR[= optparam \fR]]
.BI \-O \ security-properties\fR]
.BR \-I ]
.BR \-Q ]
.BR \-N ]
.BI \-U \ authcid\fR]
.BI \-R \ realm\fR]
.BI \-X \ authzid\fR]
.BI \-Y \ mech\fR]
.BR \-Z [ Z ]]
.I oid
.BI oid: data
.BI oid:: b64data
.B whoami
.BI cancel \ cancel-id
.BI refresh \ DN \ \fR[\fIttl\fR]}

ldapexop issues the LDAP extended operation specified by \fBoid\fP
or one of the special keywords \fBwhoami\fP, \fBcancel\fP, or \fBrefresh\fP.

Additional data for the extended operation can be passed to the server using
\fIdata\fP or base-64 encoded as \fIb64data\fP in the case of \fBoid\fP,
or using the additional parameters in the case of the specially named extended
operations above.

Please note that ldapexop behaves differently for the same extended operation
when it was given as an OID or as a specialliy named operation:

Calling ldapexop with the OID of the \fBwhoami\fP (RFC 4532) extended operation

  ldapexop [<options>]


  # extended operation response
  data:: <base64 encoded response data>

while calling it with the keyword \fBwhoami\fP

  ldapexop [<options>] whoami

results in

  dn:<client's identity>


.BI \-V [ V ]
Print version info.
If\fB\-VV\fP is given, only the version information is printed.
.BI \-d \ debuglevel
Set the LDAP debugging level to \fIdebuglevel\fP.
.BI \-n
Show what would be done but don't actually do it.
Useful for debugging in conjunction with \fB\-v\fP.
.BI \-v
Run in verbose mode, with many diagnostics written to standard output.
.BI \-f \ file
Read operations from \fIfile\fP.
.BI \-x
Use simple authentication instead of SASL.
.BI \-D \ binddn
Use the Distinguished Name \fIbinddn\fP to bind to the LDAP directory.
.BI \-W
Prompt for simple authentication.
This is used instead of specifying the password on the command line.
.BI \-w \ passwd
Use \fIpasswd\fP as the password for simple authentication.
.BI \-y \ passwdfile
Use complete contents of \fIpasswdfile\fP as the password for
simple authentication.
.BI \-H \ URI
Specify URI(s) referring to the ldap server(s); only the protocol/host/port
fields are allowed; a list of URI, separated by whitespace or commas
is expected.
.BI \-h \ ldaphost
Specify the host on which the ldap server is running.
Deprecated in favor of \fB\-H\fP.
.BI \-p \ ldapport
Specify the TCP port where the ldap server is listening.
Deprecated in favor of \fB\-H\fP.
.BR \-e \ [ ! ] \fIext\fP [ =\fIextparam\fP ]
Specify general extensions.  \'!\' indicates criticality.
  [!]assert=<filter>    (an RFC 4515 Filter)
  !authzid=<authzid>    ("dn:<dn>" or "u:<user>")
  [!]bauthzid           (RFC 3829 authzid control)
  [!]postread[=<attrs>] (a comma-separated attribute list)
  [!]preread[=<attrs>]  (a comma-separated attribute list)
  abandon,cancel,ignore (SIGINT sends abandon/cancel,
  or ignores response; if critical, doesn't wait for SIGINT.
  not really controls)
.BI \-o \ opt \fR[= optparam \fR]

Specify general options.

General options:
  nettimeout=<timeout>  (in seconds, or "none" or "max")
  ldif-wrap=<width>     (in columns, or "no" for no wrapping)
.BI \-O \ security-properties
Specify SASL security properties.
.BI \-I
Enable SASL Interactive mode.  Always prompt.  Default is to prompt
only as needed.
.BI \-Q
Enable SASL Quiet mode.  Never prompt.
.B \-N
Do not use reverse DNS to canonicalize SASL host name.
.BI \-U \ authcid
Specify the authentication ID for SASL bind. The form of the ID
depends on the actual SASL mechanism used.
.BI \-R \ realm
Specify the realm of authentication ID for SASL bind. The form of the realm
depends on the actual SASL mechanism used.
.BI \-X \ authzid
Specify the requested authorization ID for SASL bind.
.I authzid
must be one of the following formats:
.BI dn: "<distinguished name>"
.BI u: <username>
.BI \-Y \ mech
Specify the SASL mechanism to be used for authentication.
Without this option, the program will choose the best mechanism the server knows.
.BR \-Z [ Z ]
Issue StartTLS (Transport Layer Security) extended operation.
Giving it twice (\fB\-ZZ\fP) will require the operation to be successful.

Exit status is zero if no errors occur.
Errors result in a non-zero exit status and
a diagnostic message being written to standard error.

.BR ldap_extended_operation_s (3)

This manual page was written by Peter Marschall
based on \fBldapexop\fP's usage message and a few tests
with \fBldapexop\fP.
Do not expect it to be complete or absolutely correct.

.so ../Project