The Broadway Audio System
The Broadway Audio System
Ray Tice, Mark Welch
X Consortium Inc.
This paper describes the X Audio System, a proposed Consortium standard
for application access to network-transparent audio services. These
services include the ability to play, generate, and record audio clips.
The system also allows audio services to be coordinated with other
services, such as video or graphics. The X Audio System owes much of its
heritage to the X Window System, Digital's AF, NCD's Network Audio System,
and many other prior systems.
Simply put, the X Audio System provides applications with access to audio
services. These include the ability to play, generate, and record audio
clips. The system also allows these services to be coordinated with other
services, such as video or graphics.
The X Audio System shares many goals with the X Window System. Network
transparency allows an application to use audio devices on the same
machine, or on any other machine on the network. Hardware independence
allows programs to be written once, but usable for a wide variety of audio
hardware. Device sharing allows multiple applications to use the audio
hardware simultaneously. A C compatible common application programming
interface (API) allows programs to be portable across different platforms.
And extensibility allows vendors to add additional capabilities.
There are other goals for audio services that are not shared with the core
X protocol. For example, notions of security, compression, and cooperation
with other media have been built into the core audio protocol. These allow
better integration into a larger infrastructure, currently known as
Broadway. Please see Scheifler, Broadway: Universal Access to
Interactive Applications over the Web, also in these Proceedings, for
more information on the overall Broadway infrastructure.
Finally, the X Audio System has been designed to make writing simple
programs simple, with the remainder of the system learnable on an
incremental basis. The programming model has been designed to fit well
with toolkits, so that a single programming style can be utilized
throughout an application.
Targeted Applications
In order to ship in a timely manner, version 1.0 focuses on support for the following applications:
- Basic record and playback
- Audio on the web
- Playing synchronized audio/video clips
- Teleconferencing
- Support needed for NT audio device drivers
In addition, the architecture was selected to allow future growth.
Applications Not Targeted
There are also application areas for which advanced capabilities have been
omitted from the X Audio System, or have been intentionally omitted from
version 1.0 of the core protocol. In most cases it is felt that such
capabilities are best layered on top of the audio system, designed as an
extension to the core audio system, or deferred until after the first
release. Non-goals for version 1.0 of the core protocol include the
A generalized digital signal processing or filtering environment.
The system focuses on handling audio for human consumption, rather
than providing signal analysis tools.
Post-production or studio production.
It is not the goal of the audio system to provide a full sound studio
environment within the core server.
Internal provision of sophisticated multimedia synchronization paradigms.
The current audio system provides low level support for synchronization
of other media to audio and a virtual time model. Its architecture allows
clients or extensions to provide high er level synchronization, but the
core protocol does not provide these directly.
Control of generalized analog signal routing and processing.
MIDI support in the core server.
Full game support.
Note that since the audio system architecture is designed to be very
extensible, these services can be added at a later date.
The audio system meets the needs of targeted applications with the
following features:
Record and playback of audio clips
Temporary storage of audio clips
Encapsulation of audio hardware services in a server.
Rate and format conversion.
Explicit time model for audio data streams and devices.
An extensible programming model and interface compatible with toolkits.
The X Audio System uses a client-server architectural model, where audio
hardware is abstracted into the server, and the application becomes a
client of that server to obtain audio services. The application becomes
a client of the server by opening a connection to the server.
The X Audio System defines three components: the API that the client uses
to interact with the library, the protocol that the library uses to
interact with the server, and the objects that the application manipulates
via the library and protocol. Objects exist on both the client and server
sides, depending on what services they abstract.
The object model uses the notion of classes. A class defines a list of
values called attributes and defines the meaning of each of these
attributes for that class and what happens when these attributes change.
Unlike some object models, the X Audio object model defines only a few
methods (or requests) on the object: create, destroy, get, set, and (for
some objects) read and write.
The protocol and C API are relatively small, since they provide a generic
mechanism to create, destroy, modify, and query objects. The complete
client visible state of the server and library is presented as a
collection of objects. The classes of these objects are defined in the
protocol and library specifications. The system provides pre-created
instances of some of these classes, and the application may create
instances of some classes. It is not intended for applications to subclass
from these classes.
Server Classes
A client uses an instance of a server side "port" object to move data into
and out of the server. The application uses the port to access the buffer
of an output "device" or input device in the server. A simple example may
help explain this.
A simple case is where an application has samples in its memory and
would like to play them. To do this, the application takes the following
Opens a connection to the server.
Obtains a "format" object in the server that describes the sample rate
and other characteristics of the samples.
Creates a port object in the server to accept samples from the client
for output to the default output device. (The port will use the format
created in the previous step to decode the audio samples sent to it.)
Sends the audio samples to the port.
Figure 1 below shows the resulting setup, with client-created objects to
the left of the vertical dashed line:
Figure 1: An application writing samples to an output device.

In the above figure, the port object receives the audio samples in the
client's format and timeline. The format of the client's audio samples is
defined by the format object attached to the port. The port object
converts the samples to the format of the device and schedules the samples
to the timeline of the output device for playback.
To record samples, the process is very similar, except that the client
creates a port object that makes the audio samples from the default input
device available for reading, and then the client fetches samples from the
port. In Figure 2 below, client created objects are shown to the right of
the vertical dashed line.
Figure 2: An application reading samples from an input device.

There are several other classes of objects in the server. For example,
bucket objects temporarily store audio clips in the server, waveform
objects generate synthetic audio signals, and other classes exist which
are used for access control. Triggers provide notification to client
applications whenever a targeted set of attributes change or an error
occurs. In fact, the entire client-visible state of the server is
presented as attributes on instances of the various classes.
Client Classes
There are several classes of objects which exist only in the client. File
objects represent audio files on disk, and contain information parsed from
the audio file header, such as the file and data formats. Reader objects
provide a spooling mechanism by which a client application can read
samples from an audio file and automatically send the data to an audio
server. Finally, event handler objects exist within the client as a sort
of "handle" for manipulating triggers within the server, while at the same
time encapsulating callback information in case the trigger sends an event
message back to the client.
One of the primary design goals of the X Audio System is to enable
developers to write simple, often-used applications with a minimal amount
of code. Here is an example which demonstrates the relative simplicity
with which X Audio applications may be written. The following code, given
a buffer of mlaw-formatted data, opens a connection to an audio server,
creates a port on an output device (speaker) and writes the buffer's
contents to the port.
XaErrorCode playUlawBuffer(void *buf, int numSamples)
XaAudio aud;
XaTag outputPort, fmt;
int numBitsToProcess = numSamples * 8;
int numBitsProcessed = numBitsToProcess;
XaErrorCode err = XaEsuccess;
/* Open a connection to the audio server. */
aud = XaOpenAudio();
/* Get a ulaw format object so that we can specify what kind
of data we wish to send */
fmt = XaFind(XaCFormat, "ulaw");
/* Create a port onto the default output device.
Setting the input device to XaTclient tells the server
that the client will be writing to the port.
The output device will be automatically set to the
default output. */
output = XaCreate(aud, XaCPort,
XaNinputBuffer, XaTclient,
XaNformat, fmt);
while((numBitsToProcess > 0) && (err == XaEsuccess))
err = XaWrite(aud, output, (XaTime) 0, XA_LATEST_TIME,
buf, numBitsToProcess, 0, &numBitsProcessed);
numBitsToProcess -= numBitsProcessed;
XaDestroy(aud, outputPort);
return err;
The protocol and API specifications for the X Audio System are expected to
go to Consortium review shortly. The X Consortium implementation of the X
Audio server and client library will be included as part of the Broadway
Slides of the XTECH '96 presentation accompanying this paper may be found at
See also Scheifler, R., Broadway: Universal Access to Interactive
Applications over the Web, elsewhere in the XTECH '96 Proceedings
(slides at
The X Audio System is the result of efforts by many people. The authors wish
to thank David Rivas of Sun Microsystems, Peter Derr of Digital Equipment
Corp., and Mike Patnode and Shawn McMurdo of SCO.
Ray Tice and Mark Welch may be reached at the following address:
X Consortium Inc.
201 Broadway, 7th floor
Cambridge, MA 02139