This directory is provided as a service of X.Org.  It is
here so that people will have a place to upload programs and information
related to the X Window System that they would like to share.  Please
do not upload pirated or commercial software to this directory.

In the past, the /contrib directory has been very unstructured,
and because of this, difficult to use.  Beginning with R6, we are
going to try and impose some structure on the /contrib.  To do this
successfully, we need your help.

Here are some guidelines that you should try to use when uploading 
files to

1.) When you upload files, tar and compress them (using either compress 
    or gzip). 

2.) Upload your files to the INCOMING directory. Files in the INCOMING
    directory will be periodically moved to the appropriate directory.
    If you'd like to specify which directory your files belong in
    make sure you include a note indicating your preference.

3.) If your files don't fall into a good existing category, create a
    new directory as appropriate, but use your judgement to try and 
    avoid making the directory hierarchy either too deep (no more than
    2 or 3 levels) or too wide.  

4.) Name your README files <package>.README, so that it appears near
    the package file in listings.  (This also avoids having people 
    overwriting each others README's in directories with many packages.)

5.) Consider following the packaging suggestions in section 1 of the
    /pub/DOCS/XConsortium/Contrib.howto file.  These suggestions are a
    good idea, even if your software is not on the R6 contrib tape.

6.) When you've uploaded your contribution please send email, cc:

X.Org reserves the right to remove files from this system
without cause or notice.