ANNOUNCING pexView-1.0 A PEX Viewer for OFF Objects by Saki Gaitatzes What is it: A PEX Viewer for 3D OFF Objects. In the viewObject/doc directory you can find a description of the OFF format. Plenty of objects are included to get you started in the viewObject/objects directory. What features does the viewer have: Display Solid/Wireframe objects. Turn Culling/Edges On/Off. Single object Shadow Morphing is available if the topologies of the two objects is the same Do Fly bys' Why is it better: For the first time you can also create objects. Here is a small list: Tetrahedron Cube Octahedron Dodecahedron Icosahedron Cuboctahedron Icosidodecahedron Rhombicosidodecahedron Snub_cube Snub_dodecahedron Truncated_cube Truncated_dodecahedron Truncated_icosahedron Ellipsoid SuperEllipsoid Torus SuperTorus Box Cone Cylinder Sphere Mountains, Implicit Functions What else can I do with it: There is a Color Editor, Material Editor and Light Editor so you can change the attributes of the objects on the fly. (A View Editor coming) Can I save my changes: Yes, but of course. Can I generate animation sequences: Yes, but of course. When you go into video mode all the frames from that point on (until you stop) are saved in MPEG format. Use your favorite viewer. Can I get a hardcopy: Well if you have a color postscript printer thats great. But black and white is good for me. Where can I get it from: Anonymous ftp from