rfc9692v5.txt   rfc9692.txt 
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) T. Przygienda, Ed. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) T. Przygienda, Ed.
Request for Comments: 9692 J. Head, Ed. Request for Comments: 9692 J. Head, Ed.
Category: Standards Track Juniper Networks Category: Standards Track Juniper Networks
ISSN: 2070-1721 A. Sharma ISSN: 2070-1721 A. Sharma
Hudson River Trading Hudson River Trading
P. Thubert P. Thubert
B. Rijsman B. Rijsman
Individual Individual
D. Afanasiev
March 2025 March 2025
RIFT: Routing in Fat Trees RIFT: Routing in Fat Trees
Abstract Abstract
This document defines a specialized, dynamic routing protocol for This document defines a specialized, dynamic routing protocol for
Clos, fat tree, and variants thereof. These topologies were Clos, fat tree, and variants thereof. These topologies were
initially used within crossbar interconnects and consequently router initially used within crossbar interconnects and consequently router
and switch backplanes, but their characteristics make them ideal for and switch backplanes, but their characteristics make them ideal for
skipping to change at line 421 skipping to change at line 423
nodes. It should also help cement some of RIFT's core concepts in nodes. It should also help cement some of RIFT's core concepts in
the reader's mind. the reader's mind.
Last but not least, RIFT has other optional capabilities. One Last but not least, RIFT has other optional capabilities. One
example is the key-value datastore, which enables RIFT to advertise example is the key-value datastore, which enables RIFT to advertise
data post-convergence in order to bootstrap higher levels of data post-convergence in order to bootstrap higher levels of
functionality (e.g., operational telemetry). Those are covered in functionality (e.g., operational telemetry). Those are covered in
Section 6.8. Section 6.8.
More information related to RIFT can be found in the "RIFT More information related to RIFT can be found in the "RIFT
Applicability" [APPLICABILITY] document, which discusses alternate Applicability" [RFC9696] document, which discusses alternate
topologies upon which RIFT may be deployed, describes use cases where topologies upon which RIFT may be deployed, describes use cases where
it is applicable, and presents operational considerations that it is applicable, and presents operational considerations that
complement this document. "RIFT Day One" [DayOne] covers some complement this document. "RIFT Day One" [DayOne] covers some
practical details of existing RIFT implementations and deployment practical details of existing RIFT implementations and deployment
details. details.
3. Reference Frame 3. Reference Frame
3.1. Terminology 3.1. Terminology
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Set of ToFs that are aware of each other by means of south Set of ToFs that are aware of each other by means of south
reflection. Planes are designated by capital letters, e.g., plane reflection. Planes are designated by capital letters, e.g., plane
A. A.
N: N:
Denotes the number of independent ToF planes in a topology. Denotes the number of independent ToF planes in a topology.
R: R:
Denotes a redundancy factor, i.e., the number of ToP nodes in a Denotes a redundancy factor, i.e., the number of ToP nodes in a
PoD that are connected to a ToF plane. In a single-plane design, PoD that are connected to a ToF plane. In a single-plane design,
R is equal to K_LEAF R is equal to K_LEAF.
Fallen Leaf: Fallen Leaf:
A fallen leaf in a plane Z is a switch that lost all connectivity A fallen leaf in a plane Z is a switch that lost all connectivity
northbound to Z. northbound to Z.
5.2.2. Clos as Crossed, Stacked Crossbars 5.2.2. Clos as Crossed, Stacked Crossbars
The typical topology for which RIFT is defined is built of P number The typical topology for which RIFT is defined is built of P number
of PoDs and connected together by S number of ToF nodes. A PoD node of PoDs and connected together by S number of ToF nodes. A PoD node
has 2K number of ports. From here on, half of them (K=Radix/2) are has 2K number of ports. From here on, half of them (K=Radix/2) are
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parent P over adjacencies ADJ(N, P) and ADJ(P, G). Observe that N parent P over adjacencies ADJ(N, P) and ADJ(P, G). Observe that N
does not have enough information to check bidirectional does not have enough information to check bidirectional
reachability of ADJ(P, G); reachability of ADJ(P, G);
* let R be a redundancy constant integer; a value of 2 or higher for * let R be a redundancy constant integer; a value of 2 or higher for
* let S be a similarity constant integer; a value in range 0 .. 2 * let S be a similarity constant integer; a value in range 0 .. 2
for S is RECOMMENDED, and the value of 1 SHOULD be used. Two for S is RECOMMENDED, and the value of 1 SHOULD be used. Two
cardinalities are considered as equivalent if their absolute cardinalities are considered as equivalent if their absolute
difference is less than or equal to S, i.e., |a-b|<=S difference is less than or equal to S, i.e., |a-b|<=S;
* let RND be a 64-bit random number (for example, as described in * let RND be a 64-bit random number (for example, as described in
[RFC4086]) generated by the system once on startup. [RFC4086]) generated by the system once on startup.
The algorithm consists of the following steps: The algorithm consists of the following steps:
1. Derive a 64-bit number by XORing N's System ID with RND. 1. Derive a 64-bit number by XORing N's System ID with RND.
2. Derive a 16-bit pseudo-random unsigned integer PR(N) from the 2. Derive a 16-bit pseudo-random unsigned integer PR(N) from the
resulting 64-bit number by splitting it into 16-bit-long words resulting 64-bit number by splitting it into 16-bit-long words
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i. if there exists an adjacency ADJ(P, G) in |NA(P) such i. if there exists an adjacency ADJ(P, G) in |NA(P) such
that c(G) < R, then that c(G) < R, then
1. place P in FR set; 1. place P in FR set;
2. for all adjacencies ADJ(P, G') in |NA(P) increment 2. for all adjacencies ADJ(P, G') in |NA(P) increment
c(G') c(G')
8. If any c(G) is still < R, it was not possible to elect a set of 8. If any c(G) is still < R, it was not possible to elect a set of
FRs that covers all grandparents with redundancy R FRs that covers all grandparents with redundancy R.
Additional rules for flooding reduction: Additional rules for flooding reduction:
1. The algorithm MUST be re-evaluated by a node on every change of 1. The algorithm MUST be re-evaluated by a node on every change of
local adjacencies or reception of a parent South TIE with changed local adjacencies or reception of a parent South TIE with changed
adjacencies. A node MAY apply a hysteresis to prevent an adjacencies. A node MAY apply a hysteresis to prevent an
excessive amount of computation during periods of network excessive amount of computation during periods of network
instability just like in the case of reachability computation. instability just like in the case of reachability computation.
2. Upon a change of the flood repeater set, a node SHOULD send out 2. Upon a change of the flood repeater set, a node SHOULD send out
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with that, the computation cannot progress beyond adjacent nodes. with that, the computation cannot progress beyond adjacent nodes.
Once progressing, the computation uses the next higher level's South Once progressing, the computation uses the next higher level's South
Node TIEs to find corresponding adjacencies to verify backlink Node TIEs to find corresponding adjacencies to verify backlink
connectivity. Two unidirectional links MUST be associated to confirm connectivity. Two unidirectional links MUST be associated to confirm
bidirectional connectivity, a process often known as "backlink bidirectional connectivity, a process often known as "backlink
check". As part of the check, both Node TIEs MUST contain the check". As part of the check, both Node TIEs MUST contain the
correct System IDs *and* expected levels. correct System IDs *and* expected levels.
The default route found when crossing an E-W link SHOULD be used if The default route found when crossing an E-W link SHOULD be used if
and only if: and only if
1. the node itself does *not* have any northbound adjacencies *and* 1. the node itself does *not* have any northbound adjacencies *and*
2. the adjacent node has one or more northbound adjacencies 2. the adjacent node has one or more northbound adjacencies.
This rule forms a "one-hop default route split-horizon" and prevents This rule forms a "one-hop default route split-horizon" and prevents
looping over default routes while allowing for "one-hop protection" looping over default routes while allowing for "one-hop protection"
of nodes that lost all northbound adjacencies, except at the ToF of nodes that lost all northbound adjacencies, except at the ToF
where the links are used exclusively to flood topology information in where the links are used exclusively to flood topology information in
multi-plane designs. multi-plane designs.
Other south prefixes found when crossing E-W links MAY be used if and Other south prefixes found when crossing E-W links MAY be used if and
only if only if
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may require that a BFD session comes up before advertising the may require that a BFD session comes up before advertising the
adjacency. adjacency.
For the cases outlined above, RIFT has two approaches to enforce that For the cases outlined above, RIFT has two approaches to enforce that
a local port is connected to the correct port on the correct remote a local port is connected to the correct port on the correct remote
node. One approach is to piggyback on RIFT's authentication node. One approach is to piggyback on RIFT's authentication
mechanism. Assuming the provisioning model (e.g., YANG) is flexible mechanism. Assuming the provisioning model (e.g., YANG) is flexible
enough, operators can choose to provision a unique authentication key enough, operators can choose to provision a unique authentication key
for the following conceptual models: for the following conceptual models:
* each pair of ports in "port-association model" * each pair of ports in "port-association model",
* each pair of switches in "node-association model", or * each pair of switches in "node-association model", or
* the entire fabric in "fabric-association model". * the entire fabric in "fabric-association model".
The other approach is to rely on the System ID, port-id, and level The other approach is to rely on the System ID, port-id, and level
fields in the LIE message to validate an adjacency against the fields in the LIE message to validate an adjacency against the
expected cabling topology and optionally introduce some new rules in expected cabling topology and optionally introduce some new rules in
the FSM to allow the adjacency to come up if the expectations are the FSM to allow the adjacency to come up if the expectations are
met. met.
skipping to change at line 5455 skipping to change at line 5457
deserialized to obtain the originator. deserialized to obtain the originator.
Fingerprint Length: 8 bits Fingerprint Length: 8 bits
Length in 32-bit multiples of the following fingerprint (not Length in 32-bit multiples of the following fingerprint (not
including lifetime or weak nonces). It allows the structure to be including lifetime or weak nonces). It allows the structure to be
navigated when an unknown key type is present. To clarify, a navigated when an unknown key type is present. To clarify, a
common corner case when this value is set to 0 is when it common corner case when this value is set to 0 is when it
signifies an empty (0 bytes long) security fingerprint. signifies an empty (0 bytes long) security fingerprint.
Security Fingerprint: 32 bits * Fingerprint Length. Security Fingerprint: 32 bits * Fingerprint Length
This is a signature that is computed over all data following after This is a signature that is computed over all data following after
it. If the significant bits of the fingerprint are fewer than the it. If the significant bits of the fingerprint are fewer than the
32-bit padded length, then the significant bits MUST be left 32-bit padded length, then the significant bits MUST be left
aligned and the remaining bits on the right are padded with 0s. aligned and the remaining bits on the right are padded with 0s.
When using Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), the security When using Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), the security
fingerprint originating node uses its private key to create the fingerprint originating node uses its private key to create the
signature. The original packet can then be verified, provided the signature. The original packet can then be verified, provided the
public key is shared and current. Methodology to negotiate, public key is shared and current. Methodology to negotiate,
distribute, or rollover keys is outside the scope of this distribute, or rollover keys is outside the scope of this
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To isolate possible attack vectors on the leaf to the largest To isolate possible attack vectors on the leaf to the largest
possible extent, a dedicated leaf-only implementation could run possible extent, a dedicated leaf-only implementation could run
without any configuration by: without any configuration by:
* hard-coding a well-known adjacency key (which can be always rolled * hard-coding a well-known adjacency key (which can be always rolled
over by means of, e.g., a well-known key-value distributed from over by means of, e.g., a well-known key-value distributed from
top of the fabric), top of the fabric),
* hard-coding a leaf level value, and * hard-coding a leaf level value, and
* always setting the overload flag * always setting the overload flag.
9.9.1. IPv4 Broadcast and IPv6 All-Routers Multicast Implementations 9.9.1. IPv4 Broadcast and IPv6 All-Routers Multicast Implementations
Section 6.2 describes an optional implementation that supports LIE Section 6.2 describes an optional implementation that supports LIE
exchange over IPv4 broadcast addresses and/or the IPv6 all-routers exchange over IPv4 broadcast addresses and/or the IPv6 all-routers
multicast address. It is important to consider that if an multicast address. It is important to consider that if an
implementation supports this, the attack surface widens as LIEs may implementation supports this, the attack surface widens as LIEs may
be propagated to devices outside of the intended RIFT topology. This be propagated to devices outside of the intended RIFT topology. This
may leave RIFT nodes more susceptible to the various attack vectors may leave RIFT nodes more susceptible to the various attack vectors
already described in this section. already described in this section.
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|1 | name |8.0 | |Node or | |1 | name |8.0 | |Node or |
| | | | |adjacency | | | | | |adjacency |
| | | | |name. | | | | | |name. |
+-----+-----------------------------+-------+--------+--------------+ +-----+-----------------------------+-------+--------+--------------+
|2 | local_id |8.0 | |Local link | |2 | local_id |8.0 | |Local link |
| | | | |ID. | | | | | |ID. |
+-----+-----------------------------+-------+--------+--------------+ +-----+-----------------------------+-------+--------+--------------+
|3 | flood_port |8.0 | |UDP port to | |3 | flood_port |8.0 | |UDP port to |
| | | | |which we can | | | | | |which we can |
| | | | |receive | | | | | |receive |
| | | | |flooded ties. | | | | | |flooded TIEs. |
+-----+-----------------------------+-------+--------+--------------+ +-----+-----------------------------+-------+--------+--------------+
|4 | link_mtu_size |8.0 | |Layer 2 MTU, | |4 | link_mtu_size |8.0 | |Layer 2 MTU, |
| | | | |used to | | | | | |used to |
| | | | |discover | | | | | |discover |
| | | | |mismatch. | | | | | |mismatch. |
+-----+-----------------------------+-------+--------+--------------+ +-----+-----------------------------+-------+--------+--------------+
|5 | link_bandwidth |8.0 | |Local link | |5 | link_bandwidth |8.0 | |Local link |
| | | | |bandwidth on | | | | | |bandwidth on |
| | | | |the | | | | | |the |
| | | | |interface. | | | | | |interface. |
skipping to change at line 7103 skipping to change at line 7105
| | | | |node to | | | | | |node to |
| | | | |achieve flood | | | | | |achieve flood |
| | | | |reduction and | | | | | |reduction and |
| | | | |balancing for | | | | | |balancing for |
| | | | |northbound | | | | | |northbound |
| | | | |flooding. | | | | | |flooding. |
+-----+-----------------------------+-------+--------+--------------+ +-----+-----------------------------+-------+--------+--------------+
|23 | you_are_sending_too_quickly |8.0 | |Indicates to | |23 | you_are_sending_too_quickly |8.0 | |Indicates to |
| | | | |the neighbor | | | | | |the neighbor |
| | | | |to flood node | | | | | |to flood node |
| | | | |ties only and | | | | | |TIEs only and |
| | | | |slow down all | | | | | |slow down all |
| | | | |other ties. | | | | | |other TIEs. |
| | | | |Ignored when | | | | | |Ignored when |
| | | | |received from | | | | | |received from |
| | | | |the | | | | | |the |
| | | | |southbound | | | | | |southbound |
| | | | |neighbor. | | | | | |neighbor. |
+-----+-----------------------------+-------+--------+--------------+ +-----+-----------------------------+-------+--------+--------------+
|24 | instance_name |8.0 | |Instance name | |24 | instance_name |8.0 | |Instance name |
| | | | |in case | | | | | |in case |
| | | | |multiple RIFT | | | | | |multiple RIFT |
| | | | |instances are | | | | | |instances are |
skipping to change at line 7338 skipping to change at line 7340
+-------+-----------+---------+----------+----------------------+ +-------+-----------+---------+----------+----------------------+
| 3 | cost | 8.0 | | Cost to neighbor. | | 3 | cost | 8.0 | | Cost to neighbor. |
| | | | | Ignore anything | | | | | | Ignore anything |
| | | | | equal or larger than | | | | | | equal or larger than |
| | | | | 'infinite_distance' | | | | | | 'infinite_distance' |
| | | | | and equal to | | | | | | and equal to |
| | | | | 'invalid_distance'. | | | | | | 'invalid_distance'. |
+-------+-----------+---------+----------+----------------------+ +-------+-----------+---------+----------+----------------------+
| 4 | link_ids | 8.0 | | Carries description | | 4 | link_ids | 8.0 | | Carries description |
| | | | | of multiple parallel | | | | | | of multiple parallel |
| | | | | links in a tie. | | | | | | links in a TIE. |
+-------+-----------+---------+----------+----------------------+ +-------+-----------+---------+----------+----------------------+
| 5 | bandwidth | 8.0 | | Total bandwidth to | | 5 | bandwidth | 8.0 | | Total bandwidth to |
| | | | | neighbor as sum of | | | | | | neighbor as sum of |
| | | | | all parallel links. | | | | | | all parallel links. |
+-------+-----------+---------+----------+----------------------+ +-------+-----------+---------+----------+----------------------+
Table 30: Neighbor of a Node Table 30: Neighbor of a Node
10.3.24. RIFTEncodingNodeTIEElement Registry 10.3.24. RIFTEncodingNodeTIEElement Registry
skipping to change at line 7364 skipping to change at line 7366
| | | Version | Version | | | | | Version | Version | |
+=======+=================+=========+==========+====================+ +=======+=================+=========+==========+====================+
| 0 | Reserved | 8.0 | All | | | 0 | Reserved | 8.0 | All | |
| | | | Versions | | | | | | Versions | |
+-------+-----------------+---------+----------+--------------------+ +-------+-----------------+---------+----------+--------------------+
| 1 | level | 8.0 | | Level of the | | 1 | level | 8.0 | | Level of the |
| | | | | node. | | | | | | node. |
+-------+-----------------+---------+----------+--------------------+ +-------+-----------------+---------+----------+--------------------+
| 2 | neighbors | 8.0 | | Node's neighbors. | | 2 | neighbors | 8.0 | | Node's neighbors. |
| | | | | Multiple node | | | | | | Multiple node |
| | | | | ties can carry | | | | | | TIEs can carry |
| | | | | disjoint sets of | | | | | | disjoint sets of |
| | | | | neighbors. | | | | | | neighbors. |
+-------+-----------------+---------+----------+--------------------+ +-------+-----------------+---------+----------+--------------------+
| 3 | capabilities | 8.0 | | Capabilities of | | 3 | capabilities | 8.0 | | Capabilities of |
| | | | | the node. | | | | | | the node. |
+-------+-----------------+---------+----------+--------------------+ +-------+-----------------+---------+----------+--------------------+
| 4 | flags | 8.0 | | Flags of the | | 4 | flags | 8.0 | | Flags of the |
| | | | | node. | | | | | | node. |
+-------+-----------------+---------+----------+--------------------+ +-------+-----------------+---------+----------+--------------------+
| 5 | name | 8.0 | | Optional node | | 5 | name | 8.0 | | Optional node |
skipping to change at line 7394 skipping to change at line 7396
| 10 | miscabled_links | 8.0 | | If any local | | 10 | miscabled_links | 8.0 | | If any local |
| | | | | links are | | | | | | links are |
| | | | | miscabled, this | | | | | | miscabled, this |
| | | | | indication is | | | | | | indication is |
| | | | | flooded. | | | | | | flooded. |
+-------+-----------------+---------+----------+--------------------+ +-------+-----------------+---------+----------+--------------------+
| 12 | same_plane_tofs | 8.0 | | ToFs in the same | | 12 | same_plane_tofs | 8.0 | | ToFs in the same |
| | | | | plane. Only | | | | | | plane. Only |
| | | | | carried by ToF. | | | | | | carried by ToF. |
| | | | | Multiple node | | | | | | Multiple node |
| | | | | ties can carry | | | | | | TIEs can carry |
| | | | | disjoint sets of | | | | | | disjoint sets of |
| | | | | ToFs that must be | | | | | | ToFs that must be |
| | | | | joined to form a | | | | | | joined to form a |
| | | | | single set. | | | | | | single set. |
+-------+-----------------+---------+----------+--------------------+ +-------+-----------------+---------+----------+--------------------+
| 20 | fabric_id | 8.0 | | It provides the | | 20 | fabric_id | 8.0 | | It provides the |
| | | | | optional ID of | | | | | | optional ID of |
| | | | | the fabric | | | | | | the fabric |
| | | | | configured. | | | | | | configured. |
+-------+-----------------+---------+----------+--------------------+ +-------+-----------------+---------+----------+--------------------+
skipping to change at line 7449 skipping to change at line 7451
| 0 | Reserved | 8.0 | All | | | 0 | Reserved | 8.0 | All | |
| | | | Versions | | | | | | Versions | |
+-------+---------------+---------+----------+-------------------+ +-------+---------------+---------+----------+-------------------+
| 1 | major_version | 8.0 | | Major version of | | 1 | major_version | 8.0 | | Major version of |
| | | | | protocol. | | | | | | protocol. |
+-------+---------------+---------+----------+-------------------+ +-------+---------------+---------+----------+-------------------+
| 2 | minor_version | 8.0 | | Minor version of | | 2 | minor_version | 8.0 | | Minor version of |
| | | | | protocol. | | | | | | protocol. |
+-------+---------------+---------+----------+-------------------+ +-------+---------------+---------+----------+-------------------+
| 3 | sender | 8.0 | | Node sending the | | 3 | sender | 8.0 | | Node sending the |
| | | | | packet, in case | | | | | | packet; in case |
| | | | | of LIE/TIRE/TIDE | | | | | | of LIE/TIRE/TIDE |
| | | | | also the | | | | | | also the |
| | | | | originator of it. | | | | | | originator of it. |
+-------+---------------+---------+----------+-------------------+ +-------+---------------+---------+----------+-------------------+
| 4 | level | 8.0 | | Level of the node | | 4 | level | 8.0 | | Level of the node |
| | | | | sending the | | | | | | sending the |
| | | | | packet, required | | | | | | packet, required |
| | | | | on everything | | | | | | on everything |
| | | | | except LIEs. | | | | | | except LIEs. |
| | | | | Lack of presence | | | | | | Lack of presence |
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[SHA-2] NIST, "Secure Hash Standard (SHS)", FIPS PUB 180-4, [SHA-2] NIST, "Secure Hash Standard (SHS)", FIPS PUB 180-4,
DOI 10.6028/NIST.FIPS.180-4, July 2015, DOI 10.6028/NIST.FIPS.180-4, July 2015,
<https://csrc.nist.gov/pubs/fips/180-4/upd1/final>. <https://csrc.nist.gov/pubs/fips/180-4/upd1/final>.
[thrift] Apache Software Foundation, "Apache Thrift Documentation", [thrift] Apache Software Foundation, "Apache Thrift Documentation",
<https://thrift.apache.org/docs/>. <https://thrift.apache.org/docs/>.
11.2. Informative References 11.2. Informative References
Wei, Y., Zhang, Z., Afanasiev, D., Thubert, P., and T.
Przygienda, "RIFT Applicability and Operational
Considerations", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
ietf-rift-applicability-17, 17 June 2024,
[CLOS] Yuan, X., "On Nonblocking Folded-Clos Networks in Computer [CLOS] Yuan, X., "On Nonblocking Folded-Clos Networks in Computer
Communication Environments", 2011 IEEE International Communication Environments", 2011 IEEE International
Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium,
DOI 10.1109/IPDPS.2011.27, 2011, DOI 10.1109/IPDPS.2011.27, May 2011,
<https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6012836>. <https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6012836>.
[DayOne] Aelmans, M., Vandezande, O., Rijsman, B., Head, J., Graf, [DayOne] Aelmans, M., Vandezande, O., Rijsman, B., Head, J., Graf,
C., Alberro, L., Mali, H., and O. Steudler, "Day One: C., Alberro, L., Mali, H., and O. Steudler, "Day One:
Routing in Fat Trees (RIFT)", Juniper Network Books, Routing in Fat Trees (RIFT)", Juniper Network Books,
ISBN 978-1-7363160-0-9, December 2020. ISBN 978-1-7363160-0-9, December 2020.
[DIJKSTRA] Dijkstra, E. W., "A Note on Two Problems in Connexion with [DIJKSTRA] Dijkstra, E. W., "A Note on Two Problems in Connexion with
Graphs", Numerische Mathematik, vol. 1, pp. 269-271, Graphs", Numerische Mathematik, vol. 1, pp. 269-271,
DOI 10.1007/BF01386390, December 1959, DOI 10.1007/BF01386390, December 1959,
<https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF01386390>. <https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF01386390>.
[DYNAMO] De Candia, G., Hastorun, D., Jampani, M., Kakulpati, G., [DYNAMO] De Candia, G., Hastorun, D., Jampani, M., Kakulpati, G.,
Lakshman, A., Pilchin, A., Sivasubramanian, S., Vosshall, Lakshman, A., Pilchin, A., Sivasubramanian, S., Vosshall,
P., and W. Vogels, "Dynamo: amazon's highly available key- P., and W. Vogels, "Dynamo: amazon's highly available key-
value store", ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, vol. value store", ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, vol.
41, no. 6, pp. 205-220, DOI 10.1145/1323293.1294281, 2007, 41, no. 6, pp. 205-220, DOI 10.1145/1323293.1294281,
October 2007,
<https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/1323293.1294281>. <https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/1323293.1294281>.
[EPPSTEIN] Eppstein, D., "Finding the k Shortest Paths", 1997, [EPPSTEIN] Eppstein, D., "Finding the k Shortest Paths", March 1997,
<https://ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/pubs/Epp-SJC-98.pdf>. <https://ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/pubs/Epp-SJC-98.pdf>.
[FATTREE] Leiserson, C. E., "Fat-Trees: Universal Networks for [FATTREE] Leiserson, C. E., "Fat-Trees: Universal Networks for
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Computers, vol. C-34, no. 10, pp. 892-901, Computers, vol. C-34, no. 10, pp. 892-901,
DOI 10.1109/TC.1985.6312192, October 1985, DOI 10.1109/TC.1985.6312192, October 1985,
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[IEEEstd1588] [IEEEstd1588]
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skipping to change at line 7961 skipping to change at line 7956
Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26,
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"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6)", "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6)",
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2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications
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<https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6363987>. <https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6363987>.
Appendix A. Sequence Number Binary Arithmetic Appendix A. Sequence Number Binary Arithmetic
This section defines a variant of sequence number arithmetic related This section defines a variant of sequence number arithmetic related
to [RFC1982] explained over two complement arithmetic, which is easy to [RFC1982] explained over two complement arithmetic, which is easy
to implement. to implement.
Assuming straight two complement's subtractions on the bit width of Assuming straight two complement's subtractions on the bit width of
the sequence numbers, the corresponding >: and =: relations are the sequence numbers, the corresponding >: and =: relations are
skipping to change at line 8423 skipping to change at line 8424
Email: as3957@gmail.com Email: as3957@gmail.com
Pascal Thubert Pascal Thubert
Individual Individual
France France
Email: pascal.thubert@gmail.com Email: pascal.thubert@gmail.com
Bruno Rijsman Bruno Rijsman
Individual Individual
Email: brunorijsman@gmail.com Email: brunorijsman@gmail.com
Dmitry Afanasiev
Email: fl0w@yandex-team.ru
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28 lines changed or deleted 29 lines changed or added

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