* 									   *
*  			HISTORY of user-visible changes			   *
* 									   *

1.7o		(93/09/03)		non-rectangular icons


      - gwm now completely supports non-rectangular icons, either from ICCCM
        hints set by the applications (icon masj hint in WM_HINTS), or by
	using XPM color pixmap files for the icon centre plugs, and they can
	be modified on the fly.

      - new variable: xpm-closeness. If set, sets the "closeness" XPM value
        when loading XPM file. This allows to search the colormap for already 
        allocated colors "close enough" when the colormap is full. You can
	thus use sperb colorful icons without any restraints!
	Defaults to 40000, which is the recommended XPM value. See the XPM
	documentation for full explanation.

      - -k and -K new command line options:
	Dan Griscom <griscom@media.mit.edu>:
	It's the "-k pid" option, which takes a process id as an
	argument. When gwm has finished initializing, it sends a signal(SIGALRM
	by default) to the given process. So, if you do the following lines:
	sleep 15 & pid=$!
	gwm -k $pid &
	wait $pid
	then your init shell script will pause until gwm has finished 
	-K signal_num sets the signal number to signal_num instead of

      - term-icon-xpm:
        Icon decoration, like term-icon, but frames the icon name with 8 XPM 
	icons, instead of bitmaps, allowing you great looks!. Just try:
	  ;; your dominant screen background color
	  (setq screen-background (color-make "lightseagreen")) 
          (set-icon-window XTerm
	    (term-icon-xpm "xterm3" pop-item.font
	      (color-make "DarkSlateGrey")
	      (color-make "yellow")))

      - xpm-icon:
        an icon decoration allowing for using colorful non-rectangular icons
        (xpm files), choosen by the state of the application, and updated 
	on icon pixmap or icon/window name change. See file data/xpm-icon.gwm
	As far as I know, gwm is the only X WM to allow you to have a colored,
	non rectangular icon of xmh changing when new mail arrives...


      - I fixed f.exec to allow arguments in commands in a natural way, now
        (f.exec "xedit foo") works, no need to type (f.exec "xedit" "foo")

      -  mwm: Meta-X no longer maximizes the window by default, since it is 
         annoying for emacs users (ed.duomo@lambada.oit.unc.edu)


      - new room package: wbrooms.gwm, contributed by William Burdick
        <burdick@octopus.ecn.purdue.edu>. The idea is like dvrooms, except 
	that a room is a bar of buttons, and they have a nice 3D look.

      - XPM lib upgraded to the most recent one, 3.2g (performance gains)

      - generated LEX & YACC parsers are included for users without lex&yacc
        (most notably LINUX, flex and bison do not work with gwm).
	see directory gwm-parsers.


      - Calvin Clark <ckclark@MIT.EDU>:
        error in grab lists should not abort decoration
      - errors in icon decoration could leave the main window unmapped

      - more fixes to WM_TAKE_FOCUS Protocol: fix by David Hogan 
        <dhog@cs.su.oz.au>, reported by John Mackin <john@civil.su.oz.au>.
	Other fixes by rjc@cogsci.edinburgh.ac.uk (Richard Caley).

      - simple-win.gwm: typo was preventing color chnage of label with focus-in
        bug fix by: Tom Yu <tlyu@MIT.EDU>

      - "Henry S. Thompson" <ht@cogsci.edinburgh.ac.uk>
  	(pixmap-make width heigth) now take into account tile if it exists

      - patches for compiling with flex by Olaf Kirch (on linux)
        <okir@mathematik.th-darmstadt.de>. See revision.c.

      - various bug fixes to the code by: (see revision.c for full details)
        caret@sword.eng.pyramid.com (Neil Russell)
	"Mike Marques" <mike@ccs.yorku.ca>
	kenw%bilbo@ihs.com (Ken Weinert)
	dwight@toolucky.llnl.gov ( Dwight Shih )
	Julian Gosnell <jules@tomen-ele.co.jp>
	Steven Charlton <steven@cs.ualberta.ca>
	Reg Quinton <reggers@julian.uwo.ca>
	Michael A. Patton <MAP@lcs.mit.edu>

1.7n		(92/08/28)		bugs


      - there were still problems with some idraw pop-ups (file selectors),
        due to bugs in idraw WM_HINTS positioning. fixed.

      - some windows could be left unmapped in some cases. problem discovered
        by Michael A. Patton <MAP@lcs.mit.edu>

      - -DNO_STRUCTURE_OFFSETS compilation flag to be able to compile
         wl_event.c on picky compilers (DECstations, apollo)


      - data/move-opaque.gwm: call to process-exposes to avoid crashes
	fix provided by tsm@cs.brown.edu (Timothy Miller)

1.7m		(92/08/10)		bugs


      - some memory bugs, found by using the wonderful purify utility. Get a
        demo version of purify by mailing to support@pure.com

      - bad implementation of the WM_TAKE_FOCUS ICCCM protocol corrected. bug
        shown with lucid emacs

      - the new "map-on-raise" flag couldn't be turned off

      - cstruble@gnu.ai.mit.edu (Craig Struble) fixed a short/int comparison

      - load: on absolute pathnames, do not add extensions
        check that extension is not already there before adding it

      - Calvin Clark <ckclark@mit.edu>: bad handling of the sibling field in
        ConfigureRequest events


      - gwm-buffer.el in data dir by Mike Fletcher <fletch@cad.gatech.edu>
        an interactive wool mode (remotely executed by the running gwm)
	under emacs
        Note: this package was also called wool-mode.el (name that I would
	reserve to a package to indent wool) or gwm-mode.wl. I renames it with
	the same name as its main function...

      - blk@vanity.mitre.org (Brian L. Kahn): drop-menus packages for use 
        with epoch. files in data/:
        drop-menus.doc drop-menus.gwm style.gwm widgets.el widgets.gwm

        I began writing more customizable versions. Look at:
        em-widgets.gwm em-drop-menus.gwm em-example.gwm

      - Doug Bogia <bogia@cs.uiuc.edu>: no more button bindings overriding by
        the mon-keys.gwm package


      - Glen Whitney <gwhitney@math.ucla.edu>: new version of the mwm emulator.
        mwm files overriden, but saved in mwm-emul-1.0.tar.Z in ftp sites
        see mwm-emulation.txt


      - New context flag for windows: ignore-take-focus (default ()). If set,
        the WM_TAKE_FOCUS protocol is never used for the window, even if it
	is set by the window


1.7l		(92/03/02)		bugs + framemaker support


      - gwm now ignores directories when loading files. if you had a directory
        named "utils" for instance in your GWMPATH, gwm would not load 

      - some changes for compiling on stellar (Timothy Miller)


      - .profile.gwm now loads "framemaker.gwm"

      - (setq confine-windows t) was overriden by unconf-move in .profile.gwm
    	Doug Bogia <bogia@cs.uiuc.edu>

      - standard .profile now loads "my-menus.gwm" for user-specific
        customisation (so that the standard profile can be shared)


      - bugs to twm profile corrected (would core dump after a while).
	Dag Diesen <dagdis@ifi.uio.no>


      - new flag "UseInstalledXpm" in Imakefile to use already installed XPM 
	klute@irb.informatik.uni-dortmund.de (Rainer Klute)

      - new file: fast.gwm (for gwm -f fast), to make a very primitive, fast
	starting WM, by 
	ejb@era.com (Jay Berkenbilt)

      - epoch.gwm was obsolete, updated.

      - button mapping removed from mon-keys.gwm
    	Doug Bogia <bogia@cs.uiuc.edu>


      - never-warp-pointer variable to disable all calls to warp pointer
        tim@stanley.cis.brown.edu (Timothy Miller)

      - map-on-raise flag interpreted by decoration to know if we must 
	de-iconify a window if the client raises it. 
	This is for FrameMaker, which doesn't expect some of its dialogs to
	ever be iconified, and thus only raises them when you request them.
	this flag on FrameMaker decos de-iconify them also.


      - new entries:
        never-warp-pointer, map-on-raise, fast.gwm, framemaker.gwm.

1.7k		(92/02/12)		bugs


      - 'background key in meter function was ignored
	(bug report from "Mike Marques" <mike@apex.yorku.ca>)

      - (property-change any) was not working

      - Michael Bloom <mb@ttidca.tti.com> patches for interviews

      - window-group has now sanity checks to always return a list or ().
	FrameMaker was setting bad hints that could confuse gwm

      - a internal random bug on GC was corrected, might have been the bug
        inducing bus errors on some move-window calls.


      - new resources for simple-icon:
	simple-icon.plug-name forces the icon name
	simple-icon.no-center-plug forces icon to ignore application pixmap


      - data/en-recover.gwm utility code from Eyvind Ness <eyvind@hrp.no>
	included in distrib. code used to map back lost windows.

      - data/framemaker.gwm is a sample of special utilities coded to manage
	framemaker windows


      - Philippe Kaplan's additions of hooks for external window management
        (not yet documented, might be changed, notably to better implement the
	ICCCM v2). Provides access to ClientMessages by the functions:

	(client-message atom) waits for a client message of type atom

	(current-event-data) returns a 5-element list made with the contents of
	the client message (if numeric) or a string.

	(send-client-message atom args...) sends a client message with tag
	atom and with (at most 5) numeric args to the current window, or a
	string arguments (then first 20 chars are sent).


      - the doc is untouched.

1.7i		(91/10/21)		idraw bug


      - one more check for garbage hints placed by idraw...
        (opening a new idraw file was messing main idraw display)...

1.7h 		(91/10/04)		xpm v3.0 R5 tape

      - now uses xpm 3.0 library (xpm version for the R5 contrib tape)


      - icons with no center plug didn't resize when bars were resizing
        themselves. Found by Mike Liang <mike@lsil.com>.

1.7g		(91/10/03)		bugs


      - GNU copyrights removed on data/amc-lisp.el, with author agreement.

      - xpm/Imakefile corrections


      - problem when resized with confine-windows on on left and top side of
        screen. Doug Bogia (bogia@cs.uiuc.edu)

      - bug with some false window-group hints (bus errors on sun4s)


      - new PROBLEMS file for listing hints & tips for helping to compile.
        added tips for HP machines by Eyvind Ness <eyvind@hrp.no>

      - blk@zoot.cca.cr.rockwell.com (Barry L. Kaplan) GWM-Lisp major mode 
        for Emacs included in distrib.

      - Hugues.Leroy@irisa.fr (Hugues Leroy) additions of rxcmdtool to 

1.7f		(91/09/12)		submission to X11R5 contrib tape


      - Do not trust the validity of windows put by clients as group leaders
        or transient_for masters. Idraw v3.0 was putting garbage in its 
	transient_for property and was fooling gwm.

      - send-key-to-window now properly puts shifts to access shifted
        chars, i.e.: (send-key-to-window "aB@#" alone) works as expected


      - bug in submenu execution in mwm: current window was bad. Bug found by
        blk@zoot.cca.cr.rockwell.com (Barry L. Kaplan) 


      - uses now the new 3.0b XPM Pixmap file library

1.7e		(91/09/10)		bug fixes


      - no more resource manager bugs. Were due to using null strings to 
         mean "any" as classes.

      - gwm now properly dies when the X server dies 
        (shown by qjb@athena.mit.edu). Was due to a bus error in a signal 

      - problems in shaped windows decoration


      - new function color-make-rgb function contributed by 
        dab@berserkly.cray.com (David Borman)

      - uses now the new 3.0a XPM Pixmap file library

1.7d		(91/08/29)		bug fix


      - version number wasn't correct (still 1.7b)

      - bad behavior on transient windows

1.7c		(91/08/28)		Compiles with R5 + bug fixes


      - random values returned sometimes by the X ressources manager

      - sun4 bugs

      - John Carr <jfc@ATHENA.MIT.EDU> patches for IBM RT and RS/6000, 
        X11R5, ansiC

      - more careful during window decoration (should fix xrn crashes)


      - machine names are trunacted to first dot, to retain only machine name,
        not the domain


      - window-to-client and client-to-window functions to convert to/from
        decorated client's X ids and Gwm decorating "window"s.

1.7b		(91/08/15)		bug fixes


      - random "Invalid Window" errors really corrected

      - window-icon? documented and implemented in C instead of wool.

      - README updated

1.7a		(91/08/15)		bug fixes


      - dvrooms additions by Dwight Shih <dwight@s1.gov>:
        roll-rooms-up and roll-rooms-down to get through rooms in order
	magic-dvroom-attach: windows <Room>::<Name> get automatically added
	    to <Room>.
        dvroom-remapping: unmaps all windows belonging to any room.	


      - random "Invalid Window" errors

      - defines XErrorHandler for pre-R4 releases

      - bad data/Imakefile generation


      - window-is-valid, wob-is-valid to help debugging profiles.


      - "make wool" is provided to make a standalone command-line version of
        wool (less all the gwm-specific routines).

1.7		(91/08/01)


      - hostnames which contain embedded "." were not matched properly
	Fix provided by DGREEN@IBM.COM (Dan R. Greening) and
	Doug Bogia (bogia@cs.uiuc.edu)

      - proper use of * in resource specs

      - keys works in vscreen window now

      - meters stay in place

      - client-info menu wasn't movable

      - no-set-focus not always set properly (patch by Doug Bogia)

      - null string for the window-client-name badly matched
        (patch by Doug Bogia)


      - (= "foo" 'foo) didn't work!

      - William.Lott@ARDATH.SLISP.CS.CMU.EDU: (wob-borderpixel <pixmap>)

      - John Carr patches for IBM PC-RTs under BSD (AOS), not AIX
	Mike Newton patches for building on DG AViiON
	Dan R. Greening patches to Imakefile for IBM RS-6000
	sven@tde.lth.se (Sven Mattisson) patches for Sequent Symmetry
	DYNIX 3.0.17

      - window-icon checks for window existence

      - madler@apollo.com (Michael Adler) dims_outer_to_inner() in client.c:
        failed to account for the border width of the decoration

      - client moving only one coord would move to 0

      - client-name context var was ignored in place-menu

      - double-buttonpress was bugged: acted as a buttonpress

      - fixed crash when client quits immediately after a colormap change 
	request. (problem showed by Frank Mangin <mangin@sa.inria.fr>)

      - fixed random crash while redecorating windows that were part of a group


      - xid-to-wob function

      - delete-read-properties pointer to delete x properties after reading 
        them (Philippe.Kaplan@sa.inria.fr)

      - GWM_EXECUTE gets deleted after being read

      - color-free to de-allocate a color allocated by color-make

      - draw-rectangle to draw filled rectangles in pixmaps

      - draw-text to write strings in pixmaps


      - restart code fixed also in mwm.gwm and twm.gwm


      - uses xpm library v3.0a. xpm files read are v3, i.e. xpm v2, but only
	with the C syntax.

      - Eyvind Ness <eyvind@hrp.no> near-mouse placement policy included in
	file near-mouse.gwm

      - new place-button function in utils.gwm to easily create sexy 3-d
        looking standalone button triggering wool code when pressed.

      - no need to put pressed button as modifier for release events anymore


      - main directory included in the tar file, i.e. I do "tar c gwm" instead
	of "tar c ." previously.

      - data/Imakefile is now automatically generated to avoid forgetting 

      - no more use of makedepend in makefile. Local dependencies already
	generated before distribution.

      - amc-lisp.el emacs style included to indent "properly" (like me, that
        is :-) wool code under emacs


      - Doc fully updated.

1.7_delta     	(91/01/11)


      - Mike Newton: pop menu on root with any modifier on menu button, not
        just alone or with-alt, in case things goes wrong


      - Jay Berkenbilt <qjb@ATHENA.MIT.EDU>: closing code executed at the end
        and restart of gwm was just value of closing, causing random crashes

      - av@cs.uta.fi (Arto V. Viitanen) ids too long for apollo C compiler

      - Mike Newton: new version of mon-keys.gwm (bugs with epoch)

      - Alan Pfeiffer-Traum <apt@uh.edu>: iconification of clients not matched
        by describe-window failed

      - icon-groups-old.gwm  simple-icon-old.gwm  simple-win-old.gwm files were
        missing from distrib (for mwm and twm profiles)

      - Mike Newton: installation procedure works on install-less machines

      - John Carr <jfc@ATHENA.MIT.EDU>: fixes for correct argument types in
        functions, for compiling with prototyped Xlib


      - you need to replace (load "icon-groups") by (load "icon-groups-old")
        in your mwmprofile.gwm

1.7_gamma	(90/12/28)	deep clean up: profile reorg, xpm2, bugs

	This version is the result of collecting all the contributed patches
	sent to me, chasing the last bugs hiding in dark corners, and
	reorganizing the standard profile code for having a much cleaner base
	for adding things. Gwm 2.0 being late, this is to have a solid gwm
	version	to play with meanwhile.
	WARNING: The LaTeX doc is not yet updated, hope to do it in Feb 91.


      - gwm now uses XPM v2 format to read color images, not anymore XPM v1.
        converters from v1 to v2 are included in the XPM v2.8 distrib included
	in the xpm subdirectory, files xpm1to2.perl (perl script), and from
	ppm to xpmv2: ppmtoxpm2.c (C program). Perl is a language available
	by anonymous ftp from prep.ai.mit.edu. Xpm1 files won't be recognized,
	but gwm won't break, just display the X logo instead.


      - new events enter-window-not-from-grab & leave-window-not-from-grab
        used for tricky interactions in menus.

      - color-components function returns (R G B) list of primary color
        components of a color made by color-make.

      - wool: trace-func.gwm package to add ability to individually trace wool
        functions by trace-func and untrace-func

      - wool: Jay Berkenbilt's match-windowspec function to choose decos by
        regular expressions on window names or class is included in utils.gwm


      - clients started as iconic before gwm launch now work OK.
	(bug report: John Mackin <john@cs.su.oz.au>,
		     David Hogan <dhog@cs.su.oz.au>)

      - setting window-size bugged on windows which didn't have resize incr
        hints set.

      - basebars without titlebars on non-rectangular windows triggered an
        error (bug found by Frank Mangin <Frank.Mangin@mirsa.inria.fr>)

      - a random bus error due to uninitialized variable in redecoration of
        windows fixed

      - gwm didn't handle resizes or move too early after initial mapping

      - could crash if window was destroyed too fast. More generally, all (I
        hope) timing bugs have been chased to death...

      - bus errors while moving windows with move-opaque shouldn't appear

      - \xNN escape sequence in strings for specifiying chars by hex value was

      - rotate-cut-buffer was bugged

      - (boundp '()) was returning ()

      - set-icon didn't work

      - unmapped group leaders were mapped (never-mapped toplevel widgets for

      - the propagate argument provided to send-user-event survived function

      - simple-win.gwm: title stayed of inactive color in some cases

      - Carl Witty <cwitty@portia.stanford.edu>: confined windows could get 
        1 pixel off the right & down of screen

      - John Carr <jfc@ATHENA.MIT.EDU>: make decoration windows have
        background "none" to decrease flashing. I forgot to include this patch
	in 1.6b

      - wool: (exit insts...) were evaluating inst after restoring old

      - wool: exit out of a for didn't restore correcetly the old values

      - + misc bugs... Globally safer when X errors happen at unexpected times


      - send-key-to-window automatically adds "shift" as modifier to
        upper-case letters sent, to behave as expected when sending a string
	with mixed upper/lower case. Pointed by Frank Mangin

      - pixmap-load now supports symbolic color overriding, a XPM v2 feature
        (e.g (pixmap-load "mailbox" "flag" "Red" "sky" (color-make "Blue"))) 

      - menu-make skips nil entries

      - make-string-usable-for-resource-key traps now blanks & * as well as .

      - traps Program sizes <= 1 for this brain-dead motif 1.1


      - I now use the "amc-lisp" indent style under emacs for indenting wool
        code. amc-lisp.el is provided with the epoch distribution.

      - all client specifications for set-window, set-icon et al. now can be
        either class-name, class-name.client-name,
	class-name.client-name.window-name, or
	class-name.client-name.window-name.machine-name. *-notation is
	supported. You can say (set-window "Xman*Manual_Page" foo)

      - decos are now evaluated at *deco* time, not when reading profile as
        before. At evaluation, the deco is recursively processed (up to 10
	times) till a decoration is obtained. (an atom/string is taken as a
	file name and loaded, a function is called without args, a list is
	evaluated). This should supress a lot of complicated quoting in
	decos. This should not break existing decos, and you can then supress
	most of the quoting you were forced to use with the previous method.

      - raise-on-move, raise-on-resize and raise-on-iconify global flags.

      - exemple .profile.gwm is much cleaner (and commented)

      - Jay Berkenbilt <qjb@ATHENA.MIT.EDU> cute mini virtual screen package
        included. Use by loading "vscreen" at the start of your profile, then
	move along by Ctrl-Alt-Keys. Map available by root menu (see item 
	"VS Show" in menu). see vscreen.gwm on how to customize.

      - Rod Whitby: float package (was called auto-raise) included to make
        windows always on top or to the background use by loading "float",
	then new items added on window/icon menu.
	This package uses visibility events, so can miss some cases and may
	enter (exitable) loops if 2 floating windows overlap.

      - Rod Whitby: unconf-move package, allows you to still move/resize
	windows off screen boundaries, even if confine-windows is set (by
	using the control key)

      - Rod Whitby: suntools-keys package to iconyfy windows with F7 or L7,
        and to toggle raise/lower with F5 or L5

      - Mike Newton's (newton@gumby.cs.caltech.edu): mon-keys.gwm package to
        add many WM functions on functions keys, such as F1/F2 to go to
	next/previous window

      - icon-groups package now adds 3 ways to iconify in the menu item
        for iconifying: iconifying all group, this window (default), all
	other windows of the group.

      - dvrooms: Philippe Kaplan <phk@mirsa.inria.fr> added a flag
        dvroom.icon-box, which, if set to t will make dvrooms non-exclusive
	(more than one open at a time)

      - added the "float" package of Rod Whitby <rwhitby@adl.austek.oz.au>
        to make window always float before others, or sink to the background

      - menu code is cleaned up: menus are now a list of items during profile,
        where loaded packages can modify this list. The menu is then built
	from the list after user profile is read. These lists are
	window-pop-items, icon-pop-items, root-pop-items.

      - menu buttons can now be strings, pixmaps, or any lisp expression
        returning a pixmap

      - multi-item entries in menus (with multi-item-make)

      - menus now have a default action triggered when button is released
	before menu is mapped. (nothing was done before)
	Default action is set by the menu-default-action function

      - reparse-standard-behaviors simplified, and window- & icon-behavior now
        do not include anymore standard-behavior, you must include it when
	building your fsms from these behaviors

      - dvroom package new dvroom.auto-add flag to tell if new windows will
        get automatically included in current room.

      - new "customize" function to generically modify decos by context
        E.g.: (customize simple-icon any Xman
			 simple-icon.background (color-make "MistyRose"))
	simple-icon and term-icon are customizable this way now
	thus having a standard interface for customizing all packages on a
	client basis

      - screen-tile & icon-pixmap are defaulted-to intead of set.

      - the provided rxterm script in data/ subdir now works with full
        internet adresses 

      - the "client info" menu item now pops-up an independant window.

      - bugs in simple-ed-win corrected by duanev@mcc.com (Duane Voth)

      - "reload" item no more included in root menu (reloading profile is
        often not sufficent...)


        mwm profile is not affected by the standard profile modifications

      - Carl Witty <cwitty@portia.stanford.edu> patches:
        mwm profile:
            f.maximize corrected:
                If executed from a menu, it didn't correctly change the
    	    state of the window's zoom button
    	    It did set the zoom button's pixmap incorrectly, although
    	    this was corrected as soon as a leave-window event is generated.
    	keyboard menu traversal more sensible
    	new functions:
    	    (f.eval (? "Hello")) will print hello when it is executed.
    	    (f.identify) pops up a window which giving information about the
    	    current window.
    	    (f.delete) uses the WM_DELETE_WINDOW protocol to delete a window.
    	    (f.load "mwm") will reload the mwm profile.
    	    (f.raise_lower) is my version, which doesn't raise a window unless
    	    another on-screen window actually obscures it.
    	    (f.raise_move) is obvious.
    	    (f.refresh_win) didn't do anything before; now it does.
    	    (f.warpto "emacs") warps the mouse to the first emacs window found
    	    and brings it to the front.  I implemented it for a friend who 
    	    likes twm.
    	I didn't like the look of disabled menu items in the mwm profile, with
    	    that line drawn through them, so I added some modifications to 
    	    allow disabled menu items to be displayed in a different color


        twm profile is not affected by the standard profile modifications

      - Carl Witty <cwitty@portia.stanford.edu> patches:
        Some patches to make the icon manager in the twm profile act
        more like the one in the X11R4 twm.  That is, when the cursor is in
    	the icon manager, the focus is set to the window whose bar the cursor
    	is over.  The patches also change it so that the icon manager doesn't
    	resize when a window is iconified or deiconified.


      - LaTeX doc is not yet updated. 1.7 will be 1.7_alpha/beta/gamma....
        with doc updated

      - John Mackin <john@cs.su.oz.au> corrections to the man page

      - casey@gauss.llnl.gov (Casey Leedom): namespace doc entries out of

1.6b		(90/05/28)	bugs


      - mwm profile: closing a xmh sub window was generating X errors
        (Gilles Muller) + many more bugs corrected in mwm profile

      - Jay Berkenbilt <qjb@ATHENA.MIT.EDU> windows with east gravities were
        bugged (were offset 4*inside_borderwidth to the left)

      - tmiller@suna0.cs.uiuc.edu withdrawing a client having an "user-icon" 
        set didn't work (such as a dvroom)

      - cwitty@portia.stanford.edu: reallocating when adding strings could fail
        if new_size was > 2*old_size

      - when match fails, returns () when called with 2args, "" otherwise.
        (code made conformant to the doc)

      - Doug Bogia <bogia@suna0.cs.uiuc.edu> The no-set-focus did not allow
        the autocolormap to work. 

      - new global values class-name & client-name for specifying client class
        and client name of placed menus (default: Gwm and menu)

      - John Carr <jfc@ATHENA.MIT.EDU>: make decoration windows have
        background "none" to decrease flashing


      - Rod Whitby <rwhitby@austek.oz.au> added the variable "confine-windows"
        to keep interactive moves and resizes confined to screen boundaries.
        I added confine-windows support to the wool move-opaque code, too.


      - button 2 in icon of simple-ed-win works now (Andrew Simms

      - duanev@mcc.com (Duane Voth): dvrooms maintain a GWM_ROOM window
        property on windows to put them back in room managers

      - Rod Whitby <rwhitby@austek.oz.au> xterm-list more defaultable


      - documentation of confine-windows flag and  class-name & client-name

1.6a		(90/05/09)	bugs


      - bug in (pop-menu 'here) was preventing mwm sub-menus from working

      - No Imakefile in data/

      - deplibs added in Imakefile (hleroy@irisa.fr (Hugues Leroy))

      - compilation without -DUSER_DEBUG now works
	dacseg@uts.amdahl.com (Scott E. Garfinkle)

      - icon description evalution was done too early, prevented tracking
	changes of the icon name until the icon had been realized

      - bus errors were supposed to be trapped gracefully, but weren't
	Ray Nickson <Ray.Nickson@comp.vuw.ac.nz>

      - in multi-screen mode, gwm mixed decos between screens

      - mapping an already mapped leader of a group of windows could lead to
	problems. Alan Caroll <carroll@suna0.cs.uiuc.edu>

      - On gwm created menus, the property WM_CLIENT_MACHINE was of type atom
	instead of string. Carl Witty <cwitty@cs.stanford.edu>

      - bitmaps read from files could be offset.  Dana Chee <dana@bellcore.com>

      - replacing menu inside screen was letting borders out of screen. 
	Jay Berkenbilt <qjb@ATHENA.MIT.EDU> 

      - gwm could miss resize events while decorating windows
	Simon Kaplan <kaplan@cs.uiuc.edu>

      - bug in destroying placed menus fixed 
        Carl Witty <cwitty@portia.stanford.edu>

      - killing gwm by SIGTERM (kill without options) was doing an emergency
        exit, leaving windows not were they should be. Gwm now quits properly
	Jay Berkenbilt <qjb@ATHENA.MIT.EDU>


      - icon-groups: new members always started iconic if leader had the
        "start as an icon" hint.

      - mwm profile: many bugs corrected by Gilles.Muller@irisa.fr

      - could have blank pixmaps in mwm icons. Dana Chee <dana@bellcore.com>

    CHANGES TO THE DOC:      None.

1.6		(90/03/30) 	dark corners clean-up


      - group leader could be unmapped on gwm restart

      - bar with no plug didn't take the size of its tile (implied null side
        bars under mwm profile on some windows) (Gilles.Muller@irisa.fr)

      - closing of windows of a window-group could generate X errors.

      - window gravity hints now work

      - when a client is iconified on startup, call "iconify-window", do not
        try to map icon.

      - some files were missings from data/Imakefile

      - for "pop-menu", doc was saying to use the flag "'fixed". It was
        "'here" in fact. doc corrected.

      - a reference count bug could bring havoc in some setq/with combinations
        (Vincent Bouthors <vincent@mirsa.inria.fr>)

      - withdrawing a window (a la icccm) could make gwm destroy it

      - do not break on bogus clients hints (xcol. XView clients)

      -  bar-min-width was ignored (Carl Witty <cwitty@portia.stanford.edu>)

      - simple-icon wasn't working in multi screen mode (Doug Bogia)

      - changing the name after editing window name left it in black/black
        (Doug Bogia)

      - patch to the README file by casey@gauss.llnl.gov (Casey Leedom)

      - or was returning its result non evaluated

      - all the current-event-xxx functions return 0 instead of () when
        current event was not a key or button event


      - window-icon-pixmap-id to know what actual bitmap the client has set.


      - icon-groups works, even on clients starting iconified.
        can now exclude some clients from icon-grouping with list

      - deltabutton now part of the distrib

      - new "'sort" field of rows to keep icons sorted

      - set-icon didn't work when given a lisp expression (Steve Anderson)

      - no user-positioning for transient windows (Carl Witty)

      - better customizability of standard behaviors: re-declare them, then
        call the reparse-standard-behaviors functions. Buttons have now
	symbolic names select-button, action-button, menu-button instead of 1,
	2, and 3.

      - Doug Bogia <bogia@cs.uiuc.edu>: patches to the no-set-focus code

1.5e		(90/03/07)	old pre-icccm code


      - gwm was using the ICCCM-obsolete size and position normal hints
        (bug triggered by XView clients)

      - gwm was giving false size for xterms (offset by 1)

      - some bugs when labels became of size 0 (when erasing a dvroom label)

      - Doug Bogia <bogia@cs.uiuc.edu>: patches to the no-set-focus code to
        make it work in all cases.


      - GWM_EXECUTE property can be also set on any client window, no more
        just on root windows. Thus you will be able to execute
	window-dependent gwm code.

1.5d		(90/02/28)	bugs in mwm


      - new "move-opaque" package part of the distrib now. This one works
        with the mwm profile and is documented in the standard profile chapter.


      - twm profile bug fixes by Arup Mukherjee:
	[1] No more error messages if you change a window name when
	    the icon manager is off.
	[2] Icon box in title bar now requires only one click to iconify.
	[3] Menu code takes advantage of the new hostname active
	    value, so that windows on remote machines come up correctly even if
	    the display was unix:0 when gwm was started.

      - creating a menu before accessing "hostname" could crash. Bug was only
        in 1.5c. (It could happen when creating a new dvroom).

      - simple-icon.legend flag was not documented

      - bugs in the mwm profile (contributed by Gilles.Muller@irisa.fr)
	- mnemonics work now (Alt-M to move a window)
	- always raises on de-iconify
	- better looking menus (mwmrc.gwm changed)
        - only the client-class was used in resources, not the client name

1.5c	 	(90/02/21)	bugs

	Now patches can be applied with "patch -p" without an argument.


      - machine name is now set on gwm windows (placed menus)


      - new "hostname" active value gives the name of the machine on which gwm
        is running.

      - "window-icon?" (defined in Wool in "utils.gwm") returns () if icon has
        not been created yet. This is used to check for icon existence without
	creating it, since evauating "window-icon" would provoque the creation
	of the icon


      - elapsed-time now yields the real time elapsed in milliseconds

      - standard profile: gwm could crash on withdrawing of windows (with xmh,
        xpostit...). This bug only existed in 1.5b.

      - mwm profile:
	    - do not do interactive positioning on user-positioned windows.
	    - did not set the colormap focus when entering the window.

1.5b	 	(90/02/15)	bugs, printable doc

	Gwm version names will now be distinct from the actual rcs numbers,
	I got fed up writing these long 1.5.xx.yy silly names :-)


      - a nice minimal man page (gwm.man) has been contributed by 
        Casey Leedom <casey@gauss.llnl.gov>, as well as fixes to the

      - if client re-order its WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS list, and had the
        current colormap focus, re-install the colormap of the first
	window in the (new) list.

      - Gwm maintains a GWM_RUNNING property on each root window of
        the screens it manages in which is kept the window Id of a
	Gwm-created hidden window bearing the same property for
	applications to check for the presence of Gwm. This is the
	same mechanism that Mwm uses.


      - (send-button-to-window button# modifier x y)
        Just like send-key-to-window, sends a synthetic
	buttonpress/buttonrelease pair of events to the window at
	position x,y (in pixels) in the client window (which can be a

      - visibility-fully-obscured
	new events contributed by Rod Whitby <rwhitby@adl.austek.oz.au>

      - any wool code can be parsed and evaluated by putting it as an
        ASCII string in the GWM_EXECUTE property on the root window.
	This is built-in, and will work with any profile.

      - make-string-usable-for-resource-key to replace . and * with _ to give
        to resource-get. window-name does not use this automatically anymore,
	allowing you to see dots in window names

      - "allow-event-processing" to un-freeze the server once you got an event
        that you grabbed in a replayable way (via the "replayable-event"
	function). Otherwise, looping on current-mouse-position was hanging
	gwm, since the pointer didn't appear to change state.


      - AT LAST! The postscript version of the doc will print on any
        postscript printer, even with low RAM. This is done by using
	dvips v5.0 from Tomas Rockiki and converting XWD dumps to
	idraw drawings.

      - icon-groups was buggy, but should work Ok now.

      - restarting gwm was killing applications which had an
        application-created icon window.

      - parent of menu was not resetted to root window by
        "unpop-menu". This was making the mwm profile hang at random
	places, when the wob-parent function deferenced this
	"dangling" pointer

      - do not take into account icons in clients window-group hints.
        This allows gwm to work with the (buggy) XView clients 
	(bug found by Michael Urban <urban%rcc@rand.org>)

      - X Toolkit popups could fail to appear after the first time,
        due to a bad handling of the Withdrawn state by gwm
	(Randy Thomas <rjt@sedist.cray.com> helped me greatly to find
	this one by providing me with a program exercising the bug)

      - "window scooting" bug (some windows will move after a gwm
        restart) fixed by Jay Berkenbilt <qjb@ATHENA.MIT.EDU>      

      - "delete-window" do not more have the side-effect of changing
        the current wob.

      - calling "window-icon-name" on the root window crashed gwm.

      - patches for working with interactive386 C compiler provided by
        Dan Rich <drich%dialogic@uunet.UU.NET>

      - current screen could be changed during opening & closing. Fix
        provided by John Carr <jfc@ATHENA.MIT.EDU>

      - TeX macro \RCSRevNum corrected by Juha Sarlin <juha@tds.kth.se>

      - mwm profile:
	  -  double clicking fast enough in a plug could kill client
	  -  "delta" function could hang gwm. solved with new
	     "allow-event-processing" function
	  - files buttons.gwm and bindings.gwm have been renamed in mwm-*


      - now icons update names on window-icon-name changes in the standard
        profile and the mwm emulation.

      - mwm profile now set resouces by CLASS, no more by NAME!
        in mwmrc.gwm say now:
	            XClock.clientDecoration '(border resizeh)
	instead of  xclock.clientDecoration '(border resizeh)
	mwm icons use now always the icon name, not the window name

	(here I will list changes made to the doc, so that you can
	decide if it worth re-printing it)

      - doc for the send-button-to-window function.              (wool_ref.tex)
      - doc for the new visibility... events.                    (wool_ref.tex)
      - doc for sending wool code by the GWM_EXECUTE property,   (overview.tex)
	and for checking for Gwm presence by GWM_RUNNING.
      - doc for make-string-usable-for-resource-key.             (wool_ref.tex)
      - doc for allow-event-processing.				 (wool_ref.tex) 	(89/12/20)	bugs


      - x, y, gravity, borderwidth & borderpixel can now be set for
	meters in the "meter" function, which now returns previous values.

      - new "map-notify" event sent to window each time it is actually mapped
	on the screen. (needed for epoch)

      - new "reenter_on_opening" flag (default 1). Can be set to 0 during
	critical sections that cannot be re-entered (thus fixing a bug
	in the twm emulator).


      - "window creep" on restart is fixed

      - menu-min/max-width were ignored when a plug made the menu resize

      - redecorating a window (by the menu) sometimes unmapped it

      - dlist package somewhat cleaned up (Gary Oberbrunner <garyo@Think.COM>)

      - 2 patches from dab@berserkly.cray.com (David Borman) for
        compiling with the buggy DEC BSD4.4 C compiler (with -DSTUPID)


      - meters now grow & shrink (were only growing before)

      - december version of arup's twm package included.

      - process-events can take an argument to do a sync before
	processing events		(89/12/05)	bugs


      - menu-max-width & menu-min-width as context variables for menu-make,
	just as there is bar-max-width & bar-min-width.


      - when client was moving and resizing itself, gwm was sending 2	
	configure events.

      - on a withdraw request, (Synthetic UnmapNotify sent to root, see
	ICCCM v1.0, sec 4.1.4), gwm now fully un-decorate the window
	to start afresh a new decoration on new map.

1.5		(89/11/24)	X11R4 tape gwm

    This is the version that will be included in the X11R4 tape
    The standard profile has been cleaned up (some renaming of variables)

    Inclusion of the TWM emulator by Arup Mukherjee and the rooms
    package by Duane Voth.

    The placement functions have been greatly enhanced with the new "rows"


      - trigger-error to jump to toplevel

      - icon-name and starts-iconic context variable for placed menus


      - no more errors on calls to XGrabPointer on R4

      - bugs in resizing of menus when items were resized


      - "-" is now n-ary	(89/11/15)	X11R4 beta

    This version should compile OK under the X11R4 beta tree

    NOTE: for compiling with alpha release of X11R4, use -DX11R4a
          for compiling with beta  release of X11R4, use -DX11R4


      - window-name always converts the dots "." to "_", for not breaking
	the X resource manager. This did not happen in the standard profile
	but was very dangerous in some other profiles

      - for X11R4 inclusion, wl_namespace.c and .h files are renamed to
	wl_name.c and .h, and Imakefile was re-designed by Donna Converse.

      - #endif foo were replaced by #endif /* foo */

      - new file "cursor-names.gwm" to have the names of the built-in
	cursors (see "cursor-make" entry)

      - mwm profile included: try it with a gwm -f mwm


      - list-of-windows could break due to an uninitialised context

      - if a (buggy) client declared itself as transient-for itself, gwm
	would enter an infinite loop (new interviews clients)	(89/10/18)	Imakefile

    NOTE: the "gwm" subdirectory is renamed as "data" for compiling with imake\


      - Installs now with either an Imakefile or Makefile.noXtree

      - supports now the WinGravity iccm hint (ICCCM 1.0 fully compatible)

      - simple-icon.legend to remove title on simple icons


      - set/get-x-property on root Ok now

      - grid-color should be Ok


      - get-wm-command to get WM_COMMAND ICCCM property	(89/10/09)	Shape extension


      - support of X11R4 non-rectangular windows (Shape extension)

      - window-is-shaped function to test if decorated window is 
	non-rectangular (returns t or ())


      - unbind was bugged (if done twice on same atom)

      - current-event-window-coords bugged when window did not have 
	resize inc hints set

      - gwm was looping on windows having themselves as group leader 
	(bug fixed by weissman@wsl.dec.com)

      - sort was bugged	(89/09/07)	bug fixes


      - replayable events are now made with the "replayable-event" function,
	no more by setting the "freeze-on-grab" flag


      - ungrab-server can take no arguments, meaning ungrab unconditionnaly
	(with argument, ungrabs only if argument is the wob having set the

      - # and ## now works on wobs (by accessing the property field, supposedly
	containing a list), and on atoms (by accessing their value which
	must be a list).

      - ## can now add new elements to a list, in an unique way: If many
	objects point to the list, only one copy of the list is expanded

      - match can now return a list of values, e.g:
	(match "\\([0-9]*\\)x\\([0-9]*\\)" "80x24" 1 2)
	returns the list ("80" "24")

      - strings can be written across lines by prefixing the eol by "\"


      - no more ghost windows when client dies during decoration

      - gwm tracks correctly changes of key mapping

      - ungrab-server was bugged

      - with-modifier-N instead of with-modifierN, as was specified in the doc

      - colors could be mixed between screens

      - defname in screen. was changing current wob


      - better error handling with a stack dump on error, with variable
	"stack-print-level" controlling the number of levels displayed

      - wob-x and wob-y for absolute position of wobs

      - current-event-time for time (milliseconds) of triggering event

      - confine-grabs flag for confining cursor inside grabbing wob

      - delete-nth for physically removing an element of a list

      - current-event-from-grab tells if the event was generated by a grab
	(enter/leave, focus in/out)

      - window-program-set-position, window-program-set-size for acessing
	application hints	(89/08/18)	bug fixes


      - ! does not fork a shell anymore, directly executes command instead.
	Now you must break yourself the command line into arguments, i.e. 
	change (! "xterm -fn 6x10") in (! "xterm" "-fn" "6x10")
	and (! "for i in `cat ~/.xloads`;do rxload $i;done")
	in  (! "/bin/sh" "-c" "for i in `cat ~/.xloads`;do rxload $i;done")


      - -q flag for quiet start up (sets "gwm-quiet" var)

      - pop-menu and unpop-menu now do a XSync


      - = didn't check type of second arg in some cases

      - window was lost if mapped on another screen

      - some timing bugs could prevent windows from mapping after X errors

      - current-event-relative-y was broken (returned the x value)

      - grab-server was bugged when given a wob as argument


      - xterms/xload called by the pop-up menu now are created on the same
	screen as the menu.

      - set-icon evaluates list if given in argument (and is debugged, too)	(89/08/09)	bug fixes


      - shell escape "!" uses now the content of the SHELL env. variable
	(dab@opus.cray.com (Dave Borman))

      - placed menus participate in the WM_DELETE ICCCM protocol, i.e. you
	can apply "delete-window" on a placed menu to destroy them.

      - Class of placed menus is now "Gwm" instead of "GWM".

      - defname of an atom having already a value sets all the created names
	in the existing namespace states to this value.

      - current-event-window-coords returns now also the coordinates in
	the decorating window (thus including the decoration) as 5th and 6th
	elements of the returned list


      - typos in the doc (Olaf Heimburger <olaf@tubopal.uucp>)

      - (cursor-make number) works for all releases and for number = 0

      - place-menu with coords was bugged 
        (Eirik Fuller <eirik@labs.labs.tek.com>)

      - composite wobs (bars, menus) always transmit user-events to their
	sons (bars, plugs) now. (Terry Weissman	<weissman@wsl.dec.com>)

      - "-m" option do not map menus anymore

      - error-occured becomes error-occurred

      - bitwise-and was bugged (always returned 0)

      - when restarting gwm, some windows drifted of one pixel
	(Gary Oberbrunner <garyo@Think.COM>)


      - grab-keyboard-also flag for grabbing also the keyboard when issuing
	a "grab-server" which grabs the pointer.		(89/07/27)


      - (cursor-make number) to select a cursor in the server's cursor font
	code courtesy of Bill Trost <trost@scott.labs.tek.com>

      - resize-style controls the interaction during resizes: 0 is the
	old "uwm" way, 1 is the new "mwm" way. two new flags control the
		mwm-resize-style-catch-corners if you want to be able
			to "catch" corners while dragging a side
		mwm-resize-style-corner-size for the distance from the corner
			at which you catch them
	and 8 new cursor variables (cursor-NW et al.) controls the shape
	of the cursor.
	Warning: for now, you must trigger the code only in the borders
	(wait for an leave-window event before calling resize window...)
	but it will be corrected in next release.
	(code made by Frederic Charton)

      - new value 5 for resize-grid-style for 2-pixel wide lines for style 0


      - namespace-add was broken

      - grab-server was bugged

      - compiles ok on ultrix


      - namespace-remove to remove a name state, to be able to implement
	a full "window." namespace later		(89/07/26)	bug fixes


      - send-user-event can take a third argument not to propagate events
	down the wob hierarchy

      - This file is now called CHANGES and at the top directory, instead of

      - updates will now be distributed as patches to the files, no more to
	the shell archive


      - IBM-RT compilation flag changed to IBM_RT in Makefile

      - compiles ok with vanilla gcc (no more writes in static strings)

      - re-decorate-window works with an argument and check if it is applied
	to a real window

      - cond works now

      - re-load&dec menu item fixed in standard profile

      - when tracing an expression, the evaluated expression could not unset
	the tracing mode

      - in case of errors in the "opening" code of the window, maps it


      - ungrab-server-and-replay-event to release an activated passive grab
	and replay the grabbing event. Useful for click-to-type policies

      - current-event-relative-x & current-event-relative-y coords of
	last event in the wob coordinates		(89/07/21)	multi-screen


      - previously, menus were considered as windows: thus in a menu fsm,
	send-user-event was sending events to the menu. This was a bug and
	has been corrected (window refers to the window of the wob having
	popped the menu). Menu codes working in previous releases should
	be corrected (look at the new "std-popus.gwm" file)

      - the "sublist" function has been changed not to include the last
	given element

      - the meter parameters are now set by a single function, "meter"
	instead by multiple variables meter-font, meter-background, etc...


      - multi-screen support: now Gwm will decorate all the screens on the
	display. The standard profile operates by defining one resource per
	screen, and then loading the user ".profile.gwm" file once per
	screen. The problem is that the decoration writers will have to be
	sure they do not mix colors, pixmaps, cursors and all wobs and

      - To help managing multiple screens, the concept of "namespaces"
	has been added. A namespace is a set of names having a different
	value for each state of the namespace. Gwm defines the "screen."
	namespace, for all screen-dependant data. For instance, "screen-width"
	is a name in the "screen." namespace, having the correct value for
	each screen, gwm changing the state of "screen." to match the
	current screen.
	See functions: namespace-make, namespace-add, defname,
	namespace, namespace-of, namespace-size

      - grab-server accepts a 'nochild optional argument to grab strictly
	on a wob, redirecting even the events sent to its childs.

      - (trace  expression) evaluates the expression before each list eval

      - new -1, -x command line switches and GWM_MONOSCREEN shell variable

      - current-mouse-position returns current screen as 4th elt

      - resize-meter to say that you want a meter to appear on resizes

      - move & resize-window return status code that can be checked to see
	if the user aborted them


      - warp-pointer to set the position of the pointer

      - menu-wob to get the wob id of a menu

      - new "screen" active value and associated variables: screen-type, 
	screen-count, screen-width, screen-height, screen-widthMM, 

      - list-of-screens returns the managed screens


      - in fsms, if no "goto" state was given, the new state was setted to
	the same state. Now it is just left untouched, so that it is possible 
	to set the new state by sending user-events to the same fsm in an

      - Gwm handles resizes of not-yet-mapped windows, allowing XTerms
	to appear quickly

      - undefinde keys cannot anymore be grabbed.


      - set-window et al. use now the class of the client rather than its
	name for resource management, and accept the screen type as an
	optional first argument

      - default for resources is now "any", not window, icon, etc...	(89/05/09)	stack-frames

    WOOL keeps now true stack frames, so it is able to correctly restore
    	local variable value when exiting across function calls and with
	calls by an "exit" call or an error
    ICCCM IconifyRequest was bugged
    -D was not working
    -a switch for "asynchronous" handling of moves and resizes
    ported to ibm PC/RT
    rxterm ksh shell script included in the distribution now
    (load 'foo)bar do not eat "b" anymore
    can unbind atoms now (primitive: "unbind")
    do not remap withdrawn windows on (re)start
    "simple-ed-borderwidth" variable to set the outer-borderwidth of the
	simple-ed-win standard decoration
    works now on pure SYSV or BSD Makefiles
    -i option to stay in PointerRoot input focus mode