rfc9705v3.txt   rfc9705.txt 
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) C. Ramachandran Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) C. Ramachandran
Request for Comments: 9705 Juniper Networks, Inc. Request for Comments: 9705 Juniper Networks, Inc.
Updates: 4090 T. Saad Updates: 4090 T. Saad
Category: Standards Track Cisco Systems, Inc. Category: Standards Track Cisco Systems, Inc.
ISSN: 2070-1721 I. Minei ISSN: 2070-1721 D. Pacella
Google, Inc.
D. Pacella
Verizon, Inc. Verizon, Inc.
January 2025 March 2025
Refresh-Interval Independent RSVP Fast Reroute Facility Protection Refresh-Interval Independent RSVP Fast Reroute Facility Protection
Abstract Abstract
The RSVP-TE Fast Reroute (FRR) extensions specified in RFC 4090 The RSVP-TE Fast Reroute (FRR) extensions specified in RFC 4090
define two local repair techniques to reroute Label Switched Path define two local repair techniques to reroute Label Switched Path
(LSP) traffic over pre-established backup tunnels. Facility backup (LSP) traffic over pre-established backup tunnels. Facility backup
method allows one or more LSPs traversing a connected link or node to method allows one or more LSPs traversing a connected link or node to
be protected using a bypass tunnel. The many-to-one nature of local be protected using a bypass tunnel. The many-to-one nature of local
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4.4.1. Sending the Conditional PathTear 4.4.1. Sending the Conditional PathTear
4.4.2. Processing the Conditional PathTear 4.4.2. Processing the Conditional PathTear
4.4.3. CONDITIONS Object 4.4.3. CONDITIONS Object
4.5. Remote State Teardown 4.5. Remote State Teardown
4.5.1. PLR Behavior on Local Repair Failure 4.5.1. PLR Behavior on Local Repair Failure
4.5.2. PLR Behavior on Resv RRO Change 4.5.2. PLR Behavior on Resv RRO Change
4.5.3. LSP Preemption During Local Repair 4.5.3. LSP Preemption During Local Repair Preemption on LP-MP After PHOP Link Failure Preemption on LP-MP After PHOP Link Failure Preemption on NP-MP After PHOP Link Failure Preemption on NP-MP After PHOP Link Failure
4.6. Backward Compatibility Procedures 4.6. Backward Compatibility Procedures
4.6.1. Detecting Support for Refresh-Interval Independent 4.6.1. Detecting Support for Refresh-Interval Independent RSVP
4.6.2. Procedures for Backward Compatibility 4.6.2. Procedures for Backward Compatibility Lack of Support on Downstream Nodes Lack of Support on Downstream Nodes Lack of Support on Upstream Nodes Lack of Support on Upstream Nodes Incremental Deployment Incremental Deployment
4.7. Consequences of Advertising RI-RSVP Without RI-RSVP-FRR 4.7. Consequences of Advertising RI-RSVP Without RI-RSVP-FRR
5. Security Considerations 5. Security Considerations
6. IANA Considerations 6. IANA Considerations
6.1. CONDITIONS Object 6.1. CONDITIONS Object
7. References 7. References
7.1. Normative References 7.1. Normative References
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RSB states on receiving a PathTear from C. RSB states on receiving a PathTear from C.
4. B starts backup LSP signaling to D. However, as D does not have 4. B starts backup LSP signaling to D. However, as D does not have
the LSP state, it will reject the backup LSP Path message and the LSP state, it will reject the backup LSP Path message and
send a PathErr to B. send a PathErr to B.
5. B will delete its reservation and send a ResvTear to A. 5. B will delete its reservation and send a ResvTear to A.
4.6. Backward Compatibility Procedures 4.6. Backward Compatibility Procedures
"Refresh-Interval Independent RSVP-TE FRR" and "RI-RSVP-FRR" refer to "Refresh-Interval Independent RSVP FRR" and "RI-RSVP-FRR" refer to
the set of procedures defined in this document to eliminate the the set of procedures defined in this document to eliminate the
reliance on periodic refreshes. The extensions proposed in RSVP-TE reliance on periodic refreshes. The extensions proposed in RSVP-TE
Summary FRR [RFC8796] may apply to implementations that do not Summary FRR [RFC8796] may apply to implementations that do not
support RI-RSVP-FRR. On the other hand, RI-RSVP-FRR extensions support RI-RSVP-FRR. On the other hand, RI-RSVP-FRR extensions
relating to LSP state cleanup, namely Conditional and "Remote" relating to LSP state cleanup, namely Conditional and "Remote"
PathTears, require support from one-hop and two-hop neighboring nodes PathTears, require support from one-hop and two-hop neighboring nodes
along the LSP. Thus, procedures that fall under the LSP state along the LSP. Thus, procedures that fall under the LSP state
cleanup category MUST NOT be turned on if any of the nodes involved cleanup category MUST NOT be turned on if any of the nodes involved
in the node protection FRR (i.e., the PLR, the MP, and the in the node protection FRR (i.e., the PLR, the MP, and the
intermediate node in the case of NP) do not support RI-RSVP-FRR intermediate node in the case of NP) do not support RI-RSVP-FRR
extensions. Note that for LSPs requesting link protection, only the extensions. Note that for LSPs requesting link protection, only the
PLR and the LP-MP MUST support the extensions. PLR and the LP-MP MUST support the extensions.
4.6.1. Detecting Support for Refresh-Interval Independent RSVP-TE FRR 4.6.1. Detecting Support for Refresh-Interval Independent RSVP FRR
An implementation supporting RI-RSVP-FRR extensions MUST set the RI- An implementation supporting RI-RSVP-FRR extensions MUST set the RI-
RSVP Capable flag in the CAPABILITY object carried in Hello messages RSVP Capable flag in the CAPABILITY object carried in Hello messages
as specified in RSVP-TE Scaling Techniques [RFC8370]. If an as specified in RSVP-TE Scaling Techniques [RFC8370]. If an
implementation does not set the flag even if it supports RI-RSVP-FRR implementation does not set the flag even if it supports RI-RSVP-FRR
extensions, then its neighbors will view the node as any node that extensions, then its neighbors will view the node as any node that
does not support the extensions. does not support the extensions.
* As nodes supporting the RI-RSVP-FRR extensions initiate Node-ID- * As nodes supporting the RI-RSVP-FRR extensions initiate Node-ID-
based signaling adjacency with all immediate neighbors, such a based signaling adjacency with all immediate neighbors, such a
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1. Implementations SHOULD also provide the option to specify a limit 1. Implementations SHOULD also provide the option to specify a limit
on the number of Node-ID-based Hello sessions that can be established on the number of Node-ID-based Hello sessions that can be established
on a router supporting the extensions defined in this document. on a router supporting the extensions defined in this document.
6. IANA Considerations 6. IANA Considerations
6.1. CONDITIONS Object 6.1. CONDITIONS Object
IANA maintains the "Class Names, Class Numbers, and Class Types" IANA maintains the "Class Names, Class Numbers, and Class Types"
registry in the "RSVP Parameters" registry group (see registry in the "RSVP Parameters" registry group (see
http://www.iana.org/assignments/rsvp-parameters/). IANA has extended <http://www.iana.org/assignments/rsvp-parameters/>). IANA has
these registries by adding a new Class Number (in the 10bbbbbb range) extended these registries by adding a new Class Number (in the
and assigning a new C-Type under this Class Number, as described 10bbbbbb range) and assigning a new C-Type under this Class Number,
below (see Section 4.4.3): as described below (see Section 4.4.3). New Class Type values for
Class Name "CONDITIONS" can be added via "IETF Review" [RFC8126].
+==============+============+===========+ +==============+============+===========+
| Class Number | Class Name | Reference | | Class Number | Class Name | Reference |
+==============+============+===========+ +==============+============+===========+
| 135 | CONDITIONS | RFC 9705 | | 135 | CONDITIONS | RFC 9705 |
+--------------+------------+-----------+ +--------------+------------+-----------+
Table 1: Class Names, Class Numbers, Table 1: Class Names, Class Numbers,
and Class Types and Class Types
+=======+=============+===========+ +=======+=============+===========+
| Value | Description | Reference | | Value | Description | Reference |
+=======+=============+===========+ +=======+=============+===========+
| 1 | CONDITIONS | RFC 9705 | | 1 | CONDITIONS | RFC 9705 |
+-------+-------------+-----------+ +-------+-------------+-----------+
Table 2: Class Type or C-Types Table 2: Class Types or C-Types
IANA has added a subregistry called "CONDITIONS Object Flags" as IANA has added a subregistry called "CONDITIONS Object Flags" as
shown below. Assignments of additional Class Type values for Class shown below. New registrations can be added via "IETF Review"
Name "CONDITIONS" are to be performed via "IETF Review" [RFC8126]. [RFC8126].
+============+==============+=============+===========+ +============+==============+=============+===========+
| Bit Number | 32-Bit Value | Name | Reference | | Bit Number | 32-Bit Value | Name | Reference |
+============+==============+=============+===========+ +============+==============+=============+===========+
| 0-30 | | Unassigned | | | 0-30 | | Unassigned | |
+------------+--------------+-------------+-----------+ +------------+--------------+-------------+-----------+
| 31 | 0x0001 | Merge-point | RFC 9705 | | 31 | 0x0001 | Merge-point | RFC 9705 |
+------------+--------------+-------------+-----------+ +------------+--------------+-------------+-----------+
Table 3: CONDITIONS Object Flags Table 3: CONDITIONS Object Flags
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We are very grateful to Yakov Rekhter for his contributions to the We are very grateful to Yakov Rekhter for his contributions to the
development of the idea and thorough review of the content of the development of the idea and thorough review of the content of the
document. We are thankful to Raveendra Torvi and Yimin Shen for document. We are thankful to Raveendra Torvi and Yimin Shen for
their comments and inputs on early versions of the document. We also their comments and inputs on early versions of the document. We also
thank Alexander Okonnikov for his review and comments on the thank Alexander Okonnikov for his review and comments on the
document. document.
Contributors Contributors
Ina Minei
Google, Inc.
Email: inaminei@google.com
Markus Jork Markus Jork
Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc.
Email: mjork@juniper.net Email: mjork@juniper.net
Harish Sitaraman Harish Sitaraman
Individual Contributor Individual Contributor
Email: harish.ietf@gmail.com Email: harish.ietf@gmail.com
Vishnu Pavan Beeram Vishnu Pavan Beeram
Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc.
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Authors' Addresses Authors' Addresses
Chandra Ramachandran Chandra Ramachandran
Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc.
Email: csekar@juniper.net Email: csekar@juniper.net
Tarek Saad Tarek Saad
Cisco Systems, Inc. Cisco Systems, Inc.
Email: tsaad@cisco.com Email: tsaad@cisco.com
Ina Minei
Google, Inc.
Email: inaminei@google.com
Dante Pacella Dante Pacella
Verizon, Inc. Verizon, Inc.
Email: dante.j.pacella@verizon.com Email: dante.j.pacella@verizon.com
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